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Van Bramer allocates $60K for trash cans, 27 new bins come to Sunnyside

June 19, 2017 By Christian Murray

Twenty-seven new trash cans have recently popped up in Sunnyside following the allocation of $60,000 of city funds by Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer toward the installation of 108 new cans throughout western Queens.

The 27 new cans in Sunnyside have replaced 25 old wire trash cans. The new cans, which cost over $500 each, are significantly larger and are sturdier than the previous cans. Two cans have also been added to two new locations. Those locations are 46th Street/Queens Boulevard (north east corner) and on the south east corner of 48th Street and Skillman Avenue.

Woodside has received 32 new cans, which will also replace the existing wire cans. There are no cans going in to new locations.

Long Island City will be getting 34 new cans, with most of them going into locations that did not have trash cans before. The majority of these cans will be going on Vernon Boulevard in the Hunters Point section of Long Island City.

Van Bramer said that 15 new cans have been installed in the Dutch Kills/Astoria neighborhoods, areas he also represents.

“With more than a hundred new trash bins in Woodside, Sunnyside, Long Island City, Dutch Kills and Astoria, it will be easier than ever to throw trash in a bin rather than on the ground, keeping our streets clean for all,” Van Bramer said in a statement.

Old cans (file photo)

Trash Bin Locations by Queens Post on Scribd

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New York City Councilmember Jimmy Van Bramer (D-Sunnyside) continues to make fundraising appeals for his 2017 campaign committee to reëlect, even after he has reportedly dropped out of the matching funds program of the New York City Campaign Finance Board.

In an e-mail distributed on Thursday, Councilmember Van Bramer’s campaign committee sought campaign contributions, in part, because, “I need your help in order to face the very real and immensely important fights that are ahead. I’ve spent this year organizing the resistance against the devisive retoric from the White House.”

The e-mail apparently referred to a protest march that Councilmember Van Bramer spearheaded last November to denounce the politics of then-President elect Donald Trump as an affront to “Queens values,” a vague political construct that appeared to overlook the prominent conservative sensibility that exists amongst voters in the borough of Queens.

Councilmember Van Bramer’s campaign fundraising drive continues in the face of a news report that his campaign committee has reportedly exceeded a fundraising cap and has dropped out of the Municipal matching funds program, according to an article published by The Gotham Gazette. Councilmemmber Van Bramer is a member of the City Council’s Progressive Caucus.

For this report, Councilmember Van Bramer’s office did not answer a request to explain why the incumbent candidate dropped out of matching funds program.


There are none on 41st Street and 47th Avenue nor on 41st Street and Greenpoint Avenue. Jimmy must have put them all on 46th Street where he lives.

El loco

I agree. Got a sandwich at subway and the paper wrapper and extra large soda cup fit. I took the chips home and ate them. Now I’m going to putvthe empty Lays bag in the garbage can too.


M I think the old ones worked better. Why do we keep having to change everything in this neighborhood. We don’t need these hipster trash kids. I grew up in this neighborhood and we have much better trash in the old days not to mention better trash cans. Nobody even littered than the old days.


Never mention , 43st & 44st on 48th Ave …
Thats all right ….election a4ound the corner !


Maybe off topic, but does anyone know who continually leaves shopping carts full of trash on 45th St. just south of Skillman (near the vacant lot next to the church)? It’s really annoying.


You threw out what looked like a perfectly good TV. I thought often of taking it home with me in the weeks it sat on the sidewalk in its shopping cart. The bags of dog poo were less appealing.

Hoove Hearted

You can put a trash bin every two feet but there are still too many slobs around here who will still toss their garbage on the sidewalk. I guess they want to recreate the third-world dump they came here to escape.


All places selling food including snacks and drinks should be required to have a litter basket close to the front exit and be responsible for maintenance. This would help our sidewalks clean and take some of the burden off the sanitation dept. Fines and penalties should be give to all places with dirty areas. First with a warring in writing and then a fine. Let us not forget that some vehicles and cyclists that pass by and wait for the traffic light play a role in all this street garbage. There have many times where i have seen cars, trucks and bikers litter the streets with napkins, coffee cups, food, bottles, etc. They should also be fined.


how about some bins on 43rd ave? the amount of trash is astounding, as is the number of bag full of dog waste hanging from fences.


Why replace? Why no new locations? Ok, fine, old cans were an eyesore, but they still do a job. Please please just put the “old” cans in a location where theyre needed. It’s called recycling. It’s called utilizing your resources. We don’t care if it’s wire, as long as it’s emptied on a normal basis.


He spent $60k on replacing cans but no new ones????is it me or is that the stupidest thing you’ve heard.
Yesterday I walked skillman from 49th to 52nd holding an empty cup because in that intersection by the kettle is the busiest part of the neighborhood and Howdy Doody Bramer can’t get one New can installed.
The sidewalks are filled with dog shit everywhere and people wonder why??
But instead he allocates $60k in new ones.
Why because he likes the new shiny colors?
Please people vote this guy out he is a complete moron wasting taxpayer money on nothing.


Gary, this article os poorly worded and the number of cans and new/ replacement info. Is scattered throughout the article. It’s not immediately clear that the $60k is for a total of 108 new cans of which some are replacing smaller capacity wire cans and some are for new locations.


Apparently Henry made some typos but it looks like Gary has some serious reading comprehension issues. Perhaps Gary should have read the whole article carefully instead of just reading the headline. If Gary had actually read the article he would understood all the facts. All you have to do is go back to second-grade and learn how to read.


I notice alot of them are where Van Bramer lives. The south side of Queens Blvd. is forgotten and also why all the homeless are in Noonan Park and not Skillman Park.


Finally! I questioned this when I moved here 10 years ago when I had my dog. It looks so disgusting at the corner of 46th and Queens Blvd. I am of the same upbringing, I don’t throw something in the garbage if overflowing.


Filth is common in other countries so when the people come here from certain countries they think it’s ok to make the mess over here


Unacceptable. I refuse to accept that laziness and selfish slob behavior is a “cultural” thing. And if it is, send these people the hell back where they came from! I feel ashamed that we live in a time and place where our public transportation system has to create a campaign using stick figured to demonstrate how the garbage works and how to act on the train. Are pepople that pathetic?


So true. Only in USA do people use trash can. We invinited it, right after we came up with the pizza


What’s really disgusting is how some people will just toss their garbage on the ground even if the trash can is a few feet away. There are people that rather then throw their dogs waste bags into the trash, if they pick it up at all, will just tie it to the fence of someones house or apartment building.

If I have garbage like a wrapper from something I got at a store and I can’t find a trash can, I’ll either wait until I eventually come across one or throw it in my trash can at home. I don’t get how people can just throw trash on the ground.

El Loco

I keep an eye on litter. The main problems come from:
1. Overflowing cans, and people still put the trash on / in it. If it’s full — then carry it until you find a trashcan w/ room.
2. People “cleaning out” their cars by just throwing trash in the street and driving away.
3. Careless jerks throwing stuff on the ground. Usually within eyesight of a trash can.
Friends that visit other places tell me they see no litter and no trash cans (Paris, Tokyo) … People are responsible for their own trash. Pack in, pack out.

El loco

This is a fake El loco. Get an original name buddy. Trash cans are ok but now you have to replace the people in the neighborhood.

Sunnyside Love Me Long Time

Sixty grand for twenty-seven garbage cans ?! Why do I think the taxpayers are being jacked ?


I’m hoping it’s Cans + the additional yearly cost of maintenance and removal. I imagine the bins are at least $2000 as they’re the new metal variety.


IMO, the streets and sidewalks are much cleaner without bins. First of all, most do over flow with trash and stink of spoiled food and dog poop. Second, many sanitation trucks do a bad job during pick up. Many times the garbage does not get into the truck and spills onto the sidewalk and street. The wind then carries it to the residential areas and the homeowners get fined for the trash (called dirty front sidewalk/yard area tickets and are a 100 dollar fine)! It happens all the time. The business’ need to do their part and clean up the streets/sidewalks. There was one litter basket up my street and my neighbors and I managed to get it removed from the Sanitation Dept. because we are considered a residential area. We now have a cleaner sidewalk and street area. Residents have stopped throwing their household trash and electric items (which is illegal but happens all the time). Complain to 311 if there are issues or if you live in a residential area and they have been place to close to your homes.

Don't be a slob

“With more than a hundred new trash bins in Woodside, Sunnyside, Long Island City, Dutch Kills and Astoria, it will be easier than ever to throw trash in a bin rather than on the ground, keeping our streets clean for all,”

As if the lack of a trash bin is an excuse for littering? Scummy people don’t change their habits. Trash cans are a wonderful convenience, but there still needs to be consequences for littering. It’s unsanitary and garbage often winds up in our oceans and harms our wildlife. There is NO excuse to throw litter on the ground. You hold YOUR garbage until you find a bin or you throw it out at home.

Bart Stone

You know what, it seems like a nothing problem but it’s not. It makes everything look nicer and helps businesses avoid ridiculous fines for trash that was created by pedestrians who couldn’t find a bin. Little things like this count, though 500 for a trash bin seems pretty steep. Anyways, I recently walked through sunnyside to greenpoint on greenpoint ave. If there was more than one bin on my way I must have missed it.


Yes – agreed. More trash bins and regular pickup is hugely important. The garbage bins on Greenpoint Ave. (going southwest) stop at the park/playground, with none between 42nd st. and the bridge.

Mrs. Clean

The problem is the attitude “couldn’t fin a bin”. That’s no excuse for being a slob and a degenerate. I was taught that you hold your trash until you find a garbage can or throw it out at home. De Blasio downgraded the penalty for littering so expect to see more of it. IMO, anyone caught tossing trash on the ground should get tasered, pepper sprayed, publicly shamed and forced to clean up trash in the area every Saturday for a year!


Mrs. Clean The so called “down grade” makes sense financially, do some research and turn off Fox News. The real problem is the household trash from the illegally converted apartments.


alot of illegal apartment in lic, sunnyside and woodside this is why there is such a big problem –


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