A community forum hosted by congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in Astoria last night was disrupted by a group of angry protesters (Photos: Screenshots)
Oct. 20, 2022 By Michael Dorgan
A community forum hosted by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in Astoria last night was disrupted by a group of angry protesters.
The event, which was held at The Variety Boys & Girls Club of Queens on 30th Road, saw a group of around 10 demonstrators heckle the progressive Congresswoman inside the packed auditorium.
Video clips of the disruptions have gone viral showing demonstrators chanting “AOC Has Got to Go” and “Vote Her Out.”
A man with a hand drum can be seen pounding out a beat, while other protesters are holding signs reading “Stop Sandy Lying,” and “Wake up New York. Vote for Tina Forte. F–k AOC.”
Forte is Ocasio-Cortez’s Republican opponent in the upcoming election for New York’s 14th Congressional District.
Ocasio-Cortez in one of the clips can be seen smiling and dancing to the taunts while sitting on the stage and sipping from a bottle of water.
A spokesperson for Ocasio-Cortez said the demonstrators were not constituents and are part of a “far-right wing group that regularly protest against COVID vaccinations [and] LGBTQ rights.”
“We do thank the numerous constituents from Astoria who turned out last night to engage in the civic process,” the spokesperson said. “We’re grateful that we were still able to have a meaningful dialogue, in spite of that group.”
The forum was organized by Ocasio-Cortez in order for residents to ask questions and get feedback from the lawmaker on her record and policy positions.

Protesters standing up and taunting Ocasio-Cortez (Photo: Screenshot)
A near eight-minute video of last night’s disturbance was posted to YouTube by FreedomNewsTV.
The video starts off during a discussion about providing affordable housing for LGBTQ seniors when one man can be seen complaining — in explicit terms — that such a policy would discriminate against heterosexual people.
Several attendees can be heard groaning and disagreeing with the man while Ocasio-Cortez responds by saying: “Sir, your sexual orientation has nothing to do with it.”
A second man then stands up to ask Ocasio-Cortez about crime and starts talking about the EMS Lieutenant who was fatally stabbed in the district last month. The man is quickly drowned out by Ocasio-Cortez supporters chanting over him.
Seconds later, another man appears banging a drum before several other protesters stand up and begin chanting “we the people will not comply.”
One female protester then begins hysterically shouting “wake up, wake up.”
After some back and forth, Ocasio-Cortez tries to get the demonstrators to settle down and engage in a conversation.
However, the woman then shouts out “there’s only two f—king genders.”
The lights then go out and Ocasio-Cortez was escorted to the back of the stage by security. She returns soon after when the lights go back on.
Upon her return, a man gets on the microphone and pleads with the protesters to stop as he says he wants to ask her about crime and her previous comments about defunding the police.
But the shouting continues with the protesters chanting “vote her out” to which Ocasio-Cortez’s supporters yell back: “AOC, AOC.”
Last night’s forum comes a week after Ocasio-Cortez was heckled by two protesters in the Bronx who said her decision to support Ukraine’s war effort against Russia could lead to nuclear Armageddon.

Ocasio-Cortez speaking at the forum Wednesday (Photos: Screenshot)

Ocasio-Cortez supporters applaud the lawmaker (Photo: Screenshot)
There’s a part of this video that’s missing, where AOC is talking about public safety in the Bronx.
Aoc should have said “No!””Stop!” ” That is not ok”. All of AOCs supporters want the cops called on this comment board. They March around with their little signs about defund the police, virtue signaling and they are the first to cry help police! somebody call 911! where are my moderate independents? This glorifying radicals on the left/right and manipulating people with mental health problems needs to stop. y’all are too much!
Baloney. I remember very well when Democrats were saying unambiguously “defund the police” following the George Floyd incident. I saw the protestors carrying signs with the same exact message too. Not everybody has the memory of a goldfish
These were Not Constituents, they were Sent & Paid by Extremist MAGA Republican-Tina Forte. She can’t Win on her Vague Policies and Merits, So She Resorts to unhinged Disruptions.
Tina Forte claims she will be Tough on Crime, Except when it Come to her own Family. Where both her Son and Husband were Arrested for Illegal Drug Dealing by the F.B.I
Take a look!
Holy Moly… Who was that Nut Case Woman Screaming & Spitting Profanities? She was out of Control!!
Was she on something or did she Forget her Meds??
She Needs a lot of attention and Help. Seriously SCARY?
There should have been a Security Bouncer to Bounce Her Assets out of there.
If I were there, I would have said, Quick Some Call 911 to get her to the E.R.
Some Woman is having a Melt Down? No Joke!
LOL… Very Funny… Ha Ha Ha
But you know Exactly who we are talking about.
The hysterical old woman in the audience, the one constantly cursing.
Oh when its a cis woman screaming something you do not agree with you insinuate that she needs to take her meds and that you would of called the 911 on her. But if its about defund the police and for example screaming and cursing at law enforcement and certain at civilians that they are all racists and prejudice its perfectly fine. So hypocritically and bias. Also very sexists.
Leave AOC alone!!
Do you know what irony is?
Shez a who?ahhhh!
And there are muppets on here that support AOC……the fools, the fools.
Bellevue field trip
Aoc no good, but tina forte is just as insane if not worse. She is very bad woman
So divided, along racial, economic and political lines from the street level to the halls of congress, there is no way we will ever get anything done in this city, state or country. We are so screwed!!!
Wow, AOC can dance.
I’d pay good money for one.
Paid hacklers..?!!
“Haters gonna hate.” ?
THE SCAM IS OVER not even your damage control can stop it. Nice try socialists!!
two more weeks and the progressive socialists reign of terror over the people of this city is over.
Not in NYC my friend. Not even the perception of fear will stop us from voting for the progressive candidate.
So the liberal media says they were republican hecklers? Sounds about right coming from the left.
These are voters who are sick of her Caban and mamdani
The majority of voters will re-elect all three and Giannaris if elections were all held today.
Who cares what a handful of old homophobic and xenophobic racists have to say. These old dems need to give it a rest. You’re out numbered by yng socialists queers and blk and brn people in her district.
you gotta love it when democrats are destroying each other in one room. popcorn time!
If you think that, think again. The 15 minutes of young socialist queers was over once Burn Loot Murder was exposed for what it really is: A scam.
All of them were either elected or re-elected after BLM.
How convenient white old Trump looking folks to show up and protest against her after she was scrutinized by her own base and people of color for voting to send Aid and weapons to Ukraine. You are all being played.
Everyone that goes against the left side narrative is considered right wing or conservative. Those were some pissed off old people from Astoria.
I’m surprised they kept their cool with a Putin collaborator.
I disagree with her on a few things but she’s who she is.
She voted to fund Israel! She voted for the Iron Dome repairs! She’s a sellout!
Those are “protesters” are DEMOCRATS that haven’t drunk the KOOL AID.
Lol that a girl! I would have done the same thing. She handles things like a boss.
well, i’m sure the families of gun victims in her bronx crib where she literally does nothing would disagree.
Those people shouting her down were mostly likely from Vickie’s and Roberts district, don’t get it twisted! You keep doing your thing AOC…Ignore the haters!
If you’re still on the fence on which side to vote for, make sure you vote for the progressive because I will be voting for them as a blk democrat. It’s time to pull these homophobes and racists scbumbags out of NYC!!
Devon, you vote for the party that fought to keep slavery that implemented Jim Crowe laws and that founded the Klan. I guess when schools can’t teach kids reading writing and arithmetic its easy to fool them.
Tell that to the worst performing schools in America which can be found throughout the Republican states of Oklahoma, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi. Rural and urban.
I love AOC LOL Hope she stays in politics for a very long time.
yeah, from the looks of things, she’s doing quite well, hahahaha!!!
How many of those rude con-servative hecklers were residents in that community? I bet close to none!! AOC handled herself very well!
The maga cult are so ignorant and juvenile.
I am not from her district but I would vote Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She is one of the best in the Democrat party and we need more them like her!
Love How AOC Claps Back At Right-Wing Hecklers By Dancing!! She is the best!
Well this helps to explain how she got elected in the first place.
Most of the people in attendance were chanting Let Her Speak and she had the support of the majority at the Community Forum.
aoc for potus 2024!!
ROFL! now i know what i will dress up as for halloween…as AOC and scare everyone!
She truly is a progressive warrior!
Thank you for your work AOC. Love how she ignores the homophobes and racists that showed up. They were a very small number. The rest were there to support her and her views. Astoria, LIC and Sunnyside is one of the most Queer friendly places in Queens.
AOC believes in creating a compassionate humane society. That’s our goal, our mandate, our calling.
This only makes her base stronger. Also helps her gain new supporters. Same happened with Caban in Astoria.
I voted for her and I am quite disappointed in her to be honest. I do love to see women in power succeed especially women of color, but AOC has taken her plateau and seem to make it about herself and not her constituents. The heckling and protesting is one thing but it shouldn’t be conducted at a town hall where constituents have legitimate questions and would love to hear what their respected representatives have to say on the matter. Hopefully she returns and conducts another forum where protestors will be checked at the door and warned. I get protest all you want it’s your right but be respectful of your neighbor. AOC needs to do better and conduct more of these forums especially with her constituents she at times seems to be out of touch with her community most of the time. The border crisis is a great example of how its now impacting the city but there is a double standard of how the migrants are being treated with how the homeliness of the city of NY are being treated. Crime, she ran on a defund platfrom yet crime is up to the roof. AOC should ride the subway without her security and tell us if she feels safe? Do better AOC this isn’t about you and your glamour this is about your district. Shame on you for endorsing that clown Juan Ardilla, that do is a sexist and a clown just like JVB and Judy from Sunnyside Community Service.
Sigh. Civil war is in our future because of both sides. To much extremism.
thankfully, we all know who will win. it’s a given.
Who likes her ? Oh I know ! People who don’t work or think they will never be mugged ! I guess that makes normal people radical right wingers ! The person who wrote this article has big crush on sandy ! Nice going hipsters !
I don’t see her getting voted out unfortunately. I do think that politicians are just distracting people from the facts of what’s going on. Wish we could just get some middle people not the far anything. Either way at the end of the day we the people suffer while they thrive.
Aoc has become a household name. People all over the country know who she is. She is the face of the new american dream and hope. Others can complain about her all they want. The election speaks for itself. Her district loves her and many candidates beg her for an endorsement.
So glad I’m no longer in her district
I doubt she was even a good bar tender and she dud not help abuela in Puerto Rico
Ocasio Cortez pretends to be one of us while she lives in a luxury apartment in DC, drives a tesla and earns over $175,000 a year and has the best health benefits. The only reason she steeped into queens last night is because she is up for reelection next month, where was she when we wanted her support in organizing a union against Amazon? don’t be fooled by her. she only wants to continue to live a life of luxury
And Republicans don’t. Hahaha
why protest now? you elected her in the first place. hypocrites.
Why wasn’t i invited to this party? My house is within AOC and Tiffany’s district and yet my invitation is always missing…
Stupid Handle, school shootings are nothing to take lightly. Someone should capture your IP and report you to the police. And who gives this a thumbs up?
and then what? murderers are being released the next day. they cops will release him in 2 minutes. ROFL at you socialist liberals!!!
Mario Lanza was a brilliant singer. One of the best tenors this country ever produced.
Maybe she’ll accuse them of being republicans wanting to date her again.
Paid Hecklers – this is BS. I don’t like AOC that much anymore, but this is all about making a spectacle for national news outlet soundbites. Let people who live here discuss the issues and vote accordingly, not just shout so Hannity has something to gloat about.
You only see her in these local town halls because of the upcoming elections, after that, you won’t see her until the next election cycle. How often have you seen her locally the last couple of years? This town hall was a soundbite for her re-election, she just had to get through it. The locals in Astoria will vote for her (if voting at all) regardless of what she says at these things…just look at who else they voted for all these years.
For a Latina she dances like an old white man. Tell she never grew up in the hood.
She is a doll ?