Dec. 15, 2015 By Christian Murray
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer will hold a rally outside a Queens Blvd nightclub Thursday calling for the establishment to be shut down.
The rally will target Club Allure, a nightclub located at 33-02 Queens Blvd, which Van Bramer says is too often the place of shootings and assaults and needs to be closed for good. He will be joined by Captain John Travaglia, the commanding officer of the 108 Police Precinct.
The rally comes on the heels of two strip club shutdowns by the 108 Police Precinct this month. Secrets, located at 49-14 Queens Blvd, was closed by court order 10 days ago after a fatal shooting took place there; and Show Palace, located at 42-50 21st Street, was closed by court order Friday.
The Daily News reported Saturday that Show Palace was closed after investigators found servers selling marijuana and cocaine along with non-alcoholic drinks and lap dances.
Thursday’s rally is focused on Club Allure. “This establishment has a terrible track record where there have been fights and shootings on a regular basis,” Van Bramer said.
The councilman said that earlier this month a patron got into an argument with a bouncer and then threatened to come back to the club with a gun. The police intercepted the patron and confiscated the gun. A police officer, however, was injured in making the arrest.
In October 2014, two men got into a gun fight outside the club and shot four bystanders.
The following month, a man stabbed a fellow patron during a dispute inside the club.
“The owners are clearly incapable of patrolling their own premises,” Van Bramer said. “It is a real and present danger for the people going to the club and for people who might happen to be walking by.”
The owners of Club Allure could not be reached for comment.
Secrets and Show Palace were both closed under the city’s Nuisance Abatement Law. In most instances, bars/clubs are able to reopen after agreeing to meet strict rules.
Show Palace, an all nude strip club in Long Island City, has been trying to get its liquor license since it opened. It has a hearing scheduled with the State Liquor Authority later this week.
Captain Travaglia, Community Board 2 Chair Pat O’Brien and a representative from Van Bramer’s office will be making a case as to why it shouldn’t be granted one.
Thursday: 9 am
Location: 33-02 Queens Blvd
We should rally against all the DOT’s giving tickets round the clock in this fucked up neighborhood.
at 1:52, whoa man!!! Jesussss!!!!! why such a short clip? what night does this stuff happen?? Never even knew this place existed, thanks for postin SSP!
yes, people should NOT be allowed to have fun and dance!! This booty shaking is unnacceptable! that video girl in the black n white striped dress should be jailed!! i watched it several times over and it was sickening!
You can smoke at Allure in reverse
This is no secret, but of course JVB wants to run for mayor in a few years and he’s obviously courting developers for some much needed handouts. Pretty soon Queens Blvd, in Sunnyside and Woodside, is going to look like 57th Street, nothing but condos. All of a sudden he’s Dudley Do-Right. Now, I don’t care if these places closed down at all b/c all they did was attract shitheads, but we all see JBV’s ulterior motives, right?
you are so very correct — tooo bad other people can’t see this about him —
@Irish lassie When did being ambitious become a crime? Maybe you should take Mr. VanBramer’s example and step up your own game then maybe you wouldn’t be so jealous. From the tone of your many redundant posts throughout all the Queens Posts Neighborhood blogs, you sound like an under achieving low performing bitter jealous low information imbecile.
Why is there a need to hold a damn rally anyway? If the business is doing something wrong, then the proper authorities shut it down. Why do you have to waste your time holding a stupid rally that only a dozen people will show for anyway? Maybe because the press will be there? I’m sick of this fake kiss-ass.
Poor little Jimmy now he’s bugged by a strip club and a dance club. But if it was a gay club and he was getting his share when he went for happy hour it would be ok. How about cleaning up the neighborhood and getting more trash cans, or putting more cops out to patrol the neighborhood in the first place so there would be less crimes.
Rallying to close a business!!! Hmmmmm that’s ballsy.
You want to rally to close a business Jimmy? Close that scum bag at the pet store that runs a puppy mill in its front window in front of thousands of people and children every day. Every four months the name changes so people won’t see all the negative reviews. It’s right across the street from your office you dumb schmuck.
@aonoymous You’re so full of crap.
Pot, meet kettle? Mac is a veritable fountain of crap on these boards.
-Anonymous Closing a club that has been the scene of multiple shootings, assaults and armed menacing incidents is a step at reducing crime you idiot. Haha
I don’t care if he builds a 10 story building there, why r u all so hung up on height??I don’t want a strip club in my neighborhood. Period end of story. Not good for he neighborhood or property values. Yes there are a lot of things that should be changed at least he’s trying to do something. And for the asshole no pun intended who made the comment about a gay strip club grow up.
I really think this is a case of a council person trying to build his name by trying to tarnish the name of a neighborhood business or as was said previously he must have a friend that wants to build a 10 story high rise apt or condo nearby. I go to this club frequently and like 2 blocks away and I could tell you this club is not bad in the least. I go to many clubs in New York and this has one of the better crowds in queens. It’s a drinking establishment and like any other drinking establishment things may happen on occasion but in 3 years a handful of incidents does not make it dangerous. This is New York and bad things happen everywhere. What are we supposed to do enforce a curfew ? Oh I get it lets rally for something as petty as this. There are so many other issues happening in this city that needs attention and its funny that this is what this councilperson feels is what is wrong with Queens. JVB please wake up and start tackling some of the real problems that are plaguing our great neighborhood.
This is definitely for condos. Gallagher’s is on a side street and it wasn’t closed when it was raided for human trafficking. Can we open a gay strip club? We need more diversity in our strip clubs!
Wow JVB finally woke up? this has been going on at this “establishment” since it basically opened. Must have a friend that wants to build there a 10 story high rise apt or condo – power goes to certain politicians heads –
you are probably right about this –
Wish I could attend. Thanks so much for shutting these garbage cans down.
When is Jimmy going to do something about the dump on Barnett Ave and 48th St? All kinds of shady stuff going on there. And he knows about it. I have contacted his office many times. No response.
He doesn’t respond to any complaints including his position on Qboro bridge fares
Clearly, JVB is stripping local business owners of their right to operate freely. That’s the naked truth. I fear the NYPD will jiggle the crime figures to justify these shutdowns. The lap dancers obviously have their panties in a twist over this. At the risque of seeming like a butt-kisser, I’d like to thank the Sunnyside Post for keeping us all abreast of the situation.
JVB is polishing up the neighborhood to sell it to real estate developers.
yeah cause secrets and allure have done so much for this community. when he shuts down places like the Japanese market, restaurants, or the hardware stores then I’ll agree with you. but its about time these places close down.