Photo: Kamila Harris
Nov. 1, 2012 By Christian Murray
Hundreds of Sunnyside children hit the streets Wednesday night in search of Halloween candy.
The children, most of whom were accompanied by their parents, were dressed in elaborate costumes. There were several batmans running around, gorillas, wizards, princesses and soldiers.
Sandy was the last thing on their minds—with many eager to get outside after being couped up at home for the past few days. “The kids have cabin fever and have been dying to get out,” said one parent.
Children combed most of the major thoroughfares in search of candy. Popular spots were on Queens Blvd. (between 48th Street and 43rd Streets) and under the Arch.
Sunnyside Gardens also continued to attract many children. However, the trick-or-treaters didn’t have access to much of 47th Street as the Parks Department was hauling off a tree that had been toppled by Sandy.
Many of us lived in Sunnyside before that ugly arch was put up, so it is NOT a Sunnyside tradition.
No, i say a manhattan yuppie stuck in sunnyside during the blackout is worse.
Yuppie one( in bmw): sir, are you going to Manhattan?
Yuppie 2 (to 3 overworked migrant workers): please come with me to manhattan! The look on his face was priceless as they hopped into his heated leather interior.
2 yuppies fighting: i saw him first!
If you needed a free ride to any destination in Manhattan u may have gotten it.
* they’re being.
WhoisRuben? Racist? are you KIDDING me? There are people who have said FAAAAAR Worse, you’re just too stupid to realize how racist their being with how clever they word their opinions.
I do enjoy the occasional stereotype though. those can be funny.
That being said, you know what is worse than a taxi in the city? a taxi in the city during a blackout. Those people are a bunch of savages. They’ll run other their 3rd wife for a fare.
Fernando is right, all holidays do is promote being a lazy azz and getting a free ride. SOCIALISM, of course Arbor Day is fine.
Yup I am on bath salts want some??? And Ruben the sunnyside post is obviously run by you since none of your rude racist comments get removed !!! So yea everyone is you in fact I’m you too like that!! Want some change?? Or a want a yuppie?
@WhoisRUBEN!?: How did *I* get into your mumble? Are you on bath salts?
Everyone has the right to their opinion. You are allowed to not like Halloween, but just don’t hate on those that do. Halloween nowadays is supposed to be FOR the kids. It has nothing to do with politics or religion for that matter. It doesn’t even matter what the origins are. Parents have fun watching their kids get dressed up and seeing that smile on their face. That is what it is about, creating HAPPY memories.
Fernando’s post about “The kids are going door to door asking for *free* candy, instead of getting a job, working hard, and then paying for it?” made me laugh. He was probably talking about teens, but the first thing that I thought of were the little ones, 1st-6th grade kids, whom in my opinion are the real participants that this day is aimed for. Can you imagine that, a 3rd grader trying to find work so he can buy candy lol…
I think anybody who reads your wall of gibberish is going to agree you butchered the language. Is that going to make them ALL me??
I made one grammatical error and that was I meant to say sitting nice how both of you or shall I say you pointed that out!!! Go get some changeeeee
I assure you I’m not anybody else. I think anybody who understands the English language and doesn’t write long run on sentences would see that my writing is different than those other guys. (Seriously, that wall of text took work to get through.)
As for everything else, you just can’t come to grips that there are others who share the same (or similar) views. Sure they might take a more passive aggressive approach but I keeps it REAL son!
That being said, I was saddened to see Hurricane Sandy didn’t wash away the Chaaaange bum.
@WhoisRUBEN!? In English, please.
It’s now soooo obvious that one guy is suiting behind his laptop and claiming to be Ruben craic dealer and watch om come along as well craic you write like Ruben it’s soooo obvious and linking a pic seriously get a life eat some candy Halloween candy maybe and stop spitting out negativity racism and hate on here hating on Muslims yuppies and now kids Tricker treating oh and we can’t forget how you hate the change guy!!!
Fact is, that the origins of halloween are satanic and involve human sacrifice and torture.
As innocent and Americanized as it now seems, I’ll pass.
Thanks Jemma =)
Ruben, I envy you…you always know the right thing to say to get sunnysiders all in a twist. And if you people don’t like the Sunnyside sign, move. it’s been there for a long time and it’s part of our neighborhood.
@ Pat – carnival? It’s retro, it’s art deco, and it’s historical! Erase the past? The thought makes me sad.
Witchcraft,mythology, and magic is another form of religion. My little troll, it is possible to be godless and good at the same time. Just like it is possible to be a mass murdering, military junta supporting hypocrite like the future saint …mother theresa.
Halloween is a Godless selfish tradition. Asking for candy to appease the demons and ghosts??? what a nice little lesson for kids.
@ ruben
Bet you wanted go hand out condoms to the parents after handing out candies to the kids. Not so?
David Hannum was right, ” There is a sucker born every minute”. A lot of em just happen to reside in sunnyside. Ergo you fall for ruben’s little “troll games” every time 🙂
I’m with you Annie! I cannot believe that there are those out there who would feel that way. Trick or Treating on my old block is still the best! Forty Eight years later, there are still some of the same neighbors who love to see the kids dressed up and so happy!
Our Skillman Ave. store owners were also very happy to see the children!
@Ruben and Fernando, this is a “COMMUNITY”! There are traditions, neighbors, examples of fellowship going on here! Give me a break, if you don’t want to be a part of, don’t, but don’t begrudge such a happy day for our children!
PS – You both sound like SCROOGE!
@Craic dealer Glad someone else feels like I do about that arch.
So carnival looking .. Out of place …
That sign looks like its giving the middle finger!
@Fernando: Trick-or-treat is probably the best; demonstrating children that they can get better more efficient donations from their neighbors than government. I would NEVER trust candy given out by the government.
Sandy did not blow away that retched Sunnyside arch. Disappointing.
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME??? Trick or Treating is awesome and it was great to see all the kids out. They’re lucky to live in a neighborhood in NYC where it’s a strong tradition.
I agree with Ruben. And what’s the deal with trick-or-treating anyway? It promotes socialism and government handouts. The kids are going door to door asking for *free* candy, instead of getting a job, working hard, and then paying for it?
Ruben, do you want some cheese to go alone with your whine?
pretty damn annoying. After spending 3 hours getting home and walking the bridge the last thing I needed was having to navigate around a bunch of greedy ass kids trying to get candy and their idiot parents who don’t know how to herd their children.