Photo: QueensPost
Aug. 2, 2013 Staff Report
The auditorium at PS 150 will be used for a movie set on Sunday and Monday for an upcoming film.
The movie, St. Vincent de Van Nuys, stars Bill Murray, Naomi Watts and Chris O’Dowd. The three stars will not be part of the scenes at PS 150, although one member of the movie crew said that Murray might show up.
The movie is about a young boy whose parents just divorced and finds an unlikely friend and mentor in a misanthropic war veteran who lives next door.
The scenes will largely feature young children who will act as students. They will be reading their work out loud in the auditorium
Let me know when Naomi Watts is in town. I’ll bet she’s quite pleasant and would love a guided tour of Sunnyside. Talent, brains, and beauty, all in one woman. *like*
They should buy their bagels at the bagel shop on QB, not at Met. Those things aren’t even bagels, they’re fluffy bread rolls with holes in the middle. Many communities do NOT have a bagel store like we do- it’s not H&H but their bagels are superior to anything you’ll find in a supermarket.
Ftmc. It’s not just a pr figure and bringing knowledge is arbitrary also. Matter of fact then location depts go around the streets they are filing and post letters and and visit neighbors to let then know about the inconvenience. And the using if space is necessary. Also places get rented so there is a place for holding and catering in a neighborhood and when there is a big enough parking lot to park in near the area being shot, they will rent it.
Charles.All the films I’ve worked job 95% of the PAs are polite and courteous. Maybe it’s from dealing with people who don’t give them courtesy back and you are the 1000th person who has tried to walk past them and give them a hard time. I worked as a PA when I first got into the business and you have no idea how taxing it can be dealing with people who don’t want you in their neighborhoods.
@Film Guy
Why is it so impossible for the production assistants to say things like “please” or “thank you” and other basics of common courtesy? A lot of this animosity would evaporate if they would simply treat the residents like human beings and not garbage.
Not a rhetorical question. Tell me, you’re an insider, why is this so impossible for them?
I have yet to come across a film shoot, and I’ve seen many in my lifetime living here, where they didn’t gratuitously treat people like shit.
There are many people who welcome film crews into this neighborhood; it’s just the grouchy ones who complain: “Waaa waaa, I can’t find a parking space.” “Some kid with a walkie talkie was unpleasant to me.” “They don’t shop in our stores and only eat catered lunches.”
I think it’s great! This is a colorful and interesting neighborhood- movies and TV shows are so much more interesting than ones filmed in LA, and we get so many benefits compared to some minor inconveniences.
One of my earlier memories of this neighborhood was when I came home one evening and saw they were shooting Spiderman on 42nd street. My nephew & I loved seeing that shot on the big screen, with the #7 going by over QB while Peter watched MJ ignore him.
They’ve filmed many other things around here- The Good Wife, Third Watch, the movies Raising Helen is another that comes to mind. I hope the TV/film industry knows that their production crews are MORE than welcome around here- I hope this trend continues- I make a point of seeing all of these productions, too.
In my industry we ‘bring in’ Knowledge, try putting a dollar sign on that.
I’d like to see that list of local establishments, would be very interesting. Also, the Mayor’s arbitrary figure of $400MM. Let’s stop patting ourselves on the back here. Numbers like that are created by PR teams.
I love great cinema, but, the lack of notice by these crews, the crazy amount of space needed: 3 days of ‘where do I put my car…all for an indoor shoot?
Be respectful in the ‘hoods that you are filming in: buy local, give something back to the area you are inconveniencing. Parking is always an issue here on a normal day. Maybe pay folks that have to park their cars under the 7 train while shooting goes on. You wouldn’t have to for Sunday, as it’s free. Lastly,when someone is walking home, they are allowed to, not told by some guy with a walkie talkie that they can’t. Please.
I have worked in the film business for 15 yrs. I like how you think it is just hollywood people that come here to shoot. Do any of you realize how many people in ny are employed by the film industry and how much revenue does come into each neighborhood in ny? They are all nyers on the crews, not imported from California. btw there are many businesses in Sunnyside and Woodside that cater to the film community. So there is constantly money coming in.Where do you think the food trucks get there food for the crew? They shop locally.And do you know what the largest growing industry is in NYC is?The film business. And those people you say have walkie talkie power are the bottom of the ladder crew members called production assistants who get reamed out if they don’t do their jobs. Over $400 million was brought into nyc last year by the film business.What did the industry you work for bring in?
I just walk right by them, could care less about their walkie talkie ‘power’.
Just once I would like to see a study done on how much $ was actually generated in the same neighborhoods that get so inconvenienced. I bet it’s not much. They bring in their own food/drinks/etc. I doubt they buy much from local establishments.
Glad I got my parking spot this morning, good luck the next few days….
Nice to see PS 150 open for everyone else except the kids during the Summer.
The punks with the walkie talkies will be back to be rude and obnoxious to the local residents. And they wonder why New Yorkers can’t stand these a-hole film people.
Parking will suck even more because of the movie trucks & trailers.
Nobody will believe you.
They’re also filming an episode of Blue Bloods on Monday and Tuesday on 50th Ave near Celtic Park from what the signs tell me.