Taste of Woodside 2012 (Photo Courtesy of Woodside on the Move)
Oct. 22, 2013 By Christian Murray
Be ready to sample the diverse food of Woodside.
Woodside on the Move, a local non-profit, will be putting on its second annual “Taste of Woodside” on Nov. 8, with the goal of showcasing about one dozen restaurants.
The goal of the event is to provide attendees with the ability to sample each restaurant’s food so they are able to get an appreciation of the quality of Woodside’s cuisine.
This year’s event will be taking place at the Big Six Towers’ community room (located at 59-15 47th Avenue). The event will cost $20.
“Most of the restaurants will be from Woodside, although there will be some from Sunnyside as well,” said Adrian Bordoni, the executive director of the Woodside on the Move.
Bordoni said there will be a range of ethnic restaurants—from Bolivian to Filipino.
This year’s venue is small, with the community room only big enough to hold 75 attendees.
Therefore, the event will be split into two sessions—the first from 6:00pm- 7:20pm, with the second from 7:40pm to 9:00pm. With the two sessions, the event will cater to about 150 people.
This year, Sunnyside Shines will not be holding its Taste of Sunnyside, instead electing for a restaurant/art week. The Taste of Sunnyside—or a variation of it—is likely to be held next year.