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Sunnysiders Duke it Out Over Dog Turd Fiasco

A battle between a dog owner and a concerned resident–over dog poop–has led to a nasty threat and some curious actions.  The following tree postings on 43rd Street (btwn. 43rd and Skillman Ave.) tell part of the story.

Day 1–taking concerns to the street


DAY 2–Spiteful response

Local resident packages poop and throws it under the tree.


Day 3




(Note: The images that were previously here are no longer valid, May 2020)

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does a bear shit in the wood? yup. does a fish shit in the ocean? yup. question I have is why the hell do so many people wanna live in the same damn place?


I am also on 43rd Street. It is disgusting. I never catch anyone in the act, I feel like these dog owners are not brazen enough to do it when they think someone is watching. Would writing to van Bramer help? I will give it a try…


One of my pet hates. I live on 44th between Queens Blvd and 47th – while living in Mid Town it was never as wide-spread. If I see someone leaving their dog’s poop on the sidewalk I will make sure that I hand them a bag and advise them that their behavior is irresponsible and unhygienic.


Residents who see people doing this should snap their photo and post it online. Overall, the quality of life is really going down, with the amount of trash piling up on blocks such as 45th between 47th and 50th. Why are people ok living in trash? I guess it’s all relative…


I’m on 40th st. BTW 47 and 48, there is dog poop everywhere. At the end of the street, there is an apartment building with a little bit of grass around it. People let their dogs poop in it and never pick it up, it’s disgusting. There is poop next to every tree, on the sidewalk, everywhere. I have a dog, leaning over with a plastic bag and picking it up takes 3 seconds! I’ve seen the same couple of older ladies who let their dogs poop wherever and never pick it up over and over again. Gross!


i live on 41st btw skillman and 43rd and the same here!! there are so many sign that people are putting up and STILL they do not pick it up! they much be doing thsi after midnight. it wasn’t like this about 3-4yrs ago. we’ve had so many mishaps with the kids!


People who don’t pick up after their dogs should have their noses rubbed in it. The people, not the dogs. I share the ire of the poster…Nothing infuriates me more.


I think contacting Van Bramer’s office is a great idea! I mean….it certainly can’t hurt. I’ve had the idea to make signs or flags that I would leave directly next to the left poo, hoping that it will alert the guilty that “we” are watching and it’s unacceptable!


I find it hard to comprehend how any person could let their dog crap on someones doorstep as I was greeted leaving my house the other day. It is not only inconsiderate it is a health hazard and when it is washed away it goes into our water ways. I do not have a dog but occasionally walk my Mother’s and she has one of those brilliant pet poop scoops that are on the market. They make such a difference as you really do not notice you are carrying the poop. Why not encourage these people was some positive ways to help change their habits. Have a look at


there are some great signs in the area of 42nd St stating that “this is no turd world country..” unfort sunnyside is becoming more like a third world country with each passing month. Hope these people find out who is doing this so the appropriate actions can be taken.

To Jess, I also live on that block and have been annoyed by the growing amount of crap on the sidewalk… it is illegal, but the only way people get busted is if sanitation officers see the violation in action… might be worth us contacting CM Van Bramer’s office, maybe he can request enforcement by Sanitation. If people know officers are in the area, maybe they won’t chance it. Please post here w. any other ideas.


it’s a problem all over the neighborhood — i live on 49th btwn Queens blvd and 43rd ave and there’s never been a day i haven’t seen fresh dog poo just waiting to be stepped on. however, having lived in different boroughs around the city, it’s pretty widespread. some people simply aren’t responsible pet owners. or they’re simply rude and stupid.


I live on 44th between 47th and Queens Blvd. I have the same problem on my street and I really want to do something about it. Isn’t it illegal to leave your dogs poo on the ground??!! This behaviour is incredibly gross and inconsiderate. Something needs to be done!


clearly if someone is that lazy/inconsiderate to not pick up dog poo, then they probably don’t care that it’s tracking said poo back into their apartment. i feel sorry for the dog — i’m sure that owner is a real jerk.


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