Photo: QueensPost
Aug. 21, 2014 By Christian Murray
Long-time Sunnyside dentist Dr. Arthur Kubikian will be closing his practice later this year—following his inability to renew his lease.
Kubikian, who has maintained an office at 43-34 43rd Street for nearly 15 years, is a tenant in the former Dime Bank building that was sold at the end of 2012 for $6.675 million. The building, which used to contain a Dime branch, is currently occupied by Center Cinemas, Kubikian and PJ Horgan’s.
Kubikian, who runs the practice with his wife Dr. Louiza Puskulian-Kubikian, is required to vacate the space by November 1.
“I thought we had the right to renew the lease for another five years but when their lawyers looked through the documents they showed us that we couldn’t,” Kubikian said. “We were surprised.”
Kubikian was not offered a new lease.
Kubikian, who has had a practice in Sunnyside since 1977 (with his first office on Queens Boulevard), said that he will be relocating to New Hyde Park and is hoping that many of his patients will stick with him. He said that he will be closing his Sunnyside office in the middle of October and is getting the word out now about his departure.
Meanwhile, Center Cinemas’ lease comes to an end December 31 and Rudy Prichard, the owner of the movie theater, has yet to hear whether his lease will be renewed. He is not hopeful.
As for PJ Horgan’s, its lease ends June 2018. The owner of the bar could not be reached for comment.
The former bank building, on paper, is owned by 45-25 Queens Boulevard Realty Corp.
However, according to several sources, Gina Argento, the president of Broadway Stages, the Brooklyn-based TV and movie production company, is the owner.
Argento could not be reached for comment.
Invaluable commentary ! I learned a lot from the analysis – Does someone know where my company might obtain a fillable WI DHS F-13033 document to edit ?
This dentist isnt the best. He left major uneven bite issues and lots of mistakes made during root canals. Mistakes that causes issues with nearby dental work. He should retire.
Sad to see local business go.
Sad to see one person’s hate of other people spam this blog (hello shitty)
Sad that a minor number of affordable units can screw any zoning laws.
I failed to note these links regarding Argento-Ciafone:
Nazario Vs. Ciafone (which is referenced in Charless J. Markey’s decision)
Choice excerpt:
Last week, Ciafone’s election prospects became even dimmer due to his residency problems. Although his wife and two children live within the 30th AD, Ciafone within the past year has changed his voter registration to indicate he lives with his mother in her home in the 36th AD…
And who is the New York State Assembly representative for the 30th District? (drum roll please)
That sort of explains the move, yes? Ciafone, Esquire is not going to win in a district whose Assemblywoman’s husband— a supreme court justice, no less— tendered a rather harsh judgement against him.
So he moves in with “mom”. Queens Crap had a field day with that.
And I can assure you, there’s more:
Don’t fall for the “affordable housing” ruse. Watch that corner like a hawk. If they elect to give a presentation of what they plan to do on this parcel at your community board (2 methinks), attend it. Ask hard questions.
And if/when they do work without a permit (or beyond the parameters of said permits; this is what got them busted by the Business Integrity Commission: http://a810-bisweb.nyc.gov/bisweb/ECBQueryByNumberServlet?requestid=2&ecbin=34582897H) film it, complain to 311 (you can do this online and include photos/video! http://www1.nyc.gov/311/index.page), get a complaint number, and forward the whole thing to your electeds. And of course, sharing it on the Internet doesn’t hurt.
If Ms. Argento truly walked what she talked why would she on the record stating this?
“Ms. Argento, for one, who is working on moving to Greenpoint, has seen more families moving back to the neighborhood and is not concerned about a potential Duane Reade-ization.
“I’m not worried about the [residential] towers,” she said. “The families moving into Greenpoint want to maintain family businesses because that’s what attracted them to the area. If we lose that, I think we will lose a lot.”
So why has Sunnyside lost a dentist and, in all likelihood (eventually), a movie theatre? Ask her.
woodside guy is right, I have been going to Dr. Bernstein for about 10 years now. My wife, mother, father, brother and several friends all switched over to him as well. He actually keeps appointments down to the minute.. I had a lot of work done and never waited more than 5 minutes. Painless, and Jean his assistant is a pleasure to deal with.
A building much higher than four stories can be built as-of-right on Queens Boulevard. The residential zoning in most of NYC is six stories–Queens Boulevard was re-zoned, allowing for taller buildings. If the developer wants additional floors, he/she can apply for that, usually agreeing to amenities such as an affordable housing component, or, in the case of 5Pointz, artists’ housing and space.
For those who may be looking for a new local dentist i recomend jay bernstein. i have been using him for about 20 years now with no problemss.
has it occurred to anyone is she is the owner then maybe a mixed use artist theater or venue topped with housing? or maybe more stages?
It can go up 4 floors and i think basement parking….maybe a Brooklyn Stages sunnyside?
that theater is a dump!! its filthy and the seats have fleas/bed bugs good riddance! i walk to the UA Kaufman in Astoria which is nice, can’t wait for that corner to be demolished and a luxury high rise to be built, bringing in professionals and taxpayers who will improve the area
@ Skillmanite You’re right about P.J. Horgan’s. All the signs are that the property will be developed sooner rather than later–not by the realtor but by the owner of the property. P.J. Horgan’s is a Sunnyside institution and hopefully will be able to re-locate in the community, as did The Butcher Block.
@ Pat Dorfman The community board has little control if whatever is built is done as-of-right. Knowing the current demand for affordable housing, the board might approve additional height or bulk in exchange for an affordable housing component. The community should make its voices heard on that issue. Personally, I would rather see that site developed rather than the one behind Phipps Garden Apartments which provides much-need parking for residents and small businesses.
What concerns me most is the lack of school space. Young families are moving to Sunnyside and NYC policy is to wait until the children are at the door to expand school space.
You’re in for a fun ride on this one. What the Argento-Ciafones want, they tend to get. Gina Argento – Ciafone is a board member of Community Board 1 Brooklyn.
Her lovely husband ran for the City Council seat in Astoria. He lost— but not by much.
Google John J. Ciafone and J and P Associates and see what wonderful landlords they are. If you search down the rabbit hole enough you’ll find many of their “holdings” go right back to 203 Meserole Avenue.
I find Mister Gina Argento’s legal history a lot more interesting
My side of the creek they have paid off/bought off. You might have a chance.
Be prepared to get half-baked legal threats, some menacing person calling your spouse’s place of work (when you do not respond to them) and an offer to be “bought out”. By proxy. In my case, I was via Monica Holowacz.
These are *NOT* nice people. But they’re rather stupid and fond of attention. Let their narcissism work for you!
I’d really like to give you a hug. Actually my teeth are ok even though is eat a lot if sweets. I switched dentists last year after using the same one for 20 years. I didn’t write in to the Sunnyside Post about it. I just changed. But I guess that’s just me. Life will go on without this guy. The Armenians and the Rumanians will survive also. Don’t worry Simon.
El Loco
@El loco You must have very good teeth and never needed a painless dentist. I am not so lucky. I’ve had eight dentists in my life–several of whom caused a great deal of pain, one even breaking a tooth–and Dr. Kubikian is the best. No one is whining or complaining. For those patients who have benefitted by this wonderful professional’s services, this is a big loss. They’ll either travel to his other office or find another dentist which carries certain initial costs. Dr. Kubikian has all my dental records and x-rays so for me it’s worth the drive to New Hyde Park and I intend to keep him as my dentist. At least three of my friends will do the same. And that’s life!
The big winner here could be the owner of P.J Horgans. If the realtor wants to build straightaway but Horgans lease doesn’t expire until 2018 expect a lot of financial incentives to pack up and leave. Obviously he’ll play hard to get for about a year until the bulk in the brown envelope becomes larger and too much to ignore.
Oh no Dr. Kabuki an is going out if business. You would think the world is coming to an end. Believe me life in Sunnyside will go on and you’ll have some other issue to whine and complain about. Another nail salon, firehouse or bar. There will always be something. Get a life!
Vital services like dentists are forced out but multinational corporate coffee shops are coming in. Priorities.
Well said Patricia and Manny. some 6 major compositions plus a versions.
Some 5 years of work created by a simple requests by Dr. Louisa Puskulian and Arthur Kubikian back in 1995
Like pat suggested tall buildings attracts Godzillas…… simon
Lenuta Donikian: “a big loss for Sunnyside, Woodside community”
Pat Dorfman makes a great point. All these new high rises are more than just eye sores, they are stealing our sunlight.
I am losing my dentist and a friend. This is the first personal hit from the coming tall buildings and high rents which will drive out our beloved small businesses and small town feeling that make life here so appealing. I hope that new buildings can be easy on the eye at least?
Can CB2 or BID form an unofficial vetting committee from the many talented architects here so that QB and Greenpoint don’t look soon like farther east on QB? Our sturdy little buildings are not masterpieces, but we have a lot of sky and they are not unattractive. If they are to be replaced and the sky blocked, let’s hope for some well-designed structures!
Simon Donikian, who commented above, did many beautiful paintings of the 46-Bliss Station, local building and street scapes, including the location turning over. He is one of Queens’ most famous and talented artists. Manny Gomez, president of SunnysideArtist.org and I will ask him to do a retrospective of his work which will be consoling, at least, to many of us. As doc above says, time marches on.
Dr. Kubikian is the best dentist I’ve ever had. Will definitely go to his office in New Hyde Park for annual visits.
Time marches on.
I hate that theater with a passion. I’ve seen bootlegs with better quality than that theater.
They WILL build a condo there and suckers will pay top dollar to ride the overcrowded 7 train that’s a few minutes (lol) from manhattan.
This is the Sunnyside YOU hipsters created. enjoy
That whole corner is f$$ked! Look at what became of the Center. Beyond sad.
Hooray, more high rise luxury condos!
damn, I trusted this man. Dentists are thieves but not Dr Kubikian
wow, everyone should check out the link that frank2000 included in his post. The Argentos love to grease that political wheel…..
These dentists will be sorely missed…top notch in every aspect—great dental work, nice personality, accurate billing/insurance, and keeping appointments on time. =(
I hear about it from Luisa few days ago. Great lose for are old timers, Armenians, and Romanians. Also for the Art lovers who knew the place.
The movie theater also an important place. simon
for what it’s worth
Greed strikes again in Sunnyside!
Save our local businesses! Greedy realtors! I object! Now people will have to walk to Astoria in bad weather. I object double.
I’m going to really miss that theater if they don’t let them renew. It’s a great perk about living here.