Jan. 15, 2016 Staff Report
A Sunnyside restaurant has been temporarily closed by the health department for operating without a food permit.
Bucharest European Restaurant, which is currently for sale, was closed Thursday and had not reopened by Friday afternoon.
The Health Department typically shuts down an establishment the moment it discovers an operator without a license.
The closure comes at a time when the restaurant is listed for sale.
The listing does not include an asking price. However, the rent is $9,050 per month, which is for 3,900 square feet and a basement.

This is one of the grossest restaurants I have ever been to.
Was opened Saturday night as well! Health department is off on weekends I guess
They were totally open on Friday at 9 PM.
The Government’s power is zero in Sunnyside.
fast forward six months… when are the condos going up?
So glad to see this racist place go. These people were never nice to anybody who wasn’t Romanian going in. They took up all the space in the sidewalk with those stupid planters. My favorite was when groups of them would stand in front of the restaurant smoking and looking at you with their smug faces as you tried to get around or through them.
I also loved the mafia boss always sitting in the front there…very cliche
Is that you Rueben Sammich? I thought you had changed your name to Rikki. I see your disgust for your neighborhood remains steadfast.
Not sure what you mean by “racist”. To my knowledge Romanians are white europeans and would naturally blend in with any other European variance or white Americans.
The taped on sign in Romanian seems to indicate otherwise…
sunken dance floor cabaret license, too bad the former Irish owners drank the bar into oblivion, you have thousands of people walking by and it always looked closed or people thought it was a hidden strip joint, but what they did have very large poker games after the bar closed….maybe that’s what kept them open for so long..
plus they got so desperate they had rap hip hop nights and one night 11 cars had slashed tires…and they had a pay phone on the corner and people were constantly using it. before Bucharest cleaned it up.
First…The Irish bar owners did not drink it into oblivion…in its heyday as The Breffini it was one of the busiest bars in the neighborhood. The customer base grew up and moved on. I bartended there for the 3 years before it closed and we had one casino night for charity. Never have I heard of 11 cars having their tires slashed in the vicinity of the bar in any of its evolutions and I’ve lived on the block for over 15 years. And a payphone on a public street has nothing to do with the premises it’s cattycorner to. Also., hosting a hip hop night has nothing to do with desperation and more to do with money.
@nicole Rikki is notorious for posting lies distortions idiocy. You have to see some of this persons other posts some recommending people quit their jobs in Manhattan and take jobs in shops in Queens.. Just idiocy. Also many of Rikkis posts involve anti Irish bias. Rikki is a low wage jealous clown.
And Mac is notorious for considering all who do not bow to his questionable intellect to be Fox News watching idiots. Long live the brilliance of Mac! May all who disagree develop toenail fungus.
Wow this dude cheese is an obsessed stalker, like some type of extremist. Poster Queen is right you must bow and pray to your false god Fox News Station all day long.
This is outrageous how people can say so many bad things about a place that Romanians call home.
We are a multicultural place and the hip hop is part of American culture and we are happy that the youngsters found the place attractive for their entertainment.It is insulting to say that one has to be desperate to allow the new generation to develop their own social relationships in a civilized place.
This is totally unacceptable to try to destroy the work of so many people and our place.
Although , the economy did not encourage the flow of customers, we do keep steady cultural activities ; the restaurant is the place where new books are presented, where the important Romanian events are celebrated ,and where each person regardless of age and national origins is welcomed .
Today , January 16, you are invited to celebrate together the greatest Romanian poet ,Mihai Eminescu and you will have the chance to meet priests, writers,doctors,hardworker people whose actions are geared towards the enrichment of our spiritual and cultural life.
maybe if your restaurant was more welcoming to people who weren’t just romanian…you’d get some respect.
I went in there to eat once and was treated very poorly and I am not Romanian, but have many Romanian friends.
Absolute nonsense. I went there with a Ghanaian friend and we were both treated really really well.
You have no idea what are you talking about! Read the article again! The establishment was closed by health department! The place is for sale and they are operating without permits! Romanian style big time
went by there last night and its was open though only one sad looking individual sitting at the bar…was that you Rikki?
If I had the money I would buy it. I grow up a block away from that place.
Actually, they do have quite a few customers, especially on weekends.
Waiting for the “Permanently Closed Because We Never Have Customers” sign.
A Romanian place in Sunnyside without customers? Never. They could serve nothing but bread and wine and they’d still be packed.