File photo (Photo: SunnysidePost)
Oct. 21, 2013 By Christian Murray
Update: The tenant who is taking over the 41-31 Queens Blvd. location that was previously occupied by Laven Pharmacy has started to revamp the interior to make way for a cafe.
The business owner said the cafe will be called “The Coffee Shop” and that expects it to be open by the end of next month.
Frank, best post ever!
Dunkin, Alpha, Foxy’s, Starbucks and Pete’s should get together and sue to block the added competition a store this size will add.
“The Coffee Shop” does not sound like a good sign. With a generic name like that, it’s bound to be a diner or a dumpy deli rather than an actual cafe. They’ll probably play sports on the tv too. Sigh. Even without further details, I’m already disappointed.
A place to gather with friends, read a book or newspaper, do some writing, dreaming or thinking over coffee sounds great for this neighborhood. Our streets cannot all be about nail salons and threading salons and pawn shops and barber shops and Subway sandwich shops, although I do see value in building *community* at some of those places.
@ Frank – nothing to lighten up about. I wish your comments could give me a laugh, because I love to laugh, but your comments were just dumb. Christian said he wanted all people who post on this forum, to stay on topic. Well nothing says, ‘Welcome to our new coffee shop’, like talk of a dildo. So tired of people who are do desperate to get attention, that they feel the need to post stupid, outrageous stuff…
I read that the color scheme at Dunkin Donuts (chartreuse and something else) was scientifically developed to keep customers less inclined to stick around. While the customer wants to lounge around, the best thing for the store is a continuous turnover. Or they’ll be forced to sell more than just coffee- alcohol is the other end.
@LT – Don’t expect it to be comfortable. The retail space looks pretty small.
Not really SuperWitty, unless you consider Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts good coffee places. Aubergine is the only one I can think of that’s good, but it’s pretty far from this location. There is also Bruirs, but that place is kind of a dump
i hope it’s a comfortable place with wifi where you can do some work–sunnyside does not offer that kind of coffee shop–the ave cafe on greenpoint is uncomfortable and cluttered…starbucks is a joke–and i can’t think of another place…i hope it works out and it has some taste and is not just some lame excuse for a coffee shop (like ave).
Aren’t there already numerous places where you can get a good cup of coffee in our neighborhood?? I guess it’s what makes them different that counts. But coffee shps seem like they belong in the 90s, like on Friends.
I just hope it’s not another generic coffee shop but one that actually offers something unique. Coffeed on northern boulevard is a good example. It opened up several months ago and is one of the only, if only, cafes that offers single origin coffee pour overs and freshly roasted beans in Sunnyside. It has been a success thus far despite being in a horrible location. The neighborhood is getting trendier and something like that would actually work well.
Maybe the problem with Sunnyside is not hipsters but people who cling to no change and yet complain why there is not anything better in the neighborhood.
Frank, I’ll be your partner.. Let’s open the dildos, tomato sauce, and used soap store!
Frank you gave me a big laugh! Thanks for that! Hilarious.
@Sunnyside Native and LT Sunnysider: it was just a joke. Lighten up! And it was very funny.
Looking forward to trying it out. Good luck!
If they serve breakfast all day, I’ll be there.
soooooooooooo obvious who the real sunnysiders are to the newbie hipsters! guess another place I won’t be going to – oops I will miss the new “place to be” — its a COFFEE SHOP!!!
Good luck! I hope they are better than Marlene off Skillman which has gone from classy to icky with their “renovation”.
I would call it the Coffee House.
A coffee shop makes sense, we had one in 39th a while back and that failed miserably but I did enjoy it when it was up.
I miss the pizza place that was there a while back. good food.
Some of the e-mails regarding the new Coffee Shop are so
low rent. Hope this does not represent most of Sunnyside.
These individuals just lack class and wit.
Christian – it is time for you to do a little housekeeping & delete some of these stupid posts. This is the kind of people we have moving into the neighborhood? Just great…
Hmmm sounds interesting……………..except for the used soap.
@Frank plz drop me a line when that dildo, tomato sauce, and used soap shop opens up. For too long I have had to make multiple trips to obtain the supplies I need to swill tomato sauce and ram myself. I honestly don’t need used soap very often though.
I wonder if the eBike shop is actually expanding and half of this space will be rewalled for storage off of the street.
lame name, it shows the people are putting no effort into it. that sucks…
Clever name! It has inspired me. I am opening a shop where I will be selling dildos, tomato sauce, and used soap. I think I will call it The Dildos, Tomato Sauce, and Used Soap Shop. I was going to call it Salt and Hipsters, but this seems a better fit.
“The Coffee Shop” a positively brilliant name! Can’t wait to relax and allow my imagination to flow whilst sipping a nice hot blend and listening to the ratchets and wielding next door; whaffs of Changeman interluding upon the fine aroma of the brew as he stumbles to and fro like the walking dead. Mayhaps, I ponder, shall they include a small booknook within? Oh how delightful this will be! Good things a plenty to come to the streets of Sunnyside!
I can’t wait till “The Coffee Shop” opens! I can tell this new venue will be a hot spot for many Sunnysiders and neighboring neighborhoods. The only thing that is a concern is the New York DC E-Bike next door. Let’s hope this place doesn’t become another Starbucks though.
Pro tip: when a neighborhood has nothing but barber shops, bodegas, and laundry places, it’s a bad neighborhood.
Neighborhood yokels bitching about hipsters in 3…2…1…
Preferably an Amsterdam style coffee shop…