Watkins (NYPD)
April 9, 2016 By Christian Murray
The police have apprehended a Woodside man who was allegedly involved in a robbery pattern that involved 16 stores in Queens and Brooklyn, including three in the Sunnyside and two in Woodside.
The police had been looking for August Watkins who they have now charged with one of incidents but are investigating his involvement with others. Watkins lives on 48th Street south of Queens Blvd.
The NYPD released a photo of Watkins, 30, on Thursday, who they claimed was involved in a robbery pattern that included several heists in Sunnyside and Woodside.
Watkins allegedly would go into stores, simulate having a gun and then would take cash from the register.
Subway Restaurant, located at 43-19 Queens Blvd, was targeted Tuesday at 11:45 pm, according to police.
99 Cent Paradise, located at 42-06 Greenpoint Avenue was robbed on Saturday, April 2, at 1:25 pm, according to police. Less than 10 minutes later Choice Liquors, located at 43-42 48th Street was hit.
Some Woodside stores were also robbed, according to police. The Rite Aid, located at 58-01 Queens Blvd, was robbed on Friday, April 1 at 6:05 am. Also, the Mobile Gas Station at 68-09 Queens Blvd was robbed on Thursday, March 31 at 3:40 am.
The other incidents took place in Long Island City, Ozone Park and Rego Park in Queens as well as Greenpoint and Williamsburg in Brooklyn.
Summyside statistics show 97% voted trump that explains how many whites here dislike spanish and arab people
Tiffany your right, hes not trash, hes worse than trash. Hes worse than an animal, and he belongs locked up for a long time. What if it was your mother this creep traumatized. You would be screaming what trash he is. With that said, can I have your number, your sound real easy. Bet I can get over on the first night you take me out.
I bet this man has fathered children with multiple women.
-el loco Your post should have read fathered future criminals with multiple women.
My post was a joke but probably true what you are saying. Very sad.
Damn man , u don’t shit where u eat !!!! Smh …… I understand all these new transplants are around now but still ……
Hey Watkins, enjoy Rikers!!
Inmates gonna eat him alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you think
I don’t think he is cute. He could be cute but there are issues with his grooming: his hair is too short and he seems that he has earrings. His stubble is not controlled and he is not smiling right on this pocture. What this guy needs is the help of a visual consultant.
With this kind of unsophisticated appearance, one can only imagine he also carries a few tattos, which will not bring much glamour to the bathrooms of Rykers. Hi visual consultant could help him with laser tattoo removal and just to kill two birds with one stone, I believe it would also make sense to use that laser ro remove some misplaced hair I suspext he has on various body parts.
One should explain to him that the 99c store will not provide him with the most advantageous clothing and that he should consider hopping on a bus and attacking a clothing shop in Greenpoint or even Williamsburg. Maybe he could even walk there, it would not hurt as based on the picture, I found him a tad chubby.
David the only thing that prevented this guy from obtaining a gun was a lack of effort or lack of need.
-doc You obviously have never purchased a gun in America. You sound like a naive transplant.
David I have purchased a firearm legally in New York. It was a pain in the ass. If I had wanted to purchase one illegally it would have taken a couple of hours. You sir sound like the naive transplant.
Tiffany it makes no difference that he didn’t really have a gun. The victims believed he really had a gun. The terror they felt was real whether the gun was or not.
The only punishment fitting for this man is parading in attire he stole at 99 Cent Paradise, 42-06 Greenpoint Avenue, preferably something from the racks in front of the store.
First of all I never said what he did wasn’t wrong or stupid, because YES IT WAS VERY STUPID and I hope he gets every second in prison he deserves. I also hope he gets the help that he probably needs very much. That doesn’t make him trash, he is someone’s child and maybe a brother, or maybe he doesn’t have any family. He didn’t have a gun for those of you who can’t read!!
If you use a fake gun it is still a felony
Obviously a Bernie supporter!
-Silent Majority Most likely a whiney low wage RTW supporting Republican who is probably crying in his jail cell about the Liberal NY gun laws that prevented him from obtaining a gun.
Net access in his jail cell? Making as much sense as ever. Must be happy hour at the Knights. Do you really think any gun law ever stopped a determined person from obtaining a gun?
@Doc Something obviously prevented this guy from owning a gun. Could it be the lack of a gun shops? Appears something is working.
#blamefoxnews! Sean can’t help himself.
Tiffany, you are a lost soul. Worst that this Watkins bastard. Go visit him then and show him some more pity. You fool.
Scum bag! this nasty f*ck in the sexual predator list too! Should just keep him in jail for good.
Robbing all the stores in his immediate neighborhood. Not only is he a POS, he’s mad dumb
At least he’s being green.Think globally steal locally!
“Being green” I don’t care who you are that’s funny.
I suppose he has been bailed out already, Lowlife.
How many priors does this POS skell have?
this man looks like Drake!
he is cute.
I Looh hing!!!
This is a great example as to why we should not build any more low income housing. These ungrateful entitled people should be forced to live in the crime riddled neighborhoods they created. They beg from tax payers to help them pay the rent in neighborhoods they can’t afford then turn around and rob those very same tax payers. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Trash is not strong enough of a word to describe these people. Trash can be recycled and put to some type of good use.
Absolutely, trash not strong enough.
Does Watkins have to pay back section 8 for lying and not declaring the income he made from the robberies? Good riddance.
He is not trash…no he should not have robbed those places, but he is not trash!!! You don’t know what circumstances caused those actions.
-Tiffany He is still a criminal. My sympathies are with the people he robbed and terrorized. So now he goes from one publicly funded entitlement program to another.
-Tiffany You need to raise your standards darling. What circumstance would ever justify robbery and terrorizing people?
Tiffany…You need to stop hanging around with project and low income trash.Do yourself and your family a favor and raise your standards before one of these low wage and low performing losers knocks you up and leaves you stuck raising a future criminal on your own. You obviously would think this would be a justifiable circumstance to go out and commit robbery.
No situation justifies his actions…. BASURA
Tiffany, I agree with you. Human beings are human beings in all their horror and glory. Human beings are not trash, no matter how many closed mined, frightened people say so. He did wrong. That is clear. But by no means is he trash. This neighborhood has a generous sprinkling of classist, racist, narrow-minded, tiny-souled, fearful people. They need help, too. Condemning people is as wrong as robbing them.
Get bent. Your kind of thinking is the problem. This lowlife used the threat of use of force to steal. He should be put under Rikers.
Thank you for understanding what I was trying to say!
hey tiff…..one day someone will put a gun in your face for the $50 in the cash register……….hope you survive your minimum wage job…… peace out!
-Riki no gun involved you’re responding to the wrong article…again.
just like tamir rice no REAL gun was involved but it was still a criminal act to point it at people and the police….
-Riki go back and reread the article and do us all a favor and take a remedial reading class. You never get any of the articles you post about right. Oh by the way I saw in one of your other posts you had to apply for food stamps. I guess that reverse commute didn’t workout for you.
are you kidding us heart liberal communist
-m Mathews We see you’re a low IQ low wage low performing under educated Fox News watching imbecile. Learn to wrie in English.
48th Street South of Queens Blvd. the Mets low income housing and people want to add more low income housing. Fools.
What do the Mets have to do with all this? They have enough problems with their pitching. Maybe it’s the Yankees fault.
Do you even watch baseball? Wake up El Loco, you fool!!!
Yeah! Who wants to help people?!!! People suck! People like me!! We suck!!
Like garbage, right?
I don’t think he should have robbed all those places.
you are correct
Sorry if that came across harshly. But sometimes you need to take bold stances.
I admire your willingness to stand tall against…stuff.