Crime Scene (Photo: Sunnysidepost)
Oct. 24, 2012 By Christian Murray
The man who was brutally attacked on 43rd Avenue Saturday morning has been taken off life support and his outlook is bleak.
The victim, a 62-year-old gay man who was recently married, has been in a relationship with his partner for decades. He lives on 43rd Avenue, up near 50th Street, and is well known in the community.
Police are trying to determine whether the incident was a hate crime—although it is too early into the investigation.
“We hope that the community can come together and support one another given the gravity of this,” said a long-time friend of the man. The source said that public officials will be holding a press conference tomorrow.
The victim was struck in the head by a blunt object outside of 41-00 43rd Avenue at 3:00 am Saturday.
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer’s office didn’t provide any details on the case, when he was asked on Monday. However, a spokesman said: “We are in contact with the 108 [police] precinct and we will get the bottom of this. The perpetrator will be brought to justice.”
At Chris sorry who shits on Mexicans r spannish people? Only people that I don’t like are the drug dealers and murders and rapists and people who don’t obey the law. I hav many good friends who are spanish and are good people and hard workers. Let’s please try not to make this a racist crime. No doubt in my mind that it was a HATE crime. Wish people could just accept others for what they are and mind their own business.
I wish the police would release more information. Why were these guys out together?
Sad part is that there was a few witnesses who seen everything happen but since everyone in Sunnyside usually shits on the Mexicans from the park or just spanish people in general that’s why no one knows whose done this. There’s a lot more this neighborhood knows including myself but I keep to myself cuz of all the politics
Is theft a hate crime? How about driving drunk? How about mugging. Most of the time the criminals don’t care if you are gay or straight, or black or white. The bottom line is, if the loud person was attacked because he was gay, that’s a hate crime. If the gay person was attacked because he was loud, then that’s a crime, unless the attacker hates loud people *don’t we all?
I agree with the above comments any crime is a hate crime..
Any attack is a crime. It should
not be catagories as less or more horrific based on the victims circumstances. Let’s catch this person/people responsible and prosecute.
Who assaults a 62 years old?! I want cameras on every block. This is infuriating that we don’t even know what we should be looking for aside from an SUV being involved. It’s sounding more and more to me like gang initiation, which is scarier than anything else. Random violence is far more serious than the a man potentially being assaulted by someone he knew.
I wish be would stop using the phrase “brought to justice.” I keep hearing George Bush’s voice when someone says it.
All violent crimes are hate crimes and deplorable. Some victims, it seems, are more equal than others – to paraphrase Orwell. If a straight man were assaulted and about to die like this unfortunate man is, would it be less tragic? Would the people who assaulted him deserve a lesser punishment? That’s exactly what happens with so-called hate crime laws. It gives some people according to their group affiliation more protection under the law than others.
I’m very confused by this whole story. Wasn’t it previously stated that the victim got out of a car with his assailants and started walking down the street with them before he was attacked? Why would he be in a car with people that hated him? It seems like the leap in logic is because he is a homosexual it may be a hate crime…. I would think the more logical assumption would be that the attack was due to a personal conflict. I guess we’ll just have to see what comes of this whole situation…
Good and bad news. The good is hopefully the man recovers fully. The bad is hate crimes like this make me so mad I’d like to have a few minutes alone with the perp. Just a couple of minutes is all I’d need…