Gino Photo courtesy Queens DA
Dec. 18, 2010 Staff Report
A Woodside man who murdered a Sunnyside resident in October 2009—and later ordered the killing of two witnesses to that crime – pleaded guilty to all charges Friday.
Gino Florencia, 32, who shot two men, one fatally in front of 45-55 48th Street on Oct. 24, 2009, had been incarcerated in Rikers Island on murder and assault charges. While awaiting trial, he ordered a hit on two witnesses to the murder, who were scheduled to testify against him in the trial concerning the murder of Edison Vera.
One of the two men targeted was Miguel Llanos, who was shot by Florencia in the original incident in the torso and arm.
Florencia, formerly of 54th Street in Woodside, pleaded guilty Friday in Queens Supreme Court to conspiracy to commit murder for the plot to kill the witnesses — and to first-degree manslaughter and assault charges for the original shootings.
Judge Gregory Lasak told Florencia he would sentence him to 33 years in prison next month.
“The defendant’s actions strike at the foundation of the criminal justice system,” said Queens District Attorney Richard Brown. “By ordering the death of two people that he had personally attempted to kill once before in order to prevent them from testifying against him, the defendant tried to silence the truth and thwart justice.”
According to the indictment, the District Attorney’s office learned that Florencia had put out word from his prison cell that he wanted to kill the two witnesses. At that point, the police set up a sting operation. Florencia spoke to an undercover police officer posing as a hit man several times and agreed to pay him $2,000 to kill the two witnesses. Florencia allegedly offered $1,000 prior to completing the killings and 1,000 once it was done.
The District Attorney, according to the indictment, said Florencia provided the undercover officer with detailed personal information about the witnesses - from their names, addresses, dates of birth and heights.
Ohhhh my comments were to woodside101 your f$$king lame and a joke lol god sees and hears it all .
Free gino my ass hes paying for his stupid actions and when god says to have him pay let him prepare . What goes up must come down .
Now to the stupid asshole who said that edison was not a good person ……SHUTTTT THE F$$K UP , yessssss he was a wonderful person ni$$as was always haten on him since he was in middle school he was making money ,he sayed fly had bitchs on his shit. And noooo not only cause he sold drugs his family also had money . How I know im his first love and he was mines we were together from 6th grade to high school . Is been 5 years and that still kills me . No one who didn’t really no him would not understand him he was a sweet heart . Helloooo no ones perfect I know shit happens and most when you in that fast life but dammmm to takes someones life reallyy ??? That just means that evil ass dude gino is a punk felt like my edison was out shinein him lmaooooo ni$$a plz nig&as justhated on my boo from the start.. sooo who ever you are go fuck yourself . And if thats the way you think sorry for you cause you heartless…. stupid god takes and gives life .. any ways rest in peace mylove edison I wont ever for get about you.
Free Gino
Changed name title from woodside 101 to “Proud of growing up in Woodside” as that name has been already used in other comments
yo wat da fucc u kant be serious dis is how were living >> he kills # pplz or wateva n he still gets a chance out here fucc outta here i beat a bitch up they tryna take me down papi u gotta have a great lawyer word
Everybody make’s decision’s in life whether there bad or good… you can cover up the ground with cement but regardless there is still dirt underneath it all… why don’t you tell everyone on this page your evil little secret…. ohh guess not all you people are retarded get it together if you have a real problem go give the guy a visit tell it to his face…. but blogging it okay who’s the scum bag now scumbag’s !!!
that i know nothing about? you MUST be an idiot. well now that scumbag will prob get his peanut butter taken. lmao
wtf you people think he killed someone good……fuck out here!!! i grew up with him and he wouldn’t do anything for no reason. edison and miguel got what they was asking for. dont comment about things you dont know anything about. he got too much time for them scumbags.
someone who takes another life. should have there life takin as well.
i have no pitty for this man. may he rot in hell..
No SunnysideTeresa those comments are measured responses to the actions committed by an evil man. People ask for justice. It’s not a lynch mob. He was tried and convicted. I’ll respect what the court sentenced him to. I just disagree with it and hope that if he’s ever released he never commits such heinous acts. That’s why I’d rather sentence him to death.
Wow, yes, his actions are absolutely deplorable and harmful to society, but want worries me is the amount and intensity of the venom in these comments. Might they also be harmful to a society?
i say let him rot in there. Why should he have a chance to live again? when edison didnt have that chance? i hope he dies before he sees the outside again.
This is crazy. 33 years for a piece of XXXX like that.
What happened to life without parole? He kills someone (shoots another)–then tries to kill the witnesses!!
Am I the only one who sees how bad this is for our society! What next, kill someone and be out in 5 years. This district attorney is a whimp.
The 108th is not very interested in solving crimes. They don’t work the cases. There has been a sharp increase in break ins and burglaries and all they do is take reports. They very rarely interview suspects. They just take the reports. I am fed up with them and I want to know why citizens have to do their own investigations. I am also tired of looking at the punks who hang out on Skillman Avenue doing drugs.
Only 33 years? Why should he get out of prison at all? He’ll be 65 and a blight on whatever community he resides. Let’s kill him instead and save some taxpayer money. He’ll be a drain on society in prison. He murdered a human being. Kill him.