Crash Location (Photo: Google Earth)
Dec. 21, 2013 By Christian Murray
Two people are dead following a motorcycle crash in Woodside Saturday.
A 31-year-old man was riding west on Queens Blvd when he collided with a 78-year-old female pedestrian who was crossing north bound at 58th Street at about 4:30pm.
Marien Baker, who was riding a 2013 Suzuki motorcycle, was taken to Elmhurst General Hospital after the accident and pronounced dead. Baker was identified as being from Yonkers.
Meanwhile, the 78-year-old pedestrian was also pronounced dead at Elmhurst hospital. The police have yet to release her name.
The police said they are still investigating the cause of the accident.
Did anyone watch the news report? Multiple motorcyclists in a group of 20 were racing and speeding. Two motorcyclists did stop.
There were 15 to 20 motorcycles racing up Queens Blvd. , when she was hit.
Will the Moderator please enforce the announced standards for posting on this site and delete the racist comments.
ha ha, nice try, the REAL El Carlos Danger did not post the racist hate at 8:42 PM. Mr Moderator, it would be good to check this mans address and block this poster from your fine website
BTW, my original post – someone called it a “pre-judged opinion” but it seems all was correct, speed was the cause. I’m sure we’ll start getting some witness saying 100 or 115. Poor lady, no match for young stupid people who need to constantly prove their manhood thru bikes.
Signed, the ORIGINAL Carlos Danger
hopefully the next mayor will do something about these thugs on bikes! mowing down the elderly, beating up families with kids…. when will it end? just immature men still living w mommy, buyin a bike instead of saving for their first months rent to move out. its really a shame that the innocent lady had to die, these riceburning thugs gotta go!!!
For those of you who are licensed in the State of NY to operate a vehicle, even if this moped had the right of way, you always have to yield to pedestrians. If we didn’t, we would be mowing them down left and right on Queens Blvd. Many pedestrians are obtuse and decide to play frogger with the cars when they get off the 7 train. It’s crazy. I can only deduce that this tragic accident was caused by the driver not seeing her in time to stop. May they both rest in peace.
Maybe Elmhurst hospital is not so good.
the elderly person who was killed was probably on her way to Mass — 5:00 p.m. — so very sad
God Bless to the deceased. I happen to be walking on Queens Blvd in this area heading east at approximately 4:30 and there were several groups of motor-bike/motor-scooter (not motorcycles) vehicles heading west toward Manhattan in large numbers (approximately 100 per group). The vehicle involved in the accident was not a motorcycle.
It could just be a regular guy on a motorcycle, and for all you know, he may have had the right of way. It’s sad for both of them, and their families. No get nasty so quickly, okay Carlos? You’re not the know-it-all you think you are.
This intersection is insane , I’m surprised there’s not many more fatalities .
No motorcyclist would pass a red light on Queens Boulevard !!! They know it is the boulevard of death !!!!!
it’s clear that the old woman was walking across the street when it was not her light
Poor guy was so young !!!
In all seriousness,,, the guys bike was a dual-sport/dirt bike type of motorcycle, not a “riceburner”, and witness reports and traffic cameras show HE had the right of way.
No doubt the lady was an alien from space, and was dropped off at the wrong location,,,, When will these aliens stop endangering our citizens???
Re: Mr Danger.
NO DOUBT the elderly lady darted out into traffic in a heroin-infused rampage,
The motorcyclist that was just trying to get home to his wife and kids should have been driving a HUMMER (in order to compensate for his small penis, I have a Hummer for just this reason, not because my penis is small–Its HUGE, really– but because I am afraid of women and thier heroin-infused rampages)
Re: Mr Danger.
NO DOUBT the elderly lady darted out into traffic in a heroin-infused rampage, too bad for the poor motorcyclist that was just trying to get home to his wife and kids.
please don’t let ignorant shitheads like El Carlos Danger spew that kind of crap in your comment sections,,,,, Remove his Hate mongering, pre-judged opinion -OR- POST ALL OF THE COMMENTS THAT FOLLOW HIS.
maybe the motorcyclist thought he was being mugged,,, (Because MOST muggings are committed by people who are walking.) and tried to use his motorcycle to defend himself.
Ill bet it was her ex-boyfriend, he must have really loved her to kill her with his motorcycle,,, then give his life for her.
Its a conspiracy against suv drivers and pedestrians. Now we have Suicide bikers targeting us poor defenseless Americans. when will this ever stop???
El Carlos,
Way to assume your deepest fears came true, asshole.
no doubt, another thug on a rice burner. too bad for the elderly lady that her life had to end this way.