Van Bramer
Oct. 29, 2018 By Christian Murray
Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer announced today that his office has helped more than 30,000 constituents since he took office in January 2010.
Van Bramer, in making the announcement, said that his most notable constituent achievements since taking office include: aiding a resident from avoiding deportation; getting an additional school safety officer assigned to P.S. 11 in Woodside; changing MTA construction times to reduce noise for residents; reducing fines for constituents from overzealous city agencies; and helping remedy pedestrian safety issues.
The announcement of the number of constituent cases a council member completes is not typical but Van Bramer says that he wants to make sure the public knows what he is doing.
“My job is to work hard every day and to deliver results,” Van Bramer said. “Constituent services have always been at the heart of our operation and we are proud to have helped thousands of constituents in Sunnyside, Woodside, Long Island City and Astoria.
Van Bramer, who plans to run for Queens Borough President, provided details of one his most noteworthy efforts. He said his office helped Mohammad Anwarul Islam, a Sunnyside resident avoid deportation in 2012
Islam was picked up by ICE after his political asylum case was rejected and taken to a correction facility in Newark, NJ. His wife called Van Bramer and the matter was resolved in 45 days and he was released. Today Islam is a US citizen.

Van Bramer with the Islam Family
This is the worst piece of nonesense fake news I have ever read – this guy cares about one person, and one person only. Himself! He is as phony as they come. He doesn’t know or care about the “people” he lives in his million dollar home tending to his garden.
It certainly wasn’t fake news to my family when he helped us.
My family is among the 30,000 he helped. He and his staff listened, cared, and resolved our problem with DOE. We voted for him before he helped, and will vote for him again.
It’s disgraceful what happened on Skillmam Avenue anyone want to take credit for this disaster waiting to happen. Waiting to see our first snow storm cleanup with one lane opened. By the way a saw a bike rider not using the bike lane but riding in the one lane meant for cars.
Come on Jimmy , did you just pull this number out of your a** !
30,000 reasons not to vote for Jimmy!
Be interesting to see him many of that 30 thousand actually vote for him.
My wife contacted JVB after I broke my ribs from falling from a pot hole on the haphazardly installed bike lanes. A few days later, the lane was patched. I was so impressed.
So you don’t sue
Is this just the number of calls? I contacted his office a few times and never heard anything back.
Jimmy van Backstabber ,you don’t and never will represent me.
It’s Gentrification Jim the man that wants the working class out of Sunnyside.
Jimmy and his staff lent a hand to me several times over the years. Say what you will, he’s a good neighbor.
so is State Farm and they stink also
His most notable achievement will be ridding Skillman Avenue ofbusinesses that slow down bike traffic and declaring people in cars “illegal.”
I live acros from Thompson Hill Park on 4nd st, I sent JVBs office letters about the drunks in the park urinating in the bushes next to the kids playground. So his people cut down the bushes 10 inches high, problem solved! No more bush urination!
Now the drunks urinate between the cars instead.
Hey Jimmy can you do something about the urination between the cars?
He’s working on eliminating on street parking. This will stop bums from urinating between cars. This really is how his mind works. Getting rid of the bums would be too much work.
His staff may be good but he is seriously deluded.
Jimmy has really been a wonderful representative for our neighborhood. Not at all surprised to hear such an impressive number. Keep up the good work!
Helped more than 30,000 constituents?- please elaborate and be more specific.
More typical political BS
The next sentence elaborated and was more specific. You should try reading any of the article at all before commenting.
^^^ Jimmy? Is that you?
Thank You Jimmy!
more and more lies from him he is getting desperate since he is out of the lime light.
Haters gonna hate! They do good work and help a lot of people. You can’t take that away from JVB and his staff.
Antifa, hate is what you are good at.
I think Large Jim thinks “Antifa” is a person ?
No it just covers all the anti-American rhetoric coming from your communist eutopian brain.
I wonder why the Trumpeters are so upset by anti-fascists?
Because to the antifa nut jobs anyone to the right of Lenin is a fascist.