Suspect (NYPD)
April 30, 2016 Staff Report
A 48-year-old woman was punched in the face on the 7-train Friday by another female rider who claimed the victim was staring at her, according to the NYPD.
The suspect was involved in an argument with another rider as the train was approaching the 46th Street train station at about 3 pm. The suspect then accused the victim of staring at her while the argument was taking place and punched her.
The victim suffered redness and swelling to her face, according to police.
The victim attempted to call 911 on her cellphone when the suspect grabbed her phone and threw it on the subway platform at the 46th Street station when the doors opened. The phone’s screen was shattered.
The suspect then exited the train at the 46th Street station and fled on foot.
Anyone with information is asked to call NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477)
Few consistent detractors + Lower reputation of the NYC Subway System.
This is what happens when they open a homeless shelter in a good neighborhood, we have these hoodrats running around. This is ridiculous.
When/Where? I haven’t heard about that. It would explain a lot.
Disturbed little girl. Ima hit u if u looka me! Mentality of todays society. Lucky the little hood rat didnt pull out her box cutter which is standard equipment in todays age. Lemme see,i got my phone,i got no money since i dont work, got my state distributed metro card,gots my cell,oh yea,i omos forgetted my box cutter
The picture says a million words.
she be a good kid
I hope they find that nasty bitch and hopefully when she ends up in jail she can get punched in the face to.
I think I rode next to this woman once during morning rush hour. It was a jam packed train, everyone was slammed together like sardines. She kept telling people to not touch her, but that was impossible. If it’s her, I’m not surprised by this.
Trump 2016!
Ghetto trash forced out by rising rent no doubt. Get ready for more of the same
New York City is like the South.
They don’t put their crazy relatives in hospitals. They let them sit on the front porch for everyone to see.
In NYC, we let them ride the subways.
Exactly what i expected her to look like from the headline!
she havin a visit from old aunt flo, clearly this was the case
And that’s why you’re a lonely, single douchebag.
nah, im not really lonely, my internet friends keep me company
hey skank come and get me , cowardly bitch, I live right there in Sunnyside, you better hope I do not reconize your ass.
Dirtbag broad
It was probably an iphone
John Rocker wasn’t wrong about the 7 train.
-Kramden You’re an idiot like John Rocker. 817,793 people ride the 7 train daily. That’s the equivalent to the population of the cities of Indianapolis or San Francisco or Jacksonville. Thanks for the injection of ignorance into the comment stream. The 7 train and the NYC subway system actually shows above average safety statistics especially considering the number of people the system serves. I know these are only facts and facts truth and history don’t matter to a Fox watching idiot like you…
@#blamefoxnews: Happy to see you’re making some progress after your rehab stint.
-Craic Dealer You know I wasn’t in rehab. I told you what my plans were. Go back and look at our earlier conversations and you’ll be reminded. I cashed out my Smith and Wesson holdings, SWHC, at $30.00 a share. I hit the target price and took a two week trip Hawaii and a week in Australia. I’d like to thank you, Fox News, the NRA and the rest of useful idiots working to support the right wing propaganda machine. Oh and lets not forget president Obama just for his existence. I couldn’t have done it without you.
LOL… you must have blacked out.
@KDM How stupid are you? A man insults you and your neighbors and you cheer him on..You’re a chump.
STUPID??? Read it again! Grrrrrr
What a nice perp! She needs new hair extensions