Photo by Luke Adams
March 24, 2012 By Christian Murray
Sunnyside will be all part of one Congressional district this November now that the New York redistricting process has come to end.
Presently, the neighborhood is carved up into three sections, with Carolyn Maloney, Nydia Velazquez and Joseph Crowley each representing a segment of it.
Following the redistricting, the entire neighborhood will be part of the newly-designated 14th District. Joe Crowley, the Queens County Democratic chair, has been endorsed by that party to represent the seat.
The way Sunnyside is divided up now is a mystery. Maloney’s district currently covers 41st Street and goes west toward Manhattan on the northern side of Queens Blvd. On the southern side of Queens Blvd, the district begins at 36th Street and goes west toward Manhattan.
Crowley’s district currently covers the northern side of Queens Blvd. from 41st going east toward Woodside. However, there are exceptions. For instance, the district covers 41st to 43rd Streets on the southern side of Queens Blvd.
Meanwhile, Velazquez’ district covers the south side of Queens Blvd, with the with the exception of 39th Place through to 43rd Street (for those blocks between Queens Blvd. through Greenpoint Ave).
I would like to find a “rich Republican” woman if there are any! Stop the class warfare garbage – I know many, many rich Democrats who like to “hob nob” with the working class but look down on them.
“Rich Republicans”?!
I don’t believe there are many Republicans in Sunnyside that I haven’t met; and, while none of them shared their financial statements with me, I can’t imagine that any of them could truthfully be called “rich”. Oh, there are a relative few I’d categorize as Upper Middle Class (in terms of monetary resources); but, the vast majority of Sunnyside residents in the GOP are working class people who struggle to make ends meet. That’s why most of them are in the GOP: they understand that our state (& the Feds, too) spends too much—putting NY’s fiscal health at risk.
As for the “gerrymandering” (which, in Sunnyside, gives a great advantage to Democrat/Working Family Party types) that you complain about, the conventional wisdom is that Gov. Cuomo caved a bit on re-districting reform in order to attempt to achieve more in terms of public-sector union pension reform. He was only partly successful; but, I give him credit for trying. He has said that it seems only NY’s legislators don’t understand that an entity cannot spend more than it has for very long without encountering disaster.
Cuomo is Democrat, yes—with a very liberal pedigree; but, mostly, he is governing as if he were a Republican—which is why he is very popular. The policies work; it seems that it is just the labels people don’t like.
Next step: Make all of Sunnyside the same school district, too!
“Rich Republicans?” Fix me up with one! The ones I know are middle class!
Pssssst. Hey Ted. There are lots of rich democrats too. Don’t tell anyone.
What ‘mystery’ – its gerrymandering pure and simple. At one time I lived in the lower east side in Manhattan and part of my congressional ‘district’ was in BROOKLYN – which was even more insane than Sunnyside having been in 3 districts.
While I’m glad NY’s governor is a democrat, its still disgusting how Cuomo has turned his back on trying to reform the way political districts are mapped out and it letting the rich republicans run amok.
When will average citizens wake up and stop allowing the rich lord it over us like they are kings and queens and we mere peasants?
The Crowleys live in an expansive home in the leafy Washington suburb of Arlington, Va., where his three kids attend the community’s nationally renowned public schools — shunning New York City’s educational system, property records show
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/queens/queens_kingmaker_at_home_in_virginia_7AvwIRepzgY7XXd9Dr1nhJ#ixzz1q9OfIfG2
Melissa if you get many packages you could rent a PO Box in Sunnyside PO
yes especially if that’s where his kids go to school
Melissa it goes way back to before Queens was part of NYC. It has to do with the division line between the old town of Flushing (the 113 part of your zip Code) and old Long Island City (at one time an incorporated city just like NYC and Brooklyn) thats zip code 11101
if it helps I feel your pain as I live in the Woodside portion of the Celtics
Dump Crowley! He really lives in Virginia.
“The way Sunnyside is divided up now is a mystery. ”
Another mystery to me is why my postal code is for Woodside — 11377 — although I clearly live in Sunnyside. Does anyone know how, when and why this happened? The Sunnyside P.O. is a block and half from my home, but if for some reason I need to collect a package, I have to go up to 61st Street. Anyone?