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Sunnyside Pharmacist Allegedly Steals Corvette, Subject to a Slew of Charges

Photo: QueensPost

Aug. 19, 2013 Staff Report

The owner of Amazon Pharmacy, located at 43-10 Queens Blvd, was arrested in Jersey City, NJ, Friday night after allegedly stealing a 2013 Corvette convertible and taking it on a joy ride, according to reports.

Simon Dolmaian, 42, of Garden City, stole a $71,000 jet-black sports car from Kerbeck Corvette in Atlantic City after a night of gambling at a nearby casino, according to New Jersey news outlets.

“He engaged the staff in conversation and simply drove off without paying,” police were quoted in the Daily News as saying.

Dolmaian was arrested on a number of other charges, such as DWI and reckless driving. When the police pulled him over, according to reports, he had more than $40,000 cash on him, as well as a quantity of illegally-possessed prescription pills.

Please click here for the full stories: the Daily News.

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barbara hayes

I agree stop judging I have known Simon for some time and find him to be
an excellent pharmacist and I would not go anywhere else. What happens
in reality and what the press make things seem are two different things.
im sure there is more to whatever happened and its simply blown out of proportion PERIOD


Read today that NYC has more than 12,000 inmates in jail, and spent $167,000 per inmate last year. Wonder how that compares to what was spent on each student? Wonder which expenditure brings a better return?


The schools do not have any chioce but to pay these teachers who have been accused- the teacher’s union has this crazy “innocent until proven guilty” theory, I believe. They get rid of bad teachers whenever possible. I agree, it seems like there is a lot of money wasted on education- don’t blame the teachers, though. Many of them work a lot harder than you could possibly imagine.

I still prefer shopping locally and I don’t mind paying sales tax- I think it’s part of what makes our economy work. I am surprised these local pharmacies stay in business with competition from the Duane Reades and the Rite Aids.


i like simon, he is a nice guy . no one knows what happend that night, so stop judging people. all you perfect, self absorbed, gossip hounds. give the guy a me ,your life can changr in the blink of an eye, so yhose who live in glass houses, you know the rest


Super, the schools can somehow afford to pay all those teachers in the rubber room to do absolutely nothing and janitors making six figure salaries. And what happened to all that lottery money that was supposed to fund education? The money I see spent on Lotto and scratch cards at my local deli alone should have paid for entire school by now. Sorry but I’m sick and tired of teachers bellyaching about the lack of funds for school. You get plenty, stop wasting it.


The young brunettes that work there are very sweet and nice they offer fast and friendly service every time I go there .


We can close all of these stores, put everyone out of work. and do all our shopping online, and let online retailers like Amazon do all they can to avoid paying sales tax. We all know that all taxes collected get wasted by our politicians, so avoid paying them whenever possible.

Meanwhile, please help our struggling schools- they can’t afford chalk- can you make a donation?

Oil, Beef, Hooked

God forbid, the average consumer should get a break from taxes once in a while. God forbid, the politicians should have a nickel less of our money to flush down the toilet.


The service may be lacking when it comes to in store sales, but their on line web site is phenomenal and covers everything from books to laundry detergent and you don’t have to pay sales tax on many products.

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@todd reynolds That one robbed last week was the one on 43rd and 47ave across from the playground. They tried to rob them of prescription drugs. Oxy I believe.

@sunnyside_native Small business owners are untrustworthy or just the new drug stores? I think it has to go on a case by case situation. Small business owners put money and time back in to the community.


From the comments here and the behavior of the owner, I’d say they are just scamming Uncle Sam. Good thing they caught the guy. IF you live in Garden City, open your damn shop there.

Woodside lady

Yes I hate it that pharmacy I went there twice and the blond lady that works there is so rude and nasty with the customers ..


Imagine that? A slew of illegally possessed prescription pills? I don’t trust any of these small pharmacies, which are popping up all over Sunnyside/Woodside, I might add.


Imagine this, and people trust these pharmacies with their most private information.

Is that an Alpina in the picture? Nice vehicle 🙂 Couldn’t wait a split second more to get a clear shot?


I have never liked that pharmacy. It’s usually empty and the employees seem disinterested in serving customers.


“He engaged the staff in conversation and simply drove off without paying,” Dolmaian was quoted in the Daily News as saying.”

I think you meant “police were quoted in the Daily News as saying.”


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