June 7, 2016 By Michael Florio
About 1,000 attendees are expected to turn out for Sunnyside’s 48th annual Flag Day Parade Saturday.
The parade, which is believed to be the only one in Queens, will start at 11 am on the corner of Greenpoint Avenue and 41st Street with participants marching east to Joe Sabba Park, which is located at the intersection of Queens Blvd and 49th Street, according to Anthony Lana, Parade Director.
A patriotic ceremony honoring veterans will then held at the park, where marching bands will perform and the national anthem will be sung. There will be a riffle squad firing to remember those veterans who died while serving the nation, according to Lana.
The Sunnyside Drum Corps, The United 40’s Civic Association, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and local leaders are expected to march. Each group will march behind its respective banner.
The march is organized each year by the Kiwanis Club of Sunnyside.
Forbes Irvine, Governor of the New York Kiwanis, will be this year’s grand marshal. The parade marks the 100th anniversary of the Kiwanis Club being in New York.
The I.S. 125 Chorus will perform two songs. Francis Lewis High School Marching Band, Long Island City High School Marching Band, Pipes and Drums of Country Armagh Band and Star of the Sea Cadet Corps will also participate in the parade.
Afterwards, Don’t forget to follow the Sunnyside Drum Corps to their home at All Saints ‘Church where they will play at the Strawberry Fair….street full of vendors, strawberries and ice cream and food in the garden..
What will the riffle squad be looking for?
Hopefully Liberals.
Oh yeah
What’s a riffle squad? Is that where comedians get together and riff on topics? Or where guitarists gather to play riffs that are gnarly and shit?