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Sunnyside man deported today despite pleas from teenage daughters made yesterday

Front Row: Samiha, Ferdousha, Simran holding a picture with Bablu

Oct. 11, 2017 By Nathaly Pesantez

Bablu Sharif, the Sunnyside man whose two teenage daughters begged President Trump to stop his deportation yesterday, was deported today.

Sharif, a Bangladeshi immigrant who lived in the United States since 1992 and worked as an Uber driver, was deported after being detained by ICE since June. Ten other men from New York were also deported today.

“To deport those brothers is to deprive those American families of a father, a husband, and the only source of viable living,” said Mazeda Uddin, president of the South Asian Fund for Education, Scholarship and Training, who worked closely with the Sharif family in trying to prevent his deportation.

Sharif had a standing deportation order against him since 1999 after overstaying his visa, but has had an order of supervision since 2013.

Uddin said she contacted multiple elected officials to help with Sharif’s situation, but to no avail. “Our help did not work because our elected members did not count our voice,” Uddin said. “We were not able to keep these families together and keep these hard working brothers in America where they belong.”

Uddin was devastated as she spoke through sobs over the phone. “I could not help them,” she said. Uddin could not bring herself to talk to Sharif’s daughters and wife today, as she felt she failed the family. “Why don’t our voices count?” Uddin said.

Ali Najmi, a lawyer and member of the Alliance of South Asian American Labor who helped the Sharif family in organizing, said the family notified him this morning after they received information from the detention center in Arizona where Bablu was held.

“It’s a very tough moment for them,” Najmi said as he spoke of Sharif’s family. “I’m thinking of all the families in Queens who have to go through this.”

Najmi said Sharif’s story puts Trump’s policies into question, especially since Sharif had his deportation deferred during the prior administration.

“This is a real shocking moment for the family and the entire immigrant community of Queens,” Najmi said. “Families are nervous about this, and we need actual immigration reform. We need the president to show compassion.”

A press conference held on Oct. 10 in Jackson Heights saw Sharif’s two teenage daughters, Simran, 18, and Samiha, 14, make an emotional plea to stop their father from being sent back to Bangladesh.

“Who will take care of us if our father is deported?” said Samiha at yesterday’s press conference. “We are surviving with the help of some friends. Now, if my dad is deported, I don’t know how I’m going to survive. I don’t know how my future will look.”

Ferdousha, a homemaker and mother of the two, said the toll of her husband’s situation weighed heavily on their two daughters as they started the school year.

Sharif lived in Sunnyside with his family, and was detained by ICE in June and held in a detention center in Florence, AZ, after attempting to renew a work permit with the Enforcement or Removal Operations office. Sharif had no criminal record.

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I think our country’s new motto should be “The United States…we’ll invade your country to plunder whatever resources we want but don’t dare come to ours.”

Lack of empathy seems to be an epidemic infecting our country.

Sucka Punch Sally

Bablu was last scene in a Bangladesh strip club with Neil the Super from 39 Place Two wild and crazy guys.


On.a slightly different note,while the desperate situation in being managed, NYC will soon be flooded with many thousands of ( citizens) who need help ,too.


I live close to a family homeless shelter and was talking to a family that has arrived to NYC from PR and waiting for permanent housing. They were asking if I knew of any available rentals in the area because they were approved for rental vouchers from the city and I told them to check with realtors.

Eland Kumar

The only question is this: do you this country to run by its by laws whatever they are? Or do you want a country which does NOT follow it like many African and Asian countries? The people of Asian countries (like India) are SICK of the corruption. Essentially, where laws are broken as required,,,, If it is the former, then such deportations will happen. If not, then you want illegal immigrants to stay. The only issue is what happens to the family and that makes me really sad and confused NOT the deportation of the man!! deporting the man was right if you want to run by laws – there cant be following the laws sometimes and sometimes not (which is essentially what African and Asian countries do).


All these situations are awful, but what country can say: everyone can come in on a tourist visa and stay forever? Even taking into account the time it takes to get settled and possibly get tax-paying jobs, the school system, hospital system, etc. are already over-burdened. Isn’t it too simple to make this a black and white issue?


These systems are “overburdened” because the tax rate for the top earners has been cut so much. In the glory days on the 1950’s (at least the conservatives refer to this era as the glory days) the tax rate on the top earners was 90%. The fact of the matter is that our country is dependent upon underpaid illegal labor. If all of the undocumented workers (a kinder term since no person is illegal) were to walk out of this country, we would have no food to eat. Our entire food system is dependent upon this unsung workforce. They plant and pick our foods, work at the meat processing plants, etc. Every single study of undocumented workers proves that they pay more into the system than they get out of it. There are many shades of gray to immigration but we are dependent upon immigrants. Our population bubble is getting older and grayer. Undocumented workers keep Social Security solvent (they pay in using fake numbers but never cash out). Get real that your comfort depends on people picking food for you. If you had documented workers do it, the cost of food would triple or quadruple and then you would complain. Same thing for the construction industry….get real folks.

Fan of doughboy park

I invite all the armchair immigration experts in these comments to do some actual research about the process of getting a greencard, let alone citizenship.
I’d you think it’s a matter of filling out a form and getting in line, you’re mistaken.
This man was attempting to gain asylum, this is why he was apprehended when trying to renew his deferral status with immigration.

You have to wonder, why deport him now?


We can feel sorry for anyone in this situation, but sympathy does not mean agreeing that anyone who stays in the US illegally and reproduces gets to stay. The fact that he didn’t commit a crime is beside the point, the fact that he has a family is beside the point. The moment his visa expired he had to know this could happen.


Hey trolls, you know what? Other than there being one less brown-skinned person in Queens, tell all of us one good thing that comes out of this guy being deported. Seriously- did he he take your Uber job or something? He had no criminal record. He raised a family. He paid taxes – yes, he did, Uber drivers receive 1099s, same as any other independent contractor, and when he filled his tank he paid federal tax, and ewhn he shopped at the CVS he paid state tax. So no, you did not pay for his kids to go to school. Seriously, tell us. How are you better off because a hardworking, tax paying family guy is out if the country?


I agree! People sat around and did nothing to help this family. More people need to get involved by protesting, calling state and local politicians, donating to legal services and charities, volunteering and educating themselves on immigrants rights. There are so many undocumented people from all over the world living in Queens it would of been nice if more people showed up at the press conference.

rules are rules

he is an unfortunate “example” – Could they have found someone “more” illegal in terms of citizenship (e.g. someone benefitting from welfare, or otherwise utilizing benefits reserved for legal citizens), sure. But he was likely “low hanging fruit” for the authorities to make an example out of. Bottom line is that he was here illegally, and they are trying to ensure that others learn from his mistakes/understand they are now enforcing the laws, in order to correct the excessive immigration issues they haven’t been keeping tabs on over the last however many decades.


OK, “rules are rules,” but you didn’t answer the question, and your facts are wrong. What’s a GOOD thing that comes out of this? He sets an example? So fewer immigrants enter the US? Immigration already had fallen to a nearly 20 year low in 2015. (Recorded by the Department of Homeland Security, reported by the Pew Center, because, they actually were “keeping tabs” if you bothered to look at the data.) Meanwhile, we lose tax revenue we desperately need (you know there’s a deficit, right?), a member of the workforce, and now his family is missing their primary breadwinner, so his daughter – CITIZENS – are without their father. How does this, you know, help anyone? Other than the racists who want fewer brown-skinned people around?

rules are rules

The GOOD thing is that other folks currently here illegally will take measures to become actual citizens of the country they are living in and benefitting from. Like I said, it is unfortunate that this father was the one singled out as the example, but now maybe someone else can avoid the same future by taking the necessary steps to stay in this country LEGALLY. How many people were here illegally while legal US immigration dropped to the 20 year low?

Eland Kumar

I always wrestle with this issue. This man took the risk of breaking the law.The question is should the US govt actually pardon him because he was clever enough to break the law? What about the people back in Bangladesh who would completely love to come here? Should the US govt bring them here? It seems that if we pardon such behavior we are simply saying as long as you smart enough to break the law, then you are fine. There should some bad consequences fo breaking the law, isn’t it? On the other hand., this guy’s poor family will suffer a LOT. So I have no answer at all to this big problem.

Eland Kumar

Ok., my genuine question is this. Immigrants are really doing a lot for sure. So should the US have any controls at all? As long as they are not criminals, everybody should be allowed to overstay their visas and just do whatever they want. Why even act as if we have rules? Why have visa end dates or quotas.. You are saying keep the law but if you escape, then you deserve to be pardoned!!! Isnt that a strange thing to argue for?


I think it could be easier if there wasn’t a fear of exposing the underground labor force. Most who come here have jobs or get them quickly, and can manage to support themselves and sometimes a family as well. This would mean liberalizing or relaxing the laws, and making it easier to get a work visa or green card. Sadly, as demonstrated by some of the voices here, public sentiment is largely anti-immigrant, and I’ll never figure out why.

Eland Kumar

Ok. Why not just say: anybody not a criminal) can come here and work here legally forever? Why have any laws to limit immigration and act as if we try to enforce it? Lets say a guy comes here with his children and cannot find a job, but wants to stay here forever. should he be allowed? That’;s what is essentially happening in Europe.. I dont think that open borders approach will work well for the country…


It’s not hard to figure out why – look at the skin color of the immigrants people are objecting to.

Eland Kumar

Not everything is about racism!! This is why I detest liberal democrats.. I can guarantee that even if a white person came from Sweden, he will be deported. Just that there are no people coming from Sweden anymore!!!


There are no people coming from Sweden because they have education and health care there!


I’ll never accept that there are as many xenophobic a-holes like the commenters here.

“Why didn’t he get citizenship?” Do you think it’s possible? It’s not. Did you read the part where he was checking in regularly with authorities?

The stats on the economic benefits and rates of entrepreneurship among immigrants are incredible, but these right wingers are blind to that. They’d rather scapegoat the powerless than confront the forces that are actively working against them.

The immigrants will keep coming and winning. The complainers will remain bitter, sad, and lonely.


Yes and it would be nice if we could focus, speed up the process and help people who try to enter this country legally. The USA needs to do more to make documented status the faster and better option.


Sunnyside is a diverse,compassionate, hard working community. To me, there are some commenters on here trying to provoke others. They sound like stereotypical extreme right or left wing sayings all written to try to separate or unite certain thoughts and evoke argumentative reactions. We all know that groups out there like this do exist except no one is getting paid to express fake opinions on here. They just get a “kick” out of it so to speak.


Atleast anyone born here is automatically a citizen. That is not the case in other countries. The daughters are U.S. citizens and I hope they and their mom will manage until their Dad can come back.It is probably paycheck to paycheck for them;what will happen w November’s rent?


I feel so bad for families in this situation. Thank goodness we have Skype and other apps so families can communicate daily.


Tomi Lahren’s ancestor forged his citizenship papers to get to the U.S., Melania Trump got paid to work as a model before she had the proper paperwork all of which are illegal and could be deportable offenses. I am sure if any of you knew enough about your family’s immigration story, there very well could be some fudging…people who lied about their ages at Ellis Island, etc. The fact of the matter is that we are all immigrants here. It’s not like anyone asked the Native Americans if they wanted any Europeans to come over. Immigration happens. If you were hungry or being denied civil liberties or were looking for a better life for your future kids, you would do whatever you needed to do that. That is our shared humanity. Have some compassion. The average monthly wage in Bangladesh is $60 per month. I bet every one of your relatives or even you yourself came to this country for a better life. And yes, our immigration policy throughout our history has been outwardly biased and racist towards white people so don’t go feeling special if you “came here legally”.


Great Post! Now this family needs to focus on the present and future. Hopefully he has saved some money while working here all these years that they could use until he or his wife and daughters (when they are of age) could find work. It sounds like 60 dollars could go a long way in his country. So if the family could get together and double or triple the average working salary in Bangladesh he will be more than fine. Many immigrants are in the same situation and manage to send money oversees to loved ones which goes a long way.


Let his family get jobs and send him money back home. Like most men who come here do. They come here and send the money back to the family. This is just reversed. Then when they have enough saved they can reunite. In Bangladesh.

You can't stand the truth

Your right Juan , illegal parents should think about the repercussions. Either that or the government should send the kids packing too. It’s not our fault it’s the illegals fault

I actually stayed awake in history class, unlike you

Ummm, yes, which prescribes that his daughters are CITIZENS. Did you ever, you know, read it??


You are unequivocally wrong. It provides equal protection for everyone. F in History for you.


Both of my parents, uncles, aunts, they’re all illegal immigrants. I’ve had people say why don’t you just your green card like very one else. The thing people don’t understand is how hard and long it takes to get one and become a citizen. I was born in the U.S. so I am considered a citizen, the thing is my parents came here for my sake. Immigrants shouldn’t be deported when they came here looking for a better life. What do you have against us?

cause they're here illegally.

most things that are really “worth it” are long and arduous processes. Pretty sure what people have against illegal immigrants is that for some reason, they think that the process to become legal is not one that is mandatory, and thus they stay here, utilizing resources that are budgeted for, and meant for, legal citizens. Your parents and their siblings should start the green card process, at least then, when the cops come knocking, they can say that they are in the works, vs trying to game the system. Good luck!


They pay taxes. They pay taxes. They pay taxes. Seriously, what doesn’t everybody not understand that this guy paid taxes both on his income, and on all the goods, services, and gasoline he bought while living here.


But didn’t the founding fathers go to war for our independence from “taxation without representation?”

Not just about taxes.

Are they counted in Census polls? Are they accounted for when they do the neighborhood surveying? Does the MTA know that they are also riding the 7?


I don’t know why I have to explain tax law to you, when you could easily look it up yourself, but undocumented workers like Bablu who have jobs receive an individual tax number (ITIN). Think about it for 2 secs, if you’re capable. He was driving for Uber. They have to tell the IRS who they pay. They have to send those workers 1099, which Bablu reveived. Even immigrantswho use fake social security numbers pay into a system they never get out of. Also, it’s not like when he filled his tank or shoppedat the CVS he said, “I’m an immigrant, I’m not paying tax on that today.” Ok, can we please put this, “they dont pay taxes” to rest? They do.

John John

Annab- Its nice to see someone who has a grasp of the issues and the facts related to those issues posting here. The person posting under Mac is a screen name hijacker so he obviously they won’t claim the foolishness they are posting.


Your family is exactly the reason we want to enforce immigration laws. They can work to improve the country that is theirs – we’ve chosen as a group that we’re better off for now without people who ignore our laws.


Speak for yourself – no one’s “chosen as a group…” The majority of Americans in polls from both the left and the right favor immigration reform with a path to citizenship (Marist, Pew, and Gallup, and even Fox news). And the majority of Americans did not vote for you-know-who. Add the majority of Sunnysiders, based on our voting and behavior, welcome Rosita and her family.


Look on the bright side, at least he has good work experience and references for when he applies for job in his own country.


I have a heart and I feel that man needs to be deported just like the law says. see that’s been the problem all along.   whine cards.  too many whine cards and our laws have become useless.   that man knew he was breaking the laws and did it anyway. his wife and children can go with him!!!!


Why didn’t he apply for citizenship way back when. He is here illegally and should be subject to deportation. I have some compassion for someone in his situation, but his current circumstance is his fault. If he doesn’t want to break up his family, he certainly can take them with him.

El Loco kneels

I heard Al from Sunnyside just broke up with Grape Soda/BBQ Potato Chip Barbara from 39 Place because Harvey Weinstein moved in with her (with Neil’s blessing). So now Fat Al is going to try and date Bablu’s wife. He’s always looking for a Sugar Mama


I am so glad the mom got to stay. Hopefully the dad can find work in Bangladesh and send money to her to help raise their daughters. I hope the mom finds work. I also hope she can apply for citizenship and one day get her husband back or just divorce him and start a new life here in America.


This is just so sad! I thought NYC was a sanctuary city. We need to help our neighbors and friends.

El Loco aka: Rickshaw Uber Driver

Bablu and El Loco now operating a Rickshaw Uber service in Banglesesh. Grape Soda Barbara and Neil taking over Bablu’s old Uber car here in NY; they’re going to split 12 hour shifts and drive that old Toyota Camry 24 hours a day. Neil has his own private spot out in front on 39 Place for Bablu’s old Uber car. Al from Sunnyside is setting up a dispatch Uber office in one of the old apartments of a Vermont Snowflake that ran out of 39 Place building.


Wonder If His UBER CAB JOB paid taxes ….hown much cash he must have hidden ….UBER CABS ar privatly owned


Yes, his Uber job did pay taxes. Uber collects the money, sends drivers checks, and a 1099 at the end of the year, same as any other freelance job. Oh, and every time he filled his tank? Paid federal tax. Bought something at CVS? Paid state tax.


If he was not able to work the first day he arrived…he might not have stayed. We need to fix this….

reddi wip from the can, greatest invention ever

oh god stop blaming trump, obama deported 2.5 million people 2009-2015, more than ay other pres in us history


USA will be great now! Now that this immigrint is out … Just you watch, things will start turning around. Gotta be tough!

Would Roneld Reagan ever grant Amnesty? NEVER!

No one ever helped me. Especially when I was on welfare.


Have no sympathy that what they get for being in the country illegally . it time to to take our country back and send the rest of the illegally’s back where they came . Thank You Prestident Trump !!!

Waldorf Statler

Had no criminal record . . . .
BUT remained here ILLEGALLY!
I feel bad for the daughters, but it was their father’s fault. He broke the law, now his wife can drive for Uber.


Bablu was sent to Bangladesh and not to prison…Bablu fathered 2 children while here illegally…Did Bablu’s health insurance pay the hospital bills for their birth? How is it that Mom is a homemaker with 2 teenage girls?…Why not a job for Mom?..Guess she wouldn’t be entitled to public assistance in that case!


Yeah Mac that’s it. It’s the guy busting his hump driving an Uber that’s bleeding America dry. Not the costly wars or the tax breaks for the super wealthy, nope its the illegal immigrants that work jobs that are killing us. Brilliant. Here’s something to keep in mind:

Dave smith

You referred to him as brown and muslim yesterday..You should demand a refund on the college u went to – wait a minute mommy an daddy paid for it.

U suck trump

He had no criminal record never arrested i think it was funking stupid to deport him. Depory someone who is herr illegally that had prior convictions but not a hard working father that supported his family.


What this to do with Trump? Just because you don’t like him so this man can stay here illeagel? Is it not this man’s responsibility to make himself an citizen for 25 years!?

Trump is the best

And the gunman in Vegas didn’t have a record either you jackass. Laws are laws it’s a great start should get rid of all these illegals bleeding the system.


Not in my opinion. A crime needs a victim. This man was contributing to society and raising 2 girls. I have respect for him, as I’m a citizen and have no kids, and it’s hard for me to live here.


She should be in Jail. She is a thief. Her foundation disbursed 9.1% of the funds to the causes they were planned for in 2015. The other 90.9% went for salaries, travel, food and entertainment. What a fake charity.


Oh please – where do you get your information – the National Enquirer? Go to and look up the numbers for yourself. And while you’re there look up the Trump Foundation. The Clintons spent $75 million on charitable works. Trump didn’t even give $1 million. The numbers are right there if you want to tear yourself away from Fox news for a second and look at some actual facts.

John John

gman- Definition of “Private foundation”
– A charitable organization that, while serving a good cause, does not qualify as a public charity by government standards. A private foundation is a nonprofit organization which is usually created via a single primary donation from an individual or a business and whose funds and programs are managed by its own trustees or directors. As such, rather than funding its ongoing operations through periodic donations, a private foundation generates income by investing its initial donation, often disbursing the bulk of its investment income each year to desired charitable activities. Please explain your accusation of criminal behavior in the context to this legal definition…


It’s racist to say someone here illegally should be deported? Get a life. You are throwing terms around without knowing the meaning


Spare me the cries for sympathy! Where is the sympathy and outrage for Americans that get killed by non citizens?


Yeah because las vegas shooter was an illegal alien.. Right? Right?
Ignorant people will be ignorant..


The only ignorant person here is you. He was here illegally. Whether he committed a crime or was law abiding he entered this country without using the proper channels to get here.

Neziah Bliss

Humberto- that’s both a false choice and a cherry-picked non-issue. Bask in your glory of spending money on nonsense and ripping families apart.

Gina from Queens

um WTF does that have to do with anything? Mr. Sharif has no arrest record. SO he has not killed anyone… How about the Americans who kill Americans (which accounts for the vast majority of violent crime)? can we get rid of them and bring Mr. Sharif back?

Also, the joke’s on us because now the family will need to be supported by the State whereas the father was able to support them before. Explain to me how that’s a better plan. Oh right, you just want to get rid of brown people.


You sound sexists and racists. How dare you conclude mothers and daughters (from a certain ethnicity) with fathers oversees will choose to be supported by the state. If the wife/mother was the one deported and the dad stayed would you be concerned about state funding then? What if they were of another race/ethnicity? Shame on you!!


Father should have thought of this before. “How will we survive if he’s deported” blame your dad


No one wants to just get rid of brown people. All he had to do was come here legally as many brown, yellow, black and white people have done and nothing would be said.

These so-called immigrants are not that at all but illegal aliens. They don’t deserve to take part in anything this country has to offer. The people who wait their turns and come here legally have every right to pursue the American Dream as my father did.

As usual the only argument that liberals can make is to call someone racist when they don’t realize that what he did was against our laws.Liberals should wake up and smell the coffee. The time is coming when we will no longer be able to support every individual who wants to come here. When my father came here legally he had to have a sponsor and a job offer. He was not allowed to become a ward of the state.


He wasn’t a ward of the state, he paid taxes. He paid taxes. We’re not supporting anyone – they’re supporting us. They’re paying into a system, including social security, that they’re not even eligible for. As for your father – those legal avenues are totally different and not as available now. The world has changed and immigration policy hasn’t kept pace. Even George W. Bush wanted immigration reform and guest visas for men like Bablu.


He paid taxes?..What about health insurance?..Who paid the hospital costs for 2 children? Who paid for medicine and subsequent doctor visits? Why is the wife a homemaker with teenage children? How does an Uber driver support a family as the sole income provider in Sunnyside? WELFARE!!!

John John

Fake Mac- You need to be legal to receive welfare, fact! Please get informed before shooting your mouth off. Is that why you hijacked somebody else’s screen name to spread misinformation?


AnnaB…He is not an immigrant! He is,an illegal alien!..You need to get your facts straight..I’m not surprised since your source of information is the fake news factory at CNN


Fake Mac – you need to learn what a source is, and how to read actual news. The article cites: Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), The Social Security Administration (SSA), the US Chamber of Commerce, the Cato Institute, the House Subcommittee on Immigration, and the State Department. Quit the Fake News BS, learn to read, and get a clue.


What does that have to do with this guy? He didn’t kill anyone. And immigrants commit far, far fewer crimes than native-born people. The statistics are clear.

Waldorf Statler

Where do you get your statistics? Please cite your sources, Annab, other then yourself and any Wikipedia page that you can edit yourself.


They are easily found anywhere on the internet from credible – and I mean credible, not Fake News Alt Right what have you- I am unsure on the Post’s policy on links, but a few sources for crime statistics are Pew Center, FBI, Cato Institute. These have been reported on by news sources on the Left and Right, including the Times and Wall Street Journal, NBC, CBS, even Fox News had a “Illegal immigrant crime wave? Evidence is hard to find” article, fact checking sites like Politifact, Snopes, etc. No Wikipedia necessary, just turning off am radio and looking at actual, your know, facts. You want some links? Easily furnished, if permitted.


He was not an immigrant. He was an illegal alien. He didn’t apply to come here through the proper channels and I’m sure there are many people in his country who are waiting to come here legally.


How is this man’s existence in the US harming you, exactly? Answer: it’s not. You’re simply prejudiced against anyone of any other ethnicity being in America. This man was law-abiding, and a provider for his family. He was trying to rectify the situation. You need to reconsider your bias.


There was no bias here. This man was here illegally. All who come here legally and want to be a part of the American Dream should be able to take advantage of what this country has to offer.

In this case he didn’t go through the proper channels and thus should be deported. Would you want someone to enter your home just because he wanted to? It is wrong to not obey the laws of a country that you want to enter but are not willing to wait your turn.


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