Feb. 22, 2016 By Christian Murray
A hotel is likely to go up at 32-45 Queens Blvd. significantly higher than zoning permits, due to a planned deal with the adjacent YMCA.
The hotel will be constructed on a 10,000-square-foot lot, which would ordinarily permit only 20,000 square feet of building space for a hotel. When interviewed by the Sunnyside Post in December, developers said plans were only for a 12-story hotel.
However, the YMCA, located on a 40,000-square-foot property at 32-23 Queens Blvd., plans to merge its zoning lot with the adjacent hotel site.
This maneuver would allow the hotel to stand 17 stories as of right – or 100,000 square feet of building space – according to Jessica Rubenstein, an attorney with Eric Palatnik, representing the YMCA.
Rubinstein also said that the YMCA could transfer its air rights to the hotel, which could bring the total building space up to 140,000 square feet.
The YMCA was granted a zoning variance in the 1990s to open this Queens Boulevard location in the middle of a manufacturing/hotel zone.
Therefore, in order for its deal with the hotel developers to go through, the YMCA needs approval from the Board of Standards and Appeals to modify that variance.
Neither Rubenstein nor the BSA were able to explain exactly how the air rights transfer would work in conjunction with the zoning lots merger.
As part of the BSA process, Community Board 2 gets to weigh in.
At last Wednesday’s CB 2 Land Use Committee Meeting, Chair Lisa Deller said:
“I don’t see what rationale we can have to approve this. I can’t see any benefit to the community.”
Another board member said the YMCA’s decision to sell the air rights was “sleazy,” arguing that the YMCA had taken advantage of the good deed the community had granted it in the past.
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, who spoke about the proposed development today, was not impressed by the entire process.
“When builders seek approval through the BSA, the community is far too often left out,” Van Bramer said.
“This process goes around community and elected leaders and frequently results in developments that are wildly out of character in our neighborhoods. While I fully support the Long Island City YMCA, I simply can’t endorse a 17-story tower on this stretch of Queens Boulevard.”
Van Bramer said he has introduced a package of bills that aim to reform the BSA and make the process more open and responsive to our communities.
Isn’t the “Metro” (formally the “Mets Motel” on Queens Blvd also a homeless shelter?
-Dude with the fake crystal ball- The Plaza Hotel was scene of an armed robbery http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2015/10/05/plaza-hotel-armed-robbery/
Robbery at Wyndham Hotel in Manhattan
Man murdered in Hilton Garden Inn on West 35th Street
Yes the Z hotel, The Hilton Garden Inn LIC, The Wyndham Garden LIC, Four Points Sheraton, Paper Factory..all welfare Hotels..Wake up you’re a complete idiot..
You are all aware that the days inn, which is essentially across the street from this proposed site, was involved in sex trafficking right?
do you really think a “reputable” hotel is going in that spot?
why would it?
no real services nearby, no grocery store, drug store…
of course it will be a welfare hotel! wake up!
I love how all you people are losing your minds over this. Keep telling yourself “it’s nowhere near here” or “not going to happen here”.
Only time will tell!! This blog is such comedy watching you morons lose your minds over this. OF COURSE this will end up being a homeless shelter. Haven’t you read up on DiBlasio’s planning goals? Enjoy living in denial, what side of the boulevard is that on exactly?
Do you morons honestly believe that a new-build construction, high-rise hotel is a good investment for the bank, developer, and operator by turning it into a homeless shelter? You’ve got to be the least business savvy people in the entire city.
Here’s a tip: there’s not a chance in hell that this will be a homeless shelter in the next 25 years unless the entire economy of the US collapses.
It’s obvious to us that you oppose any kind of change or development in your neighborhood because you fear it will attract new residents, business, and attitudes, and leave you marginalized. We know that you have a little fiefdom you wish to preserve because it’s one of the few things that give you pride in life. I know it, others reading know it, and deep down you know it to.
Have some decency and move to the suburbs where you belong. Sunnyside is in the middle of New York City and it’s going to become more urban, less car-friendly, and far more interesting over the next decade. Cash out and get the fuck out if you can’t roll with the times.
My main problem is that it could be place to build something for locals. What are we getting out of this deal ? How about putting residents of this neighborhood as priority, JVB. We do not need another hotel. We need stores, schools, restaurants, etc…
Barbara your post complains about cheerleading then proceeds to cheerleader for Angie,Mac etc.Mac is obviously some deranged kid with his immature post and ravings bringing up childlike sexual innuendo comments, calling people out calling them a punk for not using real names while he goes by Mac.You point out the hotels are 20 miles away when they are in fact two or less miles away.The debate was about if this will become a homeless hotel and only time will answer that question
-Sunnyside up How far do you think Kennedy airport is from LIC and Sunnyside? That’s where 2 of the hotels mentioned in the Queens Tribune article are located, much closer to 20 miles than 2 miles. You come up short in a discussion and turn around and act like a tantrum throwing creep. I guess it’s easier than working on your high school research and public speaking skills. Grow up.
Nobody is throwing a tantrum just pointing out the main hotels in the discussion are close to Sunnyside as is the one being built and that’s is the hotel we are talking about.
@Sunnyside up Go back and re-read my post to “its all good” and at least get it partially right you blowhard. ” You sound like a class A punk” is the quote. He sounds like a punk because he wants a woman to provide him with her address so he could give it to a mentally unbalanced street person who, by the way, he injected into the comment stream. Sounds like the actions of a punk to me.You’re offended by “sexual” innuendo well I’m offended by your comments that are filled with nothing but speculation and in some places outright slander. Especially, the post regarding the accusation of payoffs. You offer no ideas or solutions just insults. You tried to politicize the issue using fear, distortion and exaggeration and Angie derailed your efforts with facts and history. Your solution was to attack her and anyone may agree with any piece of her posts. Not one welfare hotel was commissioned and placed in a newly constructed skyscraper, not one. Nobody wants welfare hotels and most definitely the new one being built will not become one and its even safer to say, according to historical trend the hotel above the Y will not become a welfare hotel in our lifetime. In our lifetime it will create hundreds of jobs.The amount of staff engaged in hotel activity largely depends on the 1-5 star status of the hotel. According to the World Tourist Organization, the optimum number of staff per 10 rooms in a three star hotel is 8 people, in a four star hotel it is 12 people and in a five star hotel it is 20 people. It will also pump new money into the local economy for merchants and possibly the creation of new business.You do the math. A hotel job paid for my college and the college of many of the people I grew up with here in Sunnyside. Oh by the way I do go by the name Mac and can be found in VFW.
I did not politicize the debate i think your confusing me with your buddies calling me a republican and fox news etc.Im also confused with your skyscraper talk this is about a hotel that like the verve may become a homeless hotel if its not successful after a few years,you and your buddies went off the deep end with the im an alarmist talk and straight in with insults and high school bravdo.finally read the news have you seen how many New York politicians are in jail for corruption and pay offs the past few years please its a cesspool.
Sunnyside up – I wasn’t cheering anyone. I stated Angie and Mac posted factual content within their posts such as the number of hotel rooms in Queens, how long they were regular hospitality industry hotels and percentage of these hotels now used to house homeless, that two of the hotels mentioned in the Tribune news article were down by Kennedy Airport which according to Google Maps is 18.5 miles from my apartment. Angie’s posts about people try using various forms of scare tactics to mislead and manipulate the conversation were also factual. Your posts contained statements about “envelopes” and deliberately ignored half the hotels in the discussion…At least I walked away from Angie and Mac’s comments learning something, something I can’t say about your baseless comments.Who do you think you’re fooling?
Angie and Mac….it’s recess time…YOU’VE BEEN SCHOOLED!
@IHACBAISHPITF Angie is correct less then 2% of all hotel rooms in the borough have been turned to welfare hotels..The hotels in the Queens Tribune article are over 20 miles away from Sunnyside and LIC. Where did you go to school? You have not provided any data or any facts to support anything you have said? Angie, Joe and Mac have not thrown support behind homeless shelters just pointed out that just a small fraction of the number of hotel rooms in the borough have been converted to house homeless. The discussion was about the new hotel over the Y and peoples concerns? I’m sure you don’t remember that..You’re the one who needs to be schooled. You’re a chest pounding fool. Consider yourself schooled. Grow up and add something to a discussion instead of just being a cheerleader.
Here are the facts and only the facts!!!
Mac, Joe, Angie & Barbara
Are fools & Tools
There is NO debating this fact!
Have a great day.
Let’s all love each other
LOL Sunnyside is for the stupid should change his tag to I lost the argument and I give up. What a tool!! LOL
Ahhh… Wee Sean’s mum is letting him play on the computer again.
Drink your pint & go to bed lad.
The Pan American Hotel in Elmhurst, an Econo Lodge in South Ozone Park, the Verve Hotel in Long Island City, and the Westway Motel in Astoria are among some of the lodging facilities in Queens that have recently been converted to homeless shelters. The Par Central Motor Inn located at 82-85 Parsons Blvd. in Jamaica has also joined this growing list of hotels – See more at: http://queenstribune.com/jamaica-hills-motel-becomes-homeless-shelter/#sthash.fH004WpF.dpuf
jimmy VB didnt get his payoff so he cant endorse this
What about this hotel being built at the corner of Skillman Ave and 27th St? Is it another shelter? We are starting to get a few.
Noone knows?
-to the person posting with the Crystal ball and Sunnysider..looks like Angie gave you the two the education. 2 hotels a crisis makes hahahaha. People like you two just make it too easy. Haha
It’s an education you uneducated fool. Thanks for the laughs
-it’s all good doesn’t like it when his cronies get hit with facts and details. He doesn’t like it when facts and truth are brought into a discussion. Stupid Republican.
I guarantee your a renter not an owner . I see you still haven’t posted your address so the change guy can hang out in front of your building
-It’s all good It’s no wonder Angie kicked your butt in the debate about being an “alarmist” especially since you don’t know the difference between “your” and “you’re”. So, now you have an intimate relationship with “changeee” guy. Probably sexual….What could an idiot like you possibly own? Inherited is my bet. Fox News has made a complete brain dead fool of you. Good luck in your inherited crappy studio that nobody would buy so they gave to you. You should provide your address stupid. You don’t even have the courage to post with your own name. You sound like a class A punk. Good work Angie in giving this fool an education and putting a punk in his place in the process.
-it’s all good “education” is spelled correctly you uneducated and careless fool.
I was pointing out its an education not the education you dope
@Angie @joe at the b…
@i’ts all good knew “education” was spelled correctly you uneducated and careless fools !!!
They said it’s “an” education, not “the” education.
Still a good catch joe? You blowhard!
@Its all good You’re the one who appears to be the under educated fool.Good catch Angie. I guess facts are not going this jerks way so he needs to resort to something..
How do you know it’s all good is a guy.You assume so much, your like a know it all jerk , I doubt you own anything. More than likely you are some spotty kid living in your moms basement
@its all good – The same you know Angie is a renter.
-It’s all good You’re the one who keeps assuming in your posts. Angie is a renter,Joe likely lives in his mothers basement, etc..You’re obviously not one for truth fact or history. You’re the one who meets both the definition of alarmist and blowhard. At least Joe and Angie provided factual content in their posts unlike you. Congratulations you’re a bonafide fool.
Mac you are one angry guy . Relax you will move out of moms basement someday
-it’s all good Facts truth and history can be harsh and to the simple minded they may even seem quite angry.
How about this fact, Mac. You and all the other dinosaurs in Sunnyside are getting all agitated because somewhere in those walnut-sized brains, you sense that that asteroid of gentrification is going to wipe out you and your rosy memories of the neighborhood past. And not a moment too soon.
-N’Cheese You sound quite bitter. You obviously moved to the area because you couldn’t make a decent living where you’re originally from. Probably due to bad policy and deceitful politicians who easily tricked voters into voting for policies and politicians that were not in the best interest of the constituency. Yes Mac and the rest of us dinosaurs are “all agitated” over gentrification. When Mac sells his three houses he’ll become even more agitated. The ones he bought back in 1975. Come up to the VFW Post one day so we can get the opportunity to laugh in your arrogant face in person. Go back to where you came from and take your failed policies, the ones that made the place you originally came from a dump, with you.
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, who spoke about the proposed development today, was not impressed by the entire process.
‘While I fully support the Long Island City YMCA, I simply can’t endorse a 17-story tower on this stretch of Queens Boulevard.”
Fully support the YMCA????!!!!! They’re the ones that made the deal with the development company behind YOUR back, and everyone else’s !!
Unless, it wasn’t behind his back? Maybe a nice vacation envelope for him & his husband? Or free lifetime membership to the YMCA
Ahahaha…. And so it begins! If you don’t own in Sunnyside, you’ll be moving lol. Maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll wind up in the Pan Am motel.
Instead of being on here for the past few years posting your stupid opinions & bashing jimmy van lamer, maybe you should’ve gone to a community board mtng & expressed your concerns & confronted him in person & had him explain exactly what his “future plan” was for your neighborhood.
Angie…look up the Pan American hotel on Queens blvd. Enjoy the education you most desperately need…or read up on the Verve in lic.
Sunnysideup is correct. Not alarmist, but a truth teller.
-crystal The Pan American Hotel was a profitable class A hotel for over 50 years before it became a welfare hotel you idiot. So between the 2 of you geniuses you came up with 2 hotels that became welfare dumps out of the dozens of hotels in Queens. Pretty feeble. Sunnysider and you still meet the definition of alarmist.
It’s only alarming when your the poor fool who bought a condo near the Pan America or the verve. I’m sure you would be happy if it was you Angie. Ps post your address I will have the change guy hang outside for a few weeks to see how it feels.
@Angie doesn’t understand because she rents an apt & doesn’t own anything in Sunnyside.
@Save Sunnyside Angie doesn’t understand what? That the two welfare hotels in question (Pan American and Verve) are not in Sunnyside but in Elmhurst and LIC?That according to Crains there are nearly 11,000 hotel rooms in Queens and the total of that 11,000 the Verve and Pan American accounted for less then 240 rooms and that is less then 2% of the total number of rooms in the borough. None us want that these crime riddled slums anywhere near us but she is absolutely right in her post, to cry about the new hotel above the Y because less then 2% of the hotels in the borough have been converted to welfare hotels and the vast majority of those rooms took over 50 years to hit that mark, amounts to nothing but hysteria and alarmism. Go back and re-read her post you’re the one who doesn’t understand and I own multiple properties throughout Sunnyside and Woodside. You’re so against the hotels then go protest the homes of the Republican owners of these run down dumps.
-it’s all good. Your post still does not change the fact that crystal and Sunnyside up could only come up with just 2 hotels between the two of them, out of dozens and dozens of hotels located in Queens where the owner turned his property into a “cash lucrative” welfare hotel. It still does not change the fact that a person who subscribes to this type of hysteria rises to the level of alarmist. Nice try bleeding heart.
-Sunnysideup Maybe it will remain a hotel just like the new Holiday Inn, Sheraton Hotel, Hilton, Best Western, la Quinta, Z Hotel, Red Roof, Extended Stay, Wyndam Garden and Paper Factory Hotel. You sound like an alarmist.
Envelopes all round.hotel will go up soon to be turned into a homeless shelter just like verve hotel in lic.jimmy talks the talk by walks straight to the bank
Why is this so awful? What should they build above the Y instead of a hotel?
They shouldn’t build anything.
While I don’t dig the process and end run around the process, the area isn’t exactly ANYONE’s back yard. It’s small industrial. A hotel in the area won’t exactly cause much trouble and could bring some nice employment to the area, and get some quick money in YMCA’s coffers. Seems winnish-winnish to me. Someone want to explain why they’re against it?
This would be perfect spot for middle school. With YMCA so close they could have a sport program for kids who are gifted in sports.
Queens Blvd. is not a perfect spot for a middle school.
@Save Sunnyside It sounds like you just don’t have stomach for investing. Stick to CD’s.
And here’s how the developers circumvent the building laws and start destroying our neighborhood with hi-rises that the physical and transportation infrastructure can’t support. I can’t wait to pull the voting booth lever for whoever is running against Jimmy The Sellout Van Bremmer.
It should be fun when tourists with XXL luggages get on the 7 train during rush hour.