Jan. 27, 2011 By Christian Murray
Jeannette Le Moing, a Sunnyside resident for more than twenty years, won a flat-screen TV last Friday after participating in a “shop-local” campaign sponsored by Sunnyside Shines.
During the three weekends before Christmas, Sunnyside Shines handed out coupon books offering savings to as many as 44 local stores that included a contest to win a brand new 40″ television.
Le Moing used seven coupons from the book by shopping at Associated Supermarket, Lowery Wines & Liquors, Flowers by Giorgie, Woodside House Hallmark, April Glass and Orchard Farmers Market. Her winning ticket was pulled from her trip to Orchard Farmers Market.
Le Moing was shocked when she learned that she had won, according to James Bray, executive director of the Sunnyside Shines. ” ‘Is this a brand new TV in a box or a used TV?’” she asked, and “’Are you playing a joke on me?’”
Hi Sunny up . By having photos with santa we shop in our little town and not in maspeth or astroria. at least our money stay here. that way our stores will stay in business. we need many more promotion for all our stores tostay in business. we need sunnyside/woodside to be promoted. Have any ideas
Hi Sunnysider,
How does having photos with Santa improve the Business District?!! Unless of course you own the store that BID rented?!!! who could the owner be??!!
Thank you, sunnysider.
We’ll said.
During the xmas season in December the sunnysideshines was taking free pictures of our kids on greenpoint ave . In the same store that was sugar and joe they rented out for a few weeks and made a chrstimas store out of it with santa taking pictures. also in the store were copies of coupons books for picures takers or the neighborhood to take and use. All we have to do is read the hearld and follow the website of sunnyside post and or sunnysideshines web site to stay informed and you will be. It does take and effort to stay informed and probablely the stores had a post card advetising this event in their windows. Sorry alot of you missed the opportunity to have free pictures taken with santa expecially when everyone wants your money. Sunnysideshines was trying to do a service to our little town.
You’d have to ask the BID folks about the coupons, but I think they were only distributed at their Santa Claus location in December. I suppose you could also ask them how that promotion improved Sunnyside businesses as well, beyond whichever business owner they paid to use the space.
How and where were the coupons distributed? I don’t recall them being offered, though I’m in Sunnyside stores ever day buying something or other.
“Are you playing a joke on me”? is the reaction that more than a few Sunnyside residents are beginning to have regarding the BID’s efforts in the neighborhood.
Great. This lovely woman got a TV. But did our stores get any business from it.