Nov. 15, 2012 By Christian Murray
TD Bank is opening its Sunnyside branch on Saturday, representing the bank’s 97th store in New York City.
The Sunnyside branch is located at 41-01 Queens Boulevard (at 41st Street) and its new executives will be holding a grand opening at noon on Saturday, Nov. 17.
The ribbon cutting will be open to the public, with the branch manager, Michael Fonte, hosting the event. The bank said it will offer refreshments throughout the day.
The store’s first 100 Customers will receive a free gift, according to the bank. In addition, customers opening a new checking account with $250 or more will receive a $25 TD Bank Visa® Gift Card and be entered to win our grand prize drawing, the bank said.
we need an Arby’s , a Sonic AND an Earl of Sandwhich. But not a taco bell, that’ll attract all the stoners .
Instead of another bank, cell phone, eyebrow/nail salon or dollar store, I’d love to see a retail shop like a housewares store with good product open in Sunnyside…I dislike Steinway Street and Marshalls’ is too crowded, long lineups, poor sevice and crappy product whenever I’m in there.
I cracked the case of the EL Shitter WIIIIIDE open!
SO nastay!! This is what Oppressed Masses should be ‘barking’ about. Not the dog run. Pun intended! 🙂 I am empathetic to the plight of the homeless person, but none of them should be taking a shit under the EL. 🙁
Ruben – post that pic again of the CHAAANGE guy taking a shit under the EL. Maybe that should be the real issue Oppressed Masses should tackle about instead of whining about the dogs all the time. The S.U.D.S. dog run is here to stay…
The TD Bank on Steinway Street offers a Santa to take pics with kids & dogs (maybe they don’t any more, but they used to. Most TD Bank’s have dog bones on the counters inside. Suck it up, Oppressed Masses! I love that you can’t walk one block in Sunnyside without seeing a dog and I hope Oppressed Masses enjoys that too. Go TD Bank!
TD Bank showed where it stands on the dog issue by serving up hot dogs. The only good dog is a hot dog. Great job on the opening celebration
Preschool Teacher: there are two Chase banks on each side of Queens Boulevard because one (on the north side) has been a Chase branch for years and the other had been a Washington Mutual branch until that bank was taken over by Chase a few years ago.
For what it’s worth, friends who bank with TD have reported better customer service than with other banks. They also have the coin counting machines that customers can use for free or non-customers can use for a small percentage.
I agree the yammering about the dogs is old now and kind of an odd thing to be complaining about to the degree I see here. It’s not even funny or ironic anymore.
Why are there 2 Chase banks at the eastern end of Sunnyside when we could use one by the Lowery St. station?!!
Still, very grateful for the TD bank brightening the block, which has looked like “the South Bronx” for years!
DOGS save lives! Leave the dogs alone!!
This TD place looks like a real hipster bank.
Dogs and Bums will be the new Boats and Hoes’
Enough with dog comments, already. Tired. Not funny. Let it go.
Webkey, think of the poor people living in the area of Lodati Park which is about to become a million dollar Disneyworld for dogs from all over Western Queens. Skillman Ave between 43rd and 42nd Streets will soon be known as the Boulevard of Fecal Matter.
More dogs? Yeah, that’s what we need, more dog shit on the street, and more crazy ass owners letting their dogs loose on sidewalk without a leash.
What is the law against unleashed dogs? I don’t want to see some idiot thinking he can let his dog roam free with no way to control it, no matter how big or small, I don’t want that wild beast next to my kids on the sidewalk. I don’t mind cats or dogs that don’t need to be walked, or small dogs that cannot poop big enough to be noticed.. call me dog racist but seriously I hate the crappy dogs shitting everywhere, and even visualizing their poor owners picking up the crap with their hands.. enjoy.
Like music stores, book stores are a disappearing breed. Independent stores couldn’t compete with the chains, and now the chain stores are verging on bankruptcy due to internet competiton. The Barnes & Noble in Forest Hills, which may be the only large bookstore in Queens, will reportedly close when its lease comes up for renewal.
Angray, TD Bank has signed on to the Van Bramer Doctrine: happy dogs = happy dog owners = a majestic Sunnyside. The Bank has the motto “Look where you walk” when you enter the Bank. This saying is also going on signs on Skillman Ave between 43rd and 42nd Streets.
bookstore? so you can browse and in some back corner light up the iphone and check how much cheaper the book is on Amazon? What person in their right mind would open up a bookstore in 2012. Seriously, man… you gotta be kidding me.
but I guess that was what the LOL was for… because youre not serious.
and a fruit stand, there’s one every 75 feet in this neighborhood
OM – To get you riled up again, TD Bank is a dog friendly bank. They give out doggie treats.
Obama has his chaaangeee!
What about a book store? LOL!
We could use a bank branch between 50th St and 58th St.
The forgotten place ….
Could use a nice bakery and fruit stand ….
@channnnnnnge guy: Ha!
Free dogs = more dog owners = a more economically vibrant Sunnyside. Mr. Van Bramer should share his plan for a revitalized
Sunnyside with the President to kick start the national economy.
chaannnnnnge! chhhhaaaange!
So many banks! still, I’ll take TD Bank over that terrorist sleeper cell that fronted as an ugly ass convenience store.
TD Bank, bit of a warning for ya, A bum asking for Chaaaange likes to fancy that corner. I’ll open a bank account if you can shoo him away.
They’re giving away free dogs to people opening up a checking account.
I agree with Roxy, I would like to see the money-hungry HSBC in our neighborhood.. Although here is another one on Steinway, I believe.. So it would be a tough luck for us.
Is it bad to keep your many in a lot of banks even if it is small amounts? I just want to get that $25 gift card 🙂
I hope that HSBC is next. Their nearest branch is in LIC in honky-tonk Queens Plaza.
Nice, so much better than that ugly ass deli.
Sunnyside making monneeyyyyy
I for one welcome our banking overloads to Sunnyside