Photo: QueensPost
April 30, 2011 By Christian Murray
The Romanian Garden, a bustling ethnic restaurant located at 46-04 Skillman Ave., is in the process of closing its doors and moving to a new location.
Sorin Bodnariu, the owner, said that the landlord wanted to double his rent from $5,000 to $10,000 per month. He said that he had little choice but to look elsewhere.
Fortunately for Sunnyside, Bodnariu is moving his restaurant to 43-06 43rd Ave., which used to be the location of ALJ Super Market until it closed in July 2010.
Bodnariu said the new space on 43rd Ave is much larger than his current location. He said the restaurant will be more upmarket and will include outdoor seating and a proper bar.
He said he would most likely be in the new premises by July.
Holier than thou – I think that people go to those places to fence stolen stuff speaking in generals, of course.
I went there last month just to give it a try and was pleasantly surprised how wonderful the food was! I’ll def be back and am happy they are staying in the area!
The polenta was an A+!
I’m guessing the landlord looks to his right and sees a winebar, looks to his left and sees a Michelin guide recommended restaurant and thinks “Hmmm.” But Sunnyside isn’t Park Slope and that landlord is probably going to lose money with a vacant building.
Writing of pawn shops-Has anyone seen one customer in the pawn shop on 46th and QB or the one next to Dave’s Bagels? I haven’t…ever.
I don’t really see how any of that should stop us from forming a moral judgment on a landlord who doubles the rent on a tenant. If my landlord doubled my rent, I’d rightly think him a poor excuse for a human being. I don’t care he/she had another tenant he wanted in there who was willing and able to pay double the amount I was. Same applies in this situation.
Well, maybe if those of you who complained ate at the Romanian Garden more often instead of Mc Donalds, the place would have been able to afford $10k rent. In reality, they would never be able to afford the rent, and I seriously doubt we will see a duane reade or GAP or Best Buy open up in that tiny place.
Either the landlord wanted them out of there, or they had a very juicy offer from someone else. My guess is, landlord had a deal with someone else for same or slightly over $5k rent, probably relative coming over from Israel who needs to open a new storefront, but I sure hope it is not another pawnshop. And if the residents of Sunnyside let them open another pawnshop in the middle of a beautiful neighborhood, shame on them, then..
sunnysider “Also what happened with the hair salon near lentint that moved from the corner to the pizza place did they merge or go ouit of business”
Cici, the hair salon, has their new sign up but haven’t opened their doors yet. They took over the previous hair salon that was next to the pizza place. Now the grocery store (MET) can expand.
LongTime Resident, I love your thoughts, I have been a residents for over 25 years and the beauty of this town is lack of change of business but the pepole are very nice. Our town has gone nuts over the past few years. I hope that things calm down. go back to the way it used to be i sunnyside
Samuello you are right. the restaruant did not complain about the rent hke. I am. It is sad that a business that has been in our town would have to move after serving so well for so long. I realize that this is business . but I for one do not like shakking up our town.
Next week maybe another store or restaruant maybe next who knows!
It seems that our landlords are having a roiugh time of it lately. I wonder what has changed for them all of a sudden?
Also what happened with the hair salon near lentint that moved from the corner to the pizza place did they merge or go ouit of business
The government’s war on drugs is a bust. The war on terror is a joke, but glory be, the war on independent, small businesses is a smashing success.
@Samuello: because doubling rent is an outrageous rent increase, that’s why people are complaining. Rent increases like that push out the small businesses that give places like Sunnyside it’s current character, and ushers in big name, no individuality stores like Duane Reade.
Additionally, just because the proprietor of The Romanian Garden isn’t complaining on the pages of Sunnyside Post doesn’t mean he’s complaining. You actually think he’s thrilled to have to move his business and set up shop somewhere else? Losing income for a period of time? Come on, where’s your head?
Another pawn shop? That will really class up Skillman! I love the restaurants but I am seeing a lot of empty stores.
Here comes a pawn shop.
When they move, maybe they should take that opportunity to change the name from Romanian Garden to Bald Guys in Track Suits Smoking Cigarettes.
Will it also take over the space vacated by El-Shater? I’m missing my fresh hummus already.
I don’t see the restaurant complaining about the rent hike, why are the readers here getting all hyped up? If the landlord did not have a potential tenant at $10k, he/she/they wouldn’t risk $5000/month income. If a big chain store opens there, I would shop there, why not. I doubt that will happen, most likely some better restaurant or an establishment will open.
Plus, they are moving to a much better location. Didn’t the el shater move out because the rent was increased on that same block as restaurant’s new location?
It is a real shame for this restarant to have to leave because of a hike in rent.
But who is going to affort to pay 10,000 per month to move in their or its it a ploy to get that business out of that spot.
Plus it is nice to know that the owners of the bliss bistro and bismante table sold to someone else. So both business are gone and we have a tird new business opening up.
Things are getting a little crazy on skillman!
Dear Oppressed Masses, The police investigated that charge and it turned out that a foe of the restaurant owner spread that rumor. There was a thorough investigation, even a raid and there was no illegal activity downstairs at all.
As far as the rent increase, that might rise to the level of a crime!
Will the private club reputedly operating on the downstairs level of the Romanian Gardens relocate also?
I hope they improve their cleanliness… (rated B from NYC Dept. of Health: for 18 violations in Feb. including mice/vermin).
If the landlords aren’t deliberately trying to chase these businesses away, well they had me fooled because it sure seems like they are.
If any big franchises or chains move into these vacated premises, they certainly won’t be having me as a customer.