Chef Mike Proano and staff from F.Ottomanelli Burgers (Photo: QueensPost)
Nov. 11, 2013 By Christian Murray
About 10 Woodside restaurants set up tables inside a local community center Friday night and provided attendees with food types that ranged from guacamole to oysters.
The event, which was the second Taste of Woodside, was held at the Big Six apartment complex, located at 59-17 47th Avenue. It was organized by Woodside on the Move, and drew more than 150 people over the course of the night.
Woodside restaurants such as Donovan’s Pub, F. Ottomanelli Burgers, La Adelita, Copper Kettle and La Cumbre were all in attendance.
However, the crowd quickly took a shine toward Donovan’s Pub and Ottomanelli Burgers.
“I really liked Donovan’s shepherd’s pie—especially the mashed potatoes part,” said Robert Ayzin, who has lived in Woodside for 18 months. “I also like the Ottomanelli’s burgers, they’re very juicy.”
Meanwhile, there were crowds seeking the guacamole at La Adelita and the empanadas from La Cumbre. There were also some attendees who consumed plenty of White Castle burgers.
Some attendees took a particular liking to the oysters offered by Murphy’s Lobster Grill, which is located on the Sunnyside/Woodside border.
“My favorite were the oysters from Murphys with the fresh sauce,” said Ali Abdalkwi who was there with his wife, Susan.
The restaurant owners appeared to view the event as a success.
“A lot of people told me that they loved the oysters,” said Mike Murphy, the owner of Murphy’s Lobster Grill. “Given my location on Skillman Avenue this has worked out great.”

Taste of Woodside and Mike Murphy from Murphy’s Lobster Bar (Photo: QueensPost)
Hey Murphy….how bout a real pint of Guiness instead of the 12 oz glass? That turned me off especially since its 50 cents more than a real pint down the street at Flynns… Maybe a few bar snacks? The ambience of the bar is comfortable and inviting….but nothing beats a hot roast beef sandwich or juicy burger…….
Love Murphy’s!
Heaven swirling in my mouth
Giving thanks to mike
I used to go to highschool with that girl in all red, that is all
At hoove. U are correct shepherds pie should be made with lamb but everyone uses beef for it.
I didn’t know the difference. Thanks for pointing it out.
Why does one need to attend culinary school to know what shepherd’s pie is made of?
Hoove where did U go to culinary school???
Unless the shepherd’s pie had lamb in it and not beef, then it should be called cottage pie.