Photo: QueensPost
March 30, 2013 Staff Report
The TV cameras will be doing plenty of filming in Sunnyside over the next few days.
Filming is taking place on a new ABC drama—called Lucky 7– at Queens Blvd and 46th Street today.
The drama pilot is about seven employees of a service station in Queens whose lives change when they win a lottery jackpot.
Meanwhile, a NBC TV pilot, called Believe, is filming on Monday on Queens Blvd, between 41st and 42nds.
That show is about an unlikely relationship between a gifted young girl and a man sprung from prison who has been tasked with protecting her from the evil elements that hunt her power.
Maybe you’re all just too damn cranky because you’re unattractive and no one wants to film you. It’s NYC ppl, get used to it!! It’s one thing to be polite and oblige an AP, but you don’t stop your life for them. Taking pictures like a thirsty tourist is a whole other issue. No one wants Joe Schmo messing up their shot,which took hours to set up so taking pics on an unaired show is an obvious dick move. If you weren’t so starstruck (and clearly not a native) you could just go on with your buisiness. The revenue from our city being a TV and film Mecca is way more important than your whining. Unless you’re going to put thousands into the citys coffers.
Maybe the Alpha donuts have crack sprinkles.
What is the thing with Alpha donuts that crews like to film near there? I will bet these two shows will stink.
I saw a porn being filmed under the 46th Bliss street stop. The beauty of it is that the crew worked with what they had and left all cars where they were parked. Nothing was towed AND they ate at the local restaurants. This is what should happen.
When is the last time Abc had a really good show?
What’s the over/under that these shows die in a few episodes?
Last time I came across a local film shoot, the kid with the walkie talkie asked me to stand at a certain place where the actors couldn’t see me. I politely obliged him and went to stand where he asked me to, no problem.
I then went to take a picture, which I have every right to do in public, and this kid deliberately jumps in front of me and sticks his head in front of my camera trying to block me every time I moved.
So, even when you co-operate with these film crews, they still act like total a**holes.
They can all take their vapid TV shows and movies and stick it.
I will never waited for some mook w/ a clipbopard. If they are in my way getting home I just walk right by them. Simple.
“perhaps it will even boost local businesses.” Maybe the film crew will buy a bottle of shampoo at the $99 cent store.
Dear Gesibel,
It’s called dealing with this nonsense and getting burned by it too many times in the past. I too, used to think that this was a great way to boost local businesses and support the arts. Now, after experiencing way too many of these film shoots that I care to remember, I know better. As for Sunnyside being “recognized”, be careful what you wish for.
You don’t actually have to stop while they’re filming. Yes, it is rude to not oblige them but it isn’t illegal. What would be illegal is if they assaulted you for walking through their location. What would be legal and possibly life changing is if they assaulted you and you sued the studio.
How much of the money goes back to the community or improvements other than bum or thug occupied seats?
C’mon people why so cranky?
I think its great to support the arts and glad that sunnyside has been recognized ad a cool spot to film. perhaps it will even boost local businesses.
Why is it so impossible for these crews to have some basic, common courtesy when dealing with the public, especially when their shoot is inconveniencing so many?
We’ve heard all of this before. I like seeing Sunnyside in the media.
And there will never be enough parking spaces, and it will only get worse. get used to it!
@Sun E Syder
The kid actually said “please”?
I’m amazed.
Scene: On the walk home, a large crowd is being held up by a 18 year old holding a clip board in one hand and a walkie-talkie in the other.
Me: Ummmm how long is this going to take I live right over there and want to go home.
18 year old: You have to wait while we film this scene. Please be patient.
Me: How much longer, this is ridiculous! People live here and have things to do!!
18 year old: (Speaks into walkie-talkie)
Me: F*** this s**t, I’m going home.
18 year old: Ok scene is all done!
Great I was just saying the other day how we have way too many open parking spots in the neighborhood and we need another big film shoot to come in and take them all up! Let me guess, “will bring in alot of revenue, create jobs” blah blah blah.
More obnoxious punks with their walkie talkies treating local residents like they’re garbage and bossing them around like some wannabe tyrant. I really despise these film crews.
Enough with the filming already