Sept. 15, 2009 Report
Passengers on the No.7 train were startled Tuesday evening by this deep voice.
Most riders, who had just finished work, thought “Oh, no, a loud, aggressive panhandler….” Instead, it was this tall, thin, 20-something man with black-framed glasses and thick sideburns.
“Get out and vote today everyone,” he said. “And when you do, vote for Eric Gioia…he’s from Woodside, believes in helping the middle class, represented Woodside for 7 years….I’ve met him.” The man had a bundle of vote-for-Gioia campaign literature in his hand.
This man’s name is Matt Bishop, a self-described progressive Democrat. The Cornell graduate said to this reporter: “Hey, other volunteers try and get votes on the street, so I said ‘why not the train.’ At least I have a captive audience!”