GMaps 70th Street
June 26, 2017 Staff Report
A teenage girl was found unconscious lying partially nude in the street in Woodside early Sunday morning.
According to an NYPD spokesman, police found a 16-year-old girl in her underwear around 2:30 a.m., at 47-21 70th Street. Her clothing was found nearby.
The teenager has no recollection of what took place and was taken to an area hospital for treatment.
Police are investigating if a sexual assault took place and will be talking to witnesses and canvasing the area for evidence.
16 at 230 am parents? street walker? heroin user?
It might seem off-topic but it’s not when you consider people like me have been wanting to buy in western queens for years – especially now with children… and now I/we don’t see the value in buying anymore. Inventory is way over-priced and, while someone else might pay a heafty price for it, they’ll likely burn out sooner than I or folks of my generation did. Meanwhile Westchester County condo market still has not fully returned to the 2006 market highs, and the failing MTA subway and NJ / LIRR Rails make living there all the more attractive.
Well put/said. We/I understand what you are trying to say. Westchester, here I/we come/is!
I’m willing to bet she got a bad batch of drugs
Yeah right jt, Mr liberal. It is what it is. I live right here, paisano is spot on. It’s the sad truth. If it was just the poor and unfortunate it’s one thing but these places are full of thugs , ex cons , and drug addicts. There is also a story of a guy exposing himself in front of a 13 yrs old just 3 blocks away. Guaranteed it’s the same guy and I bet he’s from the pan am or the old Mets. It’s disgusting, a block from a chuch
Church should do a prayer rally and get the thug demons kicked out for good!!
@What?–This crime would be alright with you if it wasn’t a block away from a church? To the person posting under “get real” :this girl left a pool hall willingly with these 2 guys. Are you willing to throw yourself between this group of people? You’d be the one committing a crime.
Perhaps i am misunderstanding something. You write “this girl left a pool hall willingly with these 2 guys.” You do understand that the girl was 13 years old? Were you there? Do you know what took place? If she was lured and it was a loud conversation then shame on the staff and people that might of heard and/or saw and did nothing. At least, call the police and let them deal with it. Even if she left willingly..she is a 13 yr old minor that was found with out her clothes! It is not a crime to contact the police if you suspect or see a crime happening. I lived in neighborhoods where other people looked out for young children..do not be afraid to do so.
Correction 13 was a misprint. She is 16 and a minor.
How do you know she left a “pool hall” with these 2 guys?
well is there anything else open around there a 16 year old can go into at that time of night?
I’m not from there but I guess the predators know this too.
Hey what the ?- Yes a block from the church where the priest ran off with a parishioner not too long ago.
It is very sad what this area is like in terms of safety. It seems like every week we read about something horrific happening. I think more people in this area need to care about their community and get involved with local officials and precincts to put an end to these acts of crime. They need to stop being so oblivious to their surroundings. No matter what anyone says surrounding neighborhoods (like Woodisde/JH/Corona) where a good number of people are poor and undocumented create an atmosphere of injustices where some people feel like they can get away with anything.
Please note that I was in no way saying that undocumented people or workers are to blame or that they were the ones committing crimes. That is something the precincts can answer. However, i do believe that neighborhoods with a good number of undocumented residents creates an atmosphere for others to prey on and commit crimes. Generally speaking, these people tend to live in fear and ignore the obvious. Its sad but true. When people feel like they are represented and can speak out for the better of the community there are different outcomes. We all saw how long it took for someone to do anything about the gangs in Suffolk County who are basically arriving here for the sole purpose of engaging in illegal activity. It was the news media that bought this issue to national attention and the feds stepped in.
God help her.
God’s seemingly busy with other stuff.
Homeless hotel right down the block. Start looking over there. It wouldn’t be bad if they had decent people in need of housing because they fell on hard times but these homeless hotels are full of junkies and recently paroled ex cons. All lowlifes.
Don’t make assumptions. There are plenty of hardworking people just trying to get back on their feet in shelters – your comments are ignorant and repulsive.
Do you have statistics to back up your sensational concussion? I doubt it. Homelessness doesn’t equate crime.
Shut the fck up and stop defending the homeless these hotel shelters are a piece of shit and and need to be gone look at the target theft rate and recent break ins all because of these so called reformed homeless or like they to be called clients !! Woodside needs to gather up and get rid of this garbage
You sound as if you might be slightly concussed. Did you hit your head on something?
Hey kids! Don’t accept drinks from Bill Cosby!
Thank you for reporting this.