Nov. 11, 2016 By Hannah Wulkan
For all those looking to take action against hate following the election on Tuesday, Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer is hosting two events to facilitate community action and support.
Van Bramer is holding a Community Speak Out next Wednesday as a way for community members to learn how to get involved and support their minority neighbors, and is hosting a Day of Action the following Saturday, with various service projects around the community.
“I have already heard from too many who are afraid, legitimately afraid, of what will be. But while I understand that there is much to be concerned about, I don’t want to focus on fear. Instead I ask all of us to dig deep at this difficult moment and feel hope and be in touch with our undying thirst for freedom,” Van Bramer said in a statement on Facebook on Wednesday.
“We should take some time to feel this pain because it’s real. But we must quickly turn this around and organize and fight,” his statement continued.
Next Wednesday, the Community Speak Out will run from 6 to 8 p.m. at Sunnyside Community Services, where Van Bramer has invited dozens of organizations that support women, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, Muslims, and other minority groups to speak.
One of the biggest requests Van Bramer has been hearing since the election is how his constituents can get involved to support their neighbors and community, said a representative from his office. The Speak Out will facilitate conversations of fears surrounding the election results, and connect those who want to help with various organizations they can work with.
Van Bramer is also hosting a Day of Action the following Saturday Nov. 19, which will give people a chance to put their concerns in to action. It will consist of several volunteer opportunities throughout the community, though the exact details are not yet finalized.
“The same nightmare scenarios run through my brain that have run through so many of yours. But I also know that we are a good and strong lot. Women, African Americans, Latinos, all immigrants -including the undocumented, my LGBT brothers and sisters, people of all faiths including muslims, and the differently abled have come as far as we have because we know how to fight,” Van Bramer said in the Facebook statement.
“Yes, we lost a very important election. And too many of our fellow Americans see the world so very differently than us. But we will not be defeated as a people. We will rise. And we will do it together,” he added.
Both events are free and nonpartisan, and those looking to get involved can RSVP to Elana Ehrenberg at (718) 383-9566 ext. 5 or

didn’t he say someone threatened him — he was the first one to say it on Twitter and called the news stations and the police he said he got an e-mail so why post your house address for re-election campaign – and this was 2 weeks after the election
Jimmy Van Bramer re-election kickoff campaign is on 12/10/16 from 2pm to 4pm — big donations required it is at his house why would he do that have it at a hall of the center –
Well there’s a lot of illegals commenting here.
no wonder people are scared………
Trump won because were tired of OHbahmah trashing MLK……from now on content of character will be applied to black people……..or else end his birthday and save tens or a hundred billion in unnecessary Holiday and OT pay
I wonder why they even bother with approval here. There seems to be no actual discretion at all in what get posted. This board is supposed to provide information to the community regarding local events and business openings. Instead, it’s just a troll filled hatefest like the rest of the internet. Sunnyside Post, get rid of the comments sections entirely and post at least 2 articles per day.
Dear Jimmy: many of us are very happy with election results. Your crazy progressive side suffered big losses. People who work don’t like being told that hey are “deplorable” or “unenlightened”. Now, go get a real job. Didn’t you work in the library once?
And take #blamefoxnewswithyou. He/she has a crush on Rachel Maddow.#feelthetingle
-pearl cream Get an education and I told you to look up the difference between “your” & “you’re” you lazy ignoramus. Obviously English isn’t your first language. Big deal you have a job, everyone has a job you imbecile.
“everyone has a job”
Not true Hillary doesn’t.
He can get a job working for PRESIDENT TRUMP is his mommy helps him fill out the job application. Hillary can get a job at a catering hall. Her “pantsuits” look like potholders.
-fub, Rocky& Pearl And Hillary will still make millions more than a loser like you while she is out of work. Eat your heart out.
I have no doubt Hillary will rake in money without a job. She has been doing that since Bill became Attorney General of Arkansas.
blamefoxnews, I saw your owner at Lou Lodati dog park again today.
#blamefoxnews, were you engaging in a little immigrant-bashing there, sweetie? (” Obviously English isn’t your first language.”)
Has Mac and his fellow DEMORATS left the Country yet? Hope So.
one interesting tidbit came out of wikileaks, princess chelsea had a 3M dollar wedding and apparantly she was writing checks direct from the clinton foundation. I will never forget her famous quote after her parents helped her purchase an 11mil penthouse
“I was curious if I could be happy without money on some fundamental level, it turns out i can”
NBC news also paid her 600K for nothing – theres a rumor she was paid $900,000 in her first yr out of college running the clinton foundation (helping starving kids!)
These people shouldnt be with 1000 miles of the white house
What happened? A lot of apoplectic shit being said. Was there an erection or something?
blamefoxnews is like Hillary, he thinks people care what he says, but then Trump got elected.
Sir walter raleigh-first time your right. Get rid of all illegals,not just mexicans, irish too. If your here illegally, go back home, get out
TRUMP! LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD! plus your handle is stupid, just like yoooooooooooooooooou!
Don’t these social justice warriors realize that all the fear mongering that they put out during the campaign season probably helped him get votes?
The Next Election coming your out.
This is total bullshit, gathering up paranoid liberals is the way to go Van bramer. No One is being attacked in Sunnyside, because trump got voted in. you are just stirring up trouble. Just go do your job.
Actually I know of one woman who was verbally abused. We don’t know if there are others or not.
Americans watched all year protests against Trump and they responded by voting him into office. Has anyone told these people that you can not change the results of a democratic election! Republicans hold the House and Senate partly due to how much the DNC ignored grass roots states and how most media outlets were so against Trump.
A Democratic operative working to support Hillary Clinton’s campaign was canned in October after an undercover video emerged showing him bragging about hiring homeless people and the mentally ill to disrupt Donald Trump’s rallies. I do not know who or what to believe anymore with these random acts of hate toward minorities after the election. Who knows which side is causing all this fear that the media is having a field day with. Just something to think about.
This is not new. Those tactics have been employed for decades. Trump surrogates have most assuredly sent people to these democratic protests before and after the election to incite violence and looting. It makes the other side look bad. Both sides do the same thing.
I am so happy that our community can come together like this during a time of hatred. Like many of you all attending this revolutionary meeting, I am a giant p***y who can’t come to terms with reality. This is going to be the greatest safe space ever!!!! I can vent with other p***y SJW’s such as my self and talk about how awesome Communism is!!! I hope that one day Sunnyside can be just one giant Safe Space!!! How awesome is that?! #imwithher #fidelismyhero #whatemails #thehinbenghaziissilent #safespace4everyone #feeltheburn #shedidit #caitlynjennerisstunningandbeautiful
And Kim kardashian has a big butt
When will you hillary supporters realize that people are not with you and dont agree with you? You keep complaining on social media, forums and protesting as if you have a following. You dont! The media is an illusion to what is real. Wake up. You should have taken your lazy asses out to vote instead of protesting clogging up streets and annoying everyone because you didnt get your way. Suck it up and try harder next time if your not happy, or simply move to another country as many of you have threatened. See what your rights are outside of the US. What happened to the real men and women of this country who used to have a backbone. Maybe they voted, and are coming back.
-santos g. You sure are one stupid imbecile. First of all there are about one million more Hillary supporters than Trump supporters, she won the popular vote by that amount of votes you idiot. The vast majority of protests are taking place in cities within states that Hilllary won so the protestors probably did turn out to vote. Are you really as stupid as your post makes you out to be?
Well actually, ANARCHISTS don’t vote. They just destroy property. #feeltheburn
Blamefoxnews whatever your rants are, remember one thing…you now answer to President Trump.
I like how these anti-trumpers are still giving you facts and rants as if election day hasnt happened yet!
actually half of the anarchists did not vote.
I am so happy that our community can come together like this during a time of hatred. Like many of you all attending this revolutionary meeting, I am a giant p***y who can’t come to terms with reality. This is going to be the greatest safe space ever!!!! I can vent with other p***y SJW’s such as my self and talk about how awesome Communism is!!! I hope that one day Sunnyside can be just one giant Safe Space!!! How awesome is that?! #imwithher #fidelismyhero #thehinbenghaziissilent #safespace4everyone #feeltheburn #shedidit #caitlynjennerisstunningandbeautiful
has michigan been called yet? Trump was ahead last time I checked. When he gets that state it will be 306 to 236 I believe. This wasn’t even close. Why are we giving these rioting street punks the cameras. This was a landslide!! Hillary was blown out of the water – and the NY Times said there was an 84% chance Hillary would win. Yeah, theres some fair and balanced reporting.
She lost the electoral college but won the popular vote. She was not blown out of the water.
You can dislike the facts but that doesn’t change them. She still won the popular vote.
Is she president? No. Doesnt matter freak
Christian Murray is probably an illegal. They should throw him over the wall.
I’m grateful that Councilman Van Bramer is leading this session. Queens has seen a rise in violent anti-Muslim hate crimes in just the past year, and I (a US-born US citizen with brown skin) feel safer because I know so many people in my neighborhood want to protect and support people like me so we can go about our day.
I am sincere in asking this – where have the “violent anti-Muslim” attacks been happening?
I ask because a Muslim friend of mine was attacked at the grocery store by a Hispanic woman who tried to rip off her headscarf and screamed at her in front of her children.
Now, one incidence is too much, but this is the only one I’ve heard of or read about.
I work from home and my desk is in front of my window. I see out onto the street all the time; I’ve lived in this neighborhood for 14 years. I can tell you there has been a lot more women wearing headscarves than I’ve ever seen here. If there was a marked jump in these violent attacks, I would have thought we would all have heard/read about it seeing as there has been an increase in Muslims in the area.
I’ve asked my friend if she was having any problems, especially after the pressure cooker NJ idiot. She told me no. I’d sent her a text first thing in the morning the day after and told her to watch out for the “stupid ones.” There will ALWAYS be stupid ones. Anyway, she replied later that night and said she’d been out all day and hadn’t run into any.
So, where exactly should I tell her to refrain from venturing into?
Hi, Med. Thanks for your question. I’ve lived in Western Queens for over a decade, too. And my sympathies to your friend; that shouldn’t happen to anyone.
December of last year: the man who attacked Sarker Haque of Fatima Food Mart was saying, “I kill Muslims”. (I’m not including a link just because sometimes a lot of links put a comment into moderation or a spam filter. If you search for “Sarker Haque” you can find news coverage of this.)
April: a 19-year-old man was followed and attacked by 3 men, one of whom shouted “Isis, Isis”. This was at 33rd Ave and 10th Street.
August: further from here, in Ozone Park, an imam, Maulana Alauddin Akonjee, and his friend were killed as they were walking home from religious services. I looked at news reports and it seems like, as of August, the DA wasn’t confirming whether or not it was religiously motivated. So that’s a maybe.
Hope this helps answer your question. Best wishes and thanks.
Good heavens – how can people dislike this comment? I hope it’s just one jerk refreshing his or her cache and disliking this over and over. Shame on you people.
No. We are Americans speaking freely and you despise us for it because you disagree. Show us how to grow up and cooperate like adults. Why doesn’t the Queens Republican Party hold a bipartisan meeting where we can come together to learn to work together? Call them now and start working on it. The SP will certainly run a story on it and I for one will attend.
No, you’re just spoiled brats throwing a hissy fit because the election didn’t go your way. That happens in a democracy so stop whining and act like a mature adult.
Roe v. Wade also happened. Conservatives are still whining and throwing a hissy fit over that.
Roe v. Wade also happened. Conservatives are STILL whining and throwing a hissy fit over not getting their way on that.
If only someone would model that for us. You certainly aren’t with your grade school name calling. People have the right to assembly and the right to protest freely. Denigrating them for it makes you look bad.
That’s rich. Hypocritically rich. Trump was about to upend the entire process because he said it was rigged, just like the emmy’s. He was complaining before the election was even held. And you call protestors spoiled brats?
You live in an alternate fantasy. One that has nothing to do with reality.
Like spoiled toddlers, democrats throw a tantrum when they don’t get their way.
Cruz shuts the government down in a childish temper tantrum because he didn’t get what he wanted, and protesters are crybabies? Congress has been engaging in obstructionism for the entire 8 years of Obama, and yet now protesters are called crybabies? The GOP vowed to block any nominations, even though it is their responsibility to hear and nominate a justice to the supreme court, and protesters are crybabies? They brought SCOTUS to a grinding halt, completely stopping the execution of the constitution, and protesters are crybabies?
Get a grip. They have the most legitimate reason to protest in that trump is a clown and a narcissistic, opportunist, fraud. No other man in modern history is more unfit to sit in the oval office. This is what makes it different. Trump supporters are so wrapped up in their ideology and willful ignorance to see that.
Oh, boo hoo hoo.
There was an old hag named Hill’
who was just a globalist shill
till a laddie named Trump
kicked her fat rump
liberals go take a chill pill.
You are a misogynistic moronic mouse. If you don’t come to that meeting, stand up and recite your ditty we will all know I’m right.
I have been saying for a long time now Jimmy Van Bramer is the biggest waste of a city salary there is. This forum has nothing at all to do with the election it is the beginning of how he thinks he will win the votes of all these HRC deplorables. This guy is as crooked as Hilary and only out for himself and his own pockets.
There is 25 other major concerns he could be addressing but instead he’s wasting tax payer dollars hosting an event for people that clearly lost and need to simply go out and get a job. If they were working they wouldn’t have time to be sulking over there loss a week later.
look out peeps JVB is looking to run for Mayor of NYC –
Great! He has my vote!
God help us
Trump make Sunnyside great again !!!
And Woodside too!!!
bill warned hillary in aug about listening to the rust belt working white class voters….
so she ignored that and spent her time with jay z, beyonce, katy perry and…. that really resonated well those swing states! And even the NY Times had to apologize to their readers for not being fair and balanced during the campaign.
FDRs domocratic party used to be the working mans party – now i guess its for celebrity elites and rappers… i hear chelsea clinton is the next great hope for the future of the democtatic party…. as a republican i cant tell you what a great week of news this has been.
Man the #%*+ up people. Waste of time and money.
Can we have one adult conversation on this website?!! Are we allowed to take our democracy seriously? People of color, LGBT, and all compassionate people are concerned about life under this mentally unstable President-elect. I’m sure JVB’s phone has been ringing OFF THE HOOK! He is responding to the needs of our community. Have some respect for the plight of your neighbors!
Do YOU have some respect for the abuse Trump supporters are taking?
How many Trump supporters are getting bashed every single minute? Being told they are racists? Being told they are stupid? Being told they are sexist? And HAVE BEEN for 16 flipping months.
How about the man that was almost kicked to death in Chicago because he voted for Trump? How about the little boy whose mother kicked him out of the house and made him think she was never going to love him again because of a MOCK ELECTION in his school? How about all the DEATH THREATS being posted online?
No, instead these paid protesters are out burning down buildings, causing harm to business owners, blocking traffic, shooting and killing people. Yeah – show some respect. Give me a break!
I LOVE how tolerant you all want EVERYONE else to be, but you sure as hell don’t show any tolerance for people who have a different opinion than you do.
IF just ONE of you would take a step back from your coloring books and playdoh and actually acted like ADULTS, maybe things would be better, but from what I have seen, you simply are not capable of doing just that.
I support free speech. I support people listening to each other. I support teaching people how to debate like adults. I don’t support any kind of violence or harassment on the streets, bars, stores, trains or homes in America. We have never had such an emotional, passionate election in my lifetime. Passions and emotions rouse some of the worst aspects of human nature which includes insults and harassment, unfortunately. No one should do that. On the other hand one candidate in this election intentionally aroused passion and emotion in voters, leading terrifying chorus’s of “Her up!” “Build a wall!” etc. That candidate said he chose that strategy to win. He drew big black lines between groups of people and make them hate and fear each other. Personally, I find that unethical, but that is open to debate. Most people don’t know how to escape deliberate manipulation like that. And we are dealing with the result. I’m suffering and I am sorry if you are suffering. JVB said it is non partisan. We don’t disagree politically but I think we can agree humanly. It is our duty to help each other heal.
Really?? 23 people dislike the concept of polite debate? Perhaps this country deserves Drumpf!
WE did not deserve CROOKED HILLARY
The facts are she was the candidate least likely to lie. Trump beat her in the lying category by over 3-1. Republicans have been leading people down a path of lies since Obama was elected. You have been fooled.
OMG! I didn’t realize that Sunnyside had become Staten Island! Where are all the progressive citizens who support St. Pat’s For All? So many JVB haters! This man works night and day, plus weekends for our community. He helps all people. Gee, I wonder if he was married to a woman and had 2 kids would everyone appreciate him more!
Pearl cream: we see you’re susceptible to brain washing through repetition. Trump has admitted in court documents to a judge of hiring illegal alien laborers himself, personally. How about that $18 million dollar insurance claim check from that “really good policy” for his Florida property after a hurricane. A hurricane that his hotel didn’t need to file one single work permit with the town. Don’t forget that fraud conviction from Trump university. Obviously public record fact, public admission and even plain old boasting don’t mean anything to a weak minded chest pounding imbecile like you. As long as something is said enough times it automatically becomes the truth to a weak minded imbecile no matter what posting handle they’re using whether is Rocky or Pearl cream.
You need coloring books and diapers to handle your hurt feelings. you lost. Get over it
Lots of miserable morons support Trump. Sad!
Bill that’s not nice you don’t know that many people so why are you making accusations like that and calling them miserable? This is another poor loser that didn’t get his way.
Why can’t the mayor or governor declare a “Hug a Clinton Supporter Day” during this month and then just move along.
A day of action ?
Jimmy means more riots
Why are they protesting/crying/rioting in mostly states in which the electoral votes went to Hillary? I say at least feel bad outside the flow of traffic in NYC and keep it on the sidewalk!!
Seriously? i’m not even a Trump voter. However the people voted.. it might be time to accept that part at least rather than questioning its legitimacy. By all means monitor the guy and judge his actions in due course but that’s not what this is about it appears when Trump hasn’t even actually taken office yet.
Do you suggest we should keep campaigning or vote again until we get it “right”? I don’t recall such forums being held or ever being mooted by public officials the night after President Obama won the election in 2008 as our first black president. It would have been seen as idiotic …how is this any less different?
Because Obama was actually qualified and fit to serve the office of the president.
Trump is a clown and should be anywhere near the oval office.
What a bunch of paranoid sore losers. Instead of getting behind our new leader like those of us who didnt vote for president obama did, these paranoid sore losers try to yell fire before theres flames. Get behind your new president and support him, or vote him out in 4 yrs. Very disappointed in jvb, always thought of him as a fair leader. Not so sure anymore
Oh yeah sure. Everyone who didn’t vote for Obama totally got behind him after the election. Especially everyone at Fox News and Trump (or did you forget that Trump ACTIVELY worked to discredit Obama for so many years?)
Now you have the governor telling people in the USA to come to NY if they suffer from Trumpophobia. Trump was right…the main stream media is so full of crap and one sided when it comes to politics. If these where Trump supporters that lost an election that would of been viewed by the mainstream media very differently and much more harshly, labeling them with all sorts of negative names. People have the right to protest all they want as long as it is done peacefully.
-hallelujah Fox News, Breit Bart, NY Post, Rush Limbaugh….there is plenty of media that tells an idiot like you what you want to hear. You don’t like other media outlets don’t tune in loser.
Tell jimmy that some of us are very happy with election and he is a pandering snowflake. His boss Deblasio will hopefully be voted out soon
Also what is big Jimmy doing to protect Trump supporters from the anarchists?
It seems like anthony weiner pushed Huma right into hillary’s arms. They’ll be married as soon as the divorces are finalized
If you want to know what it’s like to feel threatened walking around Sunnyside, try wearing a Trump baseball cap and see how much abuse you get. But that’s acceptable it seems.
Of course not.
We must never give in to DJ Trump and the Republicans. Armed resistance if necessary.
just watching a documentary on the rise of adolph hitler. interesting
F sunnside trump rules
when the conversation this night shifts away from hate and onto how they can keep trump from taking the oath i hope jimmy will put a stop to it quickly and hand out pocket copies of the Consititution, theach these kids a lesson about how this country works.
these dopey internet t kids hardly look up from their phones, have no idea about how elections work or about checks and balances etc, that we actually live in a REPUBLIC where we vote for representatives who vote for us. and not a pure democracy. they just think they can toss flaming oblects at cops and the cops and mommy will make it all better.
Will jimmy offer a safe space to Trump supporters who have been cursed out by his fab neighbors ?
Yea, sure, if we can find one of those old phone booths, that will accommodate you.
Are country is divided. It has been divided for centuries which has created an uprising in the last eight years and an excuse to be ignorant. The ignorance in this country is ridiculous.
Its the whole liberal mentality…Nancys.
election night, i havent had a rush like that since mookie wilson hit that slow roller to bill buckner in first in the 86 world series, went thru his legs and shea went crazy. mets went on to history. Florida was the slow roller. Trump was mookie. Hillary was buckner, she had it and lost it.
Dems lost the presidency, senate, house, governorship – total mess of a night for them!! Jimmy make sure you got enough kleenex for these people. I actually feel bad.
i am concerned about the extreme violent behavior that these clinton supporters are showing in cities around this great country. as a white male wearing a red make america great again hat round sunnysid i feel i am a target for their unfair aggression. please make sure the 108 will protect us from these thugs. get the hoses ready
thanks jimmy
concerned citizen
I am concerned as well. Very. For the first time in modern US history, a man was elected that is openly misogynist, racist, xenophobic, and has connections to foreign governments. He is unqualified from both an intellectual and moral perspective to hold the office of the POTUS.
“The process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.” Alexander Hamilton.
Trump is that man, and everything should be done to prevent him from taking office. It is the patriotic thing to do, regardless if you want change. The only change that man will bring is a change back to the 1950’s.
Unprecedented actions should call for unprecedented reactions. There is no “lets just move on.” If he were a normal human being, we could do that. This man is a danger to modern civilization.
The 1950’s? I liked Leave it to Beaver! I like Ike!
You are typical bad taste fascistic progressive with no knowledge of the Constitution.
Unprecedented my ass.
Thank you new voter registration restrictions. Hahaha we should have thought of this long ago. Just lock out the Dem groups like students, elderly and minorities. LOL
I see you clearly don’t understand what a democracy is, do you? If I had the power I would send you to the time in prehistory when your way of thinking ruled. Good luck.
If Van Bramer read the news a bit more closely, he’d see the ones doing all the rioting and physically attacking people are the angry Hillary supporters. I suppose people who voted Trump don’t deserve a “safe space.” The hypocrisy is staggering even by the abysmal left wing standards.
Hey democrats, enough with the pity party. I wish they’d bring back the draft. You liberal buttercups wouldn’t last five minutes in basic training.
Why not address the protesters that are causing traffic jams, littering and causing fear and chaos in the city. Some have even been arrested. Many of the protesters are the ones acting like the “deplorables” that there own party accused Republicans of being! Stop feeding the frenzy! NYC will always protect the rights of its citizens!
The city is not his district.
wait all this protesting will be coming to long island city, sunnyside and woodside wait and see and these are Jimmy Van Bramer’s districts –
If the peaceful protests spread then we can/ cheer the fact that we vigorously support the First Amendment!
Oh please! Grow a pair!
You may not realize it but you display your inherent disdain of women who do not ever grow a pair. That is why we don’t like people who think like you. Your contempt for women is so deeply embedded in you, you can not see it. People without the kind of pair you refer to have all the rights to representation that you do. We are finished being intimidated by your contempt and your threats of violence. This “experiment in democracy” has given birth to new ideas over the course of almost two hundred and fifty years and we are willing to stand up to any barrage for the right to be included in the definition of “people” in the phrase “all people are created equal.” So download the new “America” program. Your trogloditic operating system is out of date.
i bet your feet smell.
Finally, a property developer JVB doesn’t like!
Anyway, get over yourselves, snowflakes, Trump won fair and square. Grow up.
I’m in. I think it’s great people want to be more involved with their community and so do I. People are really upset about this election – it’s far better to channel that energy into something positive instead of burning flags in the streets.
Dear Mr. Van Brammer:
I find it ironic that the very same people who cry and rally against intolerance are tending to be the most intolerant of all. I am a white Christian male “straight” as that makes a “difference” to you. ….I guess in your scheme of things that makes me a “them”. I believe that everyone has the”rights” given to them by our constitution ….including me. Sorry if I feel that a man wearing women’s clothing is basically wearing a costume. I see no difference between that and him wearing a superman outfit. Thats his right …so long as it doesn’t infringe upon mine. What he does in the privacy of his own home or space is his business…not mine. But…the key here is that constitution provides him that right to privacy….his dignity. It doesn’t give him the right to interfere with my life by coercing me to accept this behavior be it in public or in my place of worship or workspace. You mention your Moslem brothers….thats interesting…since when did they become the beacon of tolerance ? Go to the mosque on Skillman ave with Dan your husband and bring your wedding album….see how tolerant they are…the real issue here is “self loathing” . You feel deep down ashamed and not quite “right’ but there is safety in numbers. You believe and rightly so that I look “down ‘ upon you……and yes I do…thats the truth. I believe in a right and wrong…..wonderful to see the rush to “prayer vigils” at All Saints Church by those that are so concerned about human rights but yet support abortion at any stage. Thats hypocrisy…….in my faith that was considered to be one of the most egregious of sins.
-Thomas So you feel you right to believe in myths and fairy tales is being infringed upon? Stop trying to cram your belief in myths fairy tales down the throats of those who don’t believe in those very same myths and fairy tales, in the form of passing laws directly related to those myths, fairy tales and invincible gods. Why don’t you take your bible to a mosque,? The people there are just like you believers in myths and fairy tales and willing to kill and die for them.
Human rights violations are something that exists around you. You can see with your own eyes. It is a concrete thing. It exists.
A fantasy book has told you when ‘life’ starts, so you base your decisions on an imaginary being that tells you about morality. Therefore, abortion is killing.
You impose your beliefs on those around you that do not hold the same beliefs. You also want to control society, so that men kissing in public is outlawed and banned, yet you believe they are imposing their way of life on you. Coercing you to accept this behavior? Hilarious. Are you afraid of being gay?
Talk about hypocrisy.
@Thomas You’re pretty preoccupied with “cross dressing”, you sound pretty ignorant on the topic.
In biology, a hermaphrodite is an organism that has reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes. … Historically, the term hermaphrodite has also been used to describe ambiguous genitalia and gonadal mosaicism in individuals of gonochoristic species, especially human beings. Which designated clothing should hermaphrodites wear?
How common is intersex?
To answer this question in an uncontroversial way, you’d have to first get everyone to agree on what counts as intersex —and also to agree on what should count as strictly male or strictly female. That’s hard to do. How small does a penis have to be before it counts as intersex? Do you count “sex chromosome” anomalies as intersex if there’s no apparent external sexual ambiguity?
Here’s what we do know: If you ask experts at medical centers how often a child is born so noticeably atypical in terms of genitalia that a specialist in sex differentiation is called in, the number comes out to about 1 in 1500 to 1 in 2000 births. But a lot more people than that are born with subtler forms of sex anatomy variations, some of which won’t show up until later in life.
Below we provide a summary of statistics drawn from an article by Brown University researcher Anne Fausto-Sterling.2 The basis for that article was an extensive review of the medical literature from 1955 to 1998 aimed at producing numeric estimates for the frequency of sex variations. Note that the frequency of some of these conditions, such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, differs for different populations. These statistics are approximations.
Not XX and not XY one in 1,666 births
Klinefelter (XXY) one in 1,000 births
Androgen insensitivity syndrome one in 13,000 births
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome one in 130,000 births
Classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia one in 13,000 births
Late onset adrenal hyperplasia one in 66 individuals
Vaginal agenesis one in 6,000 births
Ovotestes one in 83,000 births
Idiopathic (no discernable medical cause) one in 110,000 births
Iatrogenic (caused by medical treatment, for instance progestin administered to pregnant mother) no estimate
5 alpha reductase deficiency no estimate
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis no estimate
Complete gonadal dysgenesis one in 150,000 births
Hypospadias (urethral opening in perineum or along penile shaft) one in 2,000 births
Hypospadias (urethral opening between corona and tip of glans penis) one in 770 births
Total number of people whose bodies differ from standard male or female one in 100 births
Total number of people receiving surgery to “normalize” genital appearance one or two in 1,000 births
Deep breath Thomas… Its ok to cry.
He should start by tipping his servers when he goes out in sunnyside.
Does jvb understand what “nonpartisan” means? It certaiy does NOT mean this.
I hope the Sunnyside Community Center has a safe space for all the special snowflakes and their microaggressions. Boo hoo!
Trump is king
King of bankruptcy and p***y grabbing.
Nothing wrong w grabbing sissy. I bet you grab d..ks!
George, yes there is something wrong with p***y grabbing. It’s sexual assault. Watch yourself stupid.
Nah, we’re all watching his stupid.
Big man behind a keyboard George. I love to see you in person and have you explain to me how there’s nothing wrong with assaulting someone. Lets see how that goes. You have a sister, partner, daughter George?Or are you the lonely pathetic, single, p*rnhub creep I picture you as??
Wall Street just had a record week! DOW at an all time high!!!! Thanks Mr TRUMP!!!! Great job, congrats buddy!
Which policy implemented by Trump drove the equity markets?
S&P to 1700s in February
Remember 2 weeks ago when Jimmy and his party feared that angry Trump supporters would get violent after he lost? Now the peace living liberals are throwing tantrums, smashing windows in some cities. That stuff starts here we should hose em down and laugh at the blatant hypocrisy of the democratic party. Cry into your pillow hillary fans, let it out, its good for you.
what fears? maybe for illegals.
Whaaaa! Whaaaa! Whaaaa! Donald trump won. Whaaaa! My ,my ,my ,what sore losers. This is so uncalled for. If people did this when obama won it would be a racist movement.
Trump himself did this when Obama won in 2012.
I guess those Dislikes are because Trumpkins don’t like the truth. Or on the more optimistic side, maybe the Dislikes refer to Trump’s hypocrisy.
This country is really raising a bunch of Nancys.
Come outside and fight me then
Im too busy working brother. You can stay out there.
Sounds like you’re the nancy, Tom. Man up and take up Bobby’s challenge.
Here’s a nice reminder for all who need a break from all the glorious trolls on this site: Every precinct in Sunnyside voted for Hillary by a margin of 80%-85%. If you factor in all of our wonderful neighbors who have immigrated to Sunnyside who don’t have citizenship yet and therefore can’t vote, the margin would likely be 95% for Hillary.
This proves once again that the adorable grumpy voices that chime in all the time on this site are just a smattering of angry people and by no means reflect the amazingly diverse and solid neighborhood we call home. But like all large families, I accept the trolls as well: we all need a drunk uncle, but it’s proven that we’re not a family of drunk uncles.
To see the numbers for yourself, look it up:
NeziahBliss, if the dissenters here are the drunk uncles of the Sunnside/Queens/NYC/NYS family; then, Sunnyside, Queens, NYC, NYS, Chicago, Portland, and the state of California are the drunk uncles of the United States. Get out of your protected liberal bubble, dis-engage from your echo-chamber “press” outlets, learn some actual history and economics (that would NOT be Howard Zinn or John Maynard Keynes), and get a clue. The arrogance and ignorance of the Left never ceases to astound.
BTW, many immigrants without citizenship DID vote for Bill Clinton’s wife. If you factor in their votes with the operatives who voted twice, the documented cases of voter fraud associated with machines owned by George Soros, and, that old Democratic staple, the votes of dead people, you’ll find that the Big Girl did not “win the popular vote.” Tuesday’s Vote proved that, if the USA is a family, it is not a family of drunk uncles.
How come the wealthiest states per capita with the best economies are all liberal blue states like Connecticut, Maryland , New Jersey, Massachusetts , Washington?
So if you aren’t a Hillary supporter you are a troll? This is exactly the type of one-sided BS that needs to stop. If people don’t support your opinion, they must be a troll because this community is now made up of such smart individuals we have to resort to shaming people. Amazing, TIQ!
I’m a Mexican immigrant and yes I voted for Trump!!
Because you’re a passive aggressive moron
Start the deportations with those criminals and some time day laborers around 69th Streer. Finally!!!!
This is great.
Very curious to hear how JVB and the community will support and protect the minority Trump supporters from progressive rage, intolerance and violence.
The last sentence above… non partisan meeting, is that a joke?
congrats mr trump, election is over. dont let them drag you down, forge ahead!
This is great.
I am excited to hear how JVB and the community will help the minority Trump supporters deal with being targets of progressive rage, intolerance and violence…..
maybe trump is bad but to LOSE to this guy ha ha… you one must be one SERIOUSLY bad untrustworthy politician. Trump won fair and square, get over it you babies.
She woke up in the am thinking she would make history but she and her machine folded like a cheap camera.
Give him credit, he was seriously outspent, had non professionals managing his campaign, no party support yet somehow handed her a whipping.
Trump had to fight against the mainstream media as well.
And don’t forget discussed his private parts on national TV. A 70 year old man with an orange comb over talking dirty on TV. Creepy..
And this is what represents the US to the world. This is what represents the US to the US. Pathetic.
Clinton won more votes than any white man for president in history (including Trump).
he should be more involved with the homeless hotels in sunnyside and woodside which he knows only too well when they became homeless shelters
A lot of things will get “Trump” name added to it to draw crowds.. I wonder when will we get over this and move on?
why do so many people hate MLK? the hatred of this man is astounding.
Content of character only applied to white people and cops for the last 8 years…..
now if you want to look at a cops behavior ok go ahead but we also must look equally say at trayvons criminal record, how he was a known person of interest in 11 robberies in miami, and that the cellphone evidence in court would have tied him to at least 3 of them, and if he had survived would be in jail today.
content of character must be applied evenly in order for our country to heal.
He lived near Orlando, a 3 and a half hour drive from Miami.
A lot of deportations from Sunnyside coming. That should take care of all the Colombian restaurants and nail salons.
A lot of p***y grabbing coming
You are threatening sexual assault. I’m notifying the publisher and the police so they can get a warrant to uncover your identity.
Really because if they were all illegal how could they possibly get a lease? Racist Jerk!
There are more Illegals from Ireland how about them?
Your use of the name Walter Raleigh to comment on anything to do with Ireland shows that you are a special kind of asshole.
In addition to being anti Irish you are also incredibly bad at math.
The Bulimic Panda uses hot stone massage therapy to treat several boils. Paws are washed between customers. I love dumplings and our tiny neighborhood that needs repairs. Amen
Much better use of time to have JVB focus on having a forum to discuss this debacle of a school situation he is supporting. Assuage our fears about how he and the city aren’t going to ruin our neighborhood.
That is what we should be spending time on. Not lamenting about an election that already occurred. The school situation can still be rectified.
Total agree. It was nice of you, Jimmy, to visit all your neighbors on 39th ave prior to the most recent community board but you didn’t visit the other 550 private homes.
I have to give the preservation committee some credit for using the historic façade as a way to dissuade the SCA but that is not going to work.
The school is a lot like the election. The people that don’t live in the gardens are trying to shame those that do into a school in our backyard. It’s pathetic.
You should turn this community forum into an opportunity to speak on the school and actually attend and hear what your neighbors have to say, Jimmy.
I’m just not able to see how further debate on the construction of a school in a dilapidated building in an otherwise commercially unattractive location is still considered a good use of our time.
I do however understand and appreciate JVB opening this post-election dialogue. NYC voters overwhelmingly disagreed with the results of this election, and I think the unity of our local communities will be more important than ever in the coming years.
Wow, not a good use of our time? You are trying to build an elitist school in the neighborhood. Trying to keep people out from other neighborhoods is a lot like concerns Trump has for imigrants. This forum proposed here seems like an opportunity to take the focus away. This has nothing to do with the building and everything to do with the location which is a terrible idea. If you think for a minute the NYC school system will actually allow a school only for Woodside and Sunnyside you are sorely mistaken. The minute they realize this is a predominately white neighborhood they will re-zone it. Sure, go ahead and tell me your kids are growing up with Hispanic, Chinese and Indian children. That’s fine but the vast majority of the neighborhood since more Middle to upper class have moved in is predominantly white. Therefore, this school suggestion is actually racist and the comments about children having to walk near or by the projects confirm exactly that.
An “elitest school?” The only way a much needed school being built to serve the needs of the most diverse part of the most diverse county in the entire world could be called elitest would be if they didn’t allow students from this ethnically varied, working class neighborhood to attend it. Have you looked around at your neighbors lately?
Let’s build that wall on 46 th street to keep
Jimmy in