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Van Bramer Declares War on Pigeon Poop, Targets 3 Subway Stations

Press Conference (Photo: QueensPost)

July 30, 2013 By Christian Murray

Construction has started on a $250,000 pigeon mitigation system that is expected to rid the 46th Street, 52nd Street and 61st Street subway stations of unsightly feces—as well as protect commuters from being hit by excrement.

Sunnyside and Woodside residents have complained for years about these three stations, where piles of feces have attached themselves to the entrances and nearby sidewalks.  Many pigeons, residents say, lurk in groups near the subway entrances—waiting for potential victims.

“We have a war on pigeon poop,” said Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, who held a press conference at the 46th Street subway stop. “Pigeon feces are not only disgusting to look at, but they are a health hazard.”

Van Bramer said the pigeon mitigation system includes a number of deterrents. These include nylon spikes, low voltage wires and sloped surfaces—all devices that are used to reduce resting spots for pigeons. Furthermore, an ultra-sonic sound device (which is inaudible to humans) is another deterrent that is about to be introduced.

Rachel Thieme, the executive director for Sunnyside Shines BID, said the system will help beautify the neighborhood which is good for local businesses. She said that it will help transform the areas below the subway stations into pedestrian spaces—which can be used for musical and arts events.

Construction on the mitigation system has just started at 46th Street station but will begin at the 52nd Street and 61st Streets stations shortly. The project should take 3 months to complete.

The pigeon problem is most acute at the 52nd Street station, which is getting the bulk of the funding. Van Bramer said that the problem is made worse there because people are feeding the pigeons—which is illegal—at John Vincent Daniels Jr. Square, which is adjacent to the station.

Regina Shanley, a local resident, complained about the poor condition of the 52nd Street station. “I have been pooped on more times that I can count there…and my dog has been pooped on so I do not bring him anymore,” she said. “It is disgustingly filthy and is a major problem.”

Van Bramer said the pigeon mitigation system was worth the hefty expenditure. “People in this area are disgusted by pigeon poop and they hate the fact that when people visit them they have to walk through rows and piles of it…It does not speak well of our neighborhood, let alone the public health issue.”

Spikes (SunnysidePost)

Pigeon Droppings at 52nd Street (SunnysidePost)

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43rd & 43rd

74th is absolutely horrible, but it’s Jackson Heights, not Sunnyside. Their representatives are the ones who have to do something about it.


dude. these dont even approach 74th street. wtf are they wasting time on 52 for?? that shit is a joke


How about cleaning up the human feces smeared on the wall at the 46th street station between 47th & 48th street on the North side?

I’ve complained multiple times to the sanitation department but nothing has been done.


People who feed the pigeons are probably the shady restaurant owners who then catch and serve them to their patrons as chicken or duck meat.

Hoof Hearted

Intelligence sources now confirm that Sunnyside pigeons are in possession of weapons of crap destruction. Jimmy Van Bramer announced from a secure, undisclosed location that he is now in contact with UN and NATO forces and preparing for the launch of Operation: Endangered Feces.

The War on Excremism has now begun.


The pigeons have declared war on Sunnyside/Woodside! Send in the survivors of the zombie attack.

HAL 9000

Amanda, perhaps they can be ticketed for littering then. Surely, dumping a bag full of bird seed on the ground qualifies as littering.

45th and Skillman

Next he needs to use higher voltage wires to get that disgusting food cart out from under the 46th Street station. That thing has started growing roots in the sidewalk.

Erick Wolf

Excluding the birds is a great idea…..but the pigeons are not leaving the immediate area. In order to have less birds, the stations have to reduce the population. The most efficient and effective method to reduce the number of birds is to reduce reproduction with pigeon birth control. See the web site for details.


And where pray tell will the pigeons go and poop after this job is completed.
Up on the roofs of nearby houses and you will get pooped on as you leave your house.
Agree with “”ME” tickets should be handed out to the feeders of pigeons and the rats that eat the leftovers.


Nothing will matter until people stop feeding the pigeons. I’m not talking about someone that drop some crumbs on the ground, it’s the folks that routinely shovel pounds of it under the 7 train and in other parts of the neighborhood. It’s a simple equation, more food = more pigeons. We need to get these folks a pet of their own to take care of @ home.

Same goes for folks that are feeding cats. Many leave out too much food and that feeds the rats. Fat Cats Catch No Rats.



stop the Asian woman that rolls in with a shopping cart filled with at LEAST 20 lbs of birdseed and bread! give her tickets!

43rd & 43rd

Glad these stations are getting help, wish it was extended to 40th St. — and wish it also covered dog and human poop!


Just another reason to drive. I hope the system works, it would go a long way toward improving the neighborhood.


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