Surveillance footage
July 1, 2015 By Michael Florio
The police have arrested the man who allegedly tried to rape a woman inside her Woodside apartment last Thursday.
Larry Williams, a 24-year-old Brooklyn native, allegedly followed the 28-year-old victim into her Woodside apartment where he attempted to pull her pants down, according to the NYPD.
The victim was able to fight off Williams, enter her apartment and lock the suspect out. Williams then attempted to push the door open, but was unsuccessful. He then fled the location, according to NYPD.
The incident occurred on June 25th at 9:15 am and Williams was arrested today.
The police did not disclose the location of the apartment. After the incident police released a surveillance tape of Williams, in an effort to alert the public to come forward with any information.
Police announced that Williams is facing charges of attempted rape, burglary, sex abuse and forcible touching, according to the NYPD.
There were no reported injuries.
Please Note: The latest police report says the incident occurred in Woodside
According to the surveillance photo, there seems to be plenty of parking spots available.
im sure his mother will produce a picture of him in the cap & gown raving about “he a good kid”
this happened in Ridgewood and not Woodside —
This is a repeat of an earlier error. The incident took place in Ridgewood, not Woodside.
I read in numerous media outlets that this incident took place within the confines of the 104 th precinct which does not cover Woodside.
Doesn’t matter. He will be back on he street in 6 months anyway.