Jan. 5, 2017 Staff Report
A man broke into a well-known Queens Blvd restaurant Wednesday and took $15,000 from the cash register.
The incident took place at the Turkish Grill, located at 42-03 Queens Blvd, at about 12:20 am.
The perpetrator allegedly broke in, removed the cash and fled.
The police released a photo of the suspect.
The man is described as a male Hispanic, last seen wearing a white hooded sweatshirt.
Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS.

I also bet that this place doesn’t ring up $15000 in a week never mind over night
Amazing how sunnyside restaurants all suck. Its like sunnyside is astorias little redheaded stepchild. Astoria is so much better. Better restaurants,better bars, better people not like the people from unsunnyside.
From the press release.
It was reported to police that on Wednesday, January 4, 2016 at 0020 hours, an unidentified individual did break into the Turkish Grill Restaurant located at 42-03 Queens Boulevard and removed $15000.00 from the cash register, then departed to parts unknown.
$1500 was the correct info?
From the police press release.
“It was reported to police that on Wednesday, January 4, 2016 at 0020 hours, an unidentified individual did break into the Turkish Grill Restaurant located at 42-03 Queens Boulevard and removed $15000.00 from the cash register, then departed to parts unknown.”
the homeless from various motels are here in sunnyside
take off your rose colored glasses and look around
15k seems impossibly high.
This place is very sketchy it’s a total set up and inside job. They are next to TD and leave that much in the register? No way, insurance has a $2500 deductible on theft.
Does that mean this week’s Saturday night cock fight in the back of Turkey Grill is cancelled? I go every week for the free absinthe and 2CT7. The DJ and dancing is great too. I love you all so much and will pray for the Grill and the latina youngster. Next year in Jerusalem. Amen.
Haven’t the owners ever heard of a thing called a safe?
How did this guy know so much cash would be left overnight?
.the Russians- Wait until the Russians hack your bank account, retirement account and anything else you may have built. You sound like a low information low wage low IQ idiot..
That’s right. This is a serious issue and the conservative right is downplaying it.Why agree with the intelligence community when it would delegitimize your own election?
Why do you think China and more specifically, Putin, wants a separate internet? They want all their information on russian servers, and expect russian companies to keep their data local. They also want to keep social media under control and within servers located in their respective countries. If you’re going to bring down the banking system and everything else in the west, you should be damn sure you aren’t sabotaging yourself.
The american public is stupid, willfully ignorant, or bordering on developmentally disabled to have elected Trump. Putin is playing him like a fiddle.
You don’t think the NSA and CIA are hacking other countries?
The Russian boogeyman has been resurrected by the left to distract from the fact Hillary lost and secondly because Russia is the only thing standing in the way of a US takeover of Syria, another middle east country the US wants to takeover for its oil.
Wake up.
damn i have a camera in my old windows 7 laptop that takes better pictures then that
On the other hand – most pos systems require a passcode to enter and open the register. How the hell did he know the code?! Another fact; There is no way to fit 15K in a register unless all 10K was hundreds and rest mostly twenties. Something is wrong here.
Do they get the money from the insurance?
$15,000 seems a bit crazy to me as well. If you had 25 meals of $85 each per day for a full 7 days then the sum would make sense (but that’s a pretty solid table turnover). And THEN, you would have to assume that all that those meals are cash. And then you have to believe that they would keep the register full with 15K of hard cash- which seems unlikely just due to the physical strain of the drawer. I do believe it is possible, as many people don’t trust banks- but an inside job is the only excuse I’d think besides straight embellishment. Who else would randomly rob a place clean on Queens Blvd without know those particulars?
But who keeps $15,000 in cash in the register? It’s an inside job.
Source: I’ve been there before.
I think that’s the quality Inn in Woodside that became the shelter.
Correct, the Quality Inn, is currently housing the homeless. And irregardless of one’s political stance as a democratic or republican, such places in a neighborhood tend to bring crime. No one wants a homeless shelter next to them, and maybe those who are so keen on having shelters built, they should house the homeless in their own homes – “truly show their sense of humanity that they want to flaunt”.
im not a restaurant owner but I have to ask would you really leave 15K in the register overnight? this sounds really really stupid.
this is why safes are built
I think it was an inside job,why would any business keep that much money on hand. …stupid
Hahaha why its always latin B!
well let me put it to everyone nicely the “LaQuinta Hotel” on queens boulevard is now a homeless shelter close by
Is it really???!!!
Anonymous – You must be one of the newly transplanted Republicans to the area. The Cosmopolitan Apartments formerly the Metropolitan Apartments, The Mets have way more criminals than the tiny Laquinta. You’re probably one of the suckers renting at the cosmopolitan.
the one across from McCrappers? Are you sure? I know the Holiday in on Queens blvd is a homeless shelter, but that’s in woodside.
polk high football rules!
Yea I think people are getting confused…
No la Quinta the fairly New hotel
On queens Blvd is now 75% homeless shelter they just aren’t broadcasting it
Aren’t homeless shelters for our neighbors, who, for some reason, are homeless? Are you implying that people living in homeless shelters are also crooks and robbers? Would you prefer the city do nothing for the homeless and let them live on sidewalks? Are you aware that the homeless situation is nationwide and not just a NYC problem? Or are you just a snide and anonymous poster stirring up hate?
The problem is they are not our neighbors.NYC has a law that the council vetoed mayor Bloomberg on that basic states we must shelter everybody from anywhere no questions asked,a lot of our Homeless are from other states they just put them on a bus and send them to NYC
As a formerly homeless person I can tell you this… there aren’t many people on the streets because they missed a mortgage payment. Folks like that generally have a network of friends or family to assist them. The street homeless you see (and the ones entering the shelter system) are almost all either mentally ill or drug addicts. Does that mean that they (and I at one point) are bad people? No. Does it increase the chances of criminal behavior in the areas where they congregate? Absolutely.
This comment is an important reality check.