June 2, 2014 By Christian Murray
The Sunnyside library, located at 43-06 Greenpoint Ave., is going to be closed this summer in order for a new roof to be installed.
The library is expected to close on June 24 and to re-open mid-August. The exact timing, however, depends on the weather, according to a Joanne King, a spokeswoman for the Queens Library.
The Sunnyside library underwent a $2.3 million renovation at the end of 2009, which included interior and exterior improvements such as a new roof. The library was then reopened in January 2010. The reason why the library needed a new roof was unknown at the time of publication.
However, the Queens Library will be sending a mobile library to the branch location once per week. The time and day of the week have still yet to be determined.
Further details to come.
Thanks for the tip:) I navigate the subway quite a bit, so I’m familiar with those lines. The bus would have left me off, literally, feet from where I needed to be.
Sunnyside native – When I see a service dog partnering with a blind person I see the highest level of human- dog relations and I am glad to be alive. When I read about rescue dogs, drug and bomb sniffing dogs, crowd control K-9s, guard dogs, retrievers who go duck hunting or herding sheep, bloodhounds finding lost children or prison escapees, dogs protecting property, and yes,even dogs providing companionship and entertainment for lonely folks, I love dogs. Here comes the however. Something has gone wrong with the human- dog equation. When I get on the elevator and happen to be in between a pitbull and two tiny terriers who go at each other I don’t like it. When I walk from Woodside near Doughboy park down Skillman Aveniue to work every morning and, the closer I get to the Lodati dogrun, the more I have to look down to avoid you know what, I am upset. There are just too many dogs in the neighborhood and the owners do not pay for their share of the environmental impact. Even when the owners “clean up”, do they know what happens to 2lbs of waste in a plastic bag? Where does it end up?Landfill? Can anyone tell me of a single summons issued for a pooper scooper violation in our neighborhood? I just think 1 million $ + dollars for one dog run is enough, and another dog run is an unwise allocation of discretionary funds. Why can’t the dog owners raise money for themselves and research environmentally sound waste disposal methods like biodegradable bags that can be flushed down household toilets like human waste.Some municipalites have begun databanks of dog DNA so violators can be tracked down. Does it have to come to that?
Stop worrying about me and focus on this. On another note, here’s what’s going on, on the South side of Sunnyside.
@ Dog lover – if you are a dog lover, why would you want to take away funds that were originally allocated to the Woodside dog run? I have friends who own houses and co-ops in Woodside, who now often walk down to the dog run in Sunnyside. As fellow tax payers who own dogs, don’t they deserve the same ROI for the property that they purchased, as a Woodside resident? The current Dougboy dog run needs a facelift, plain & simple. Politicians try to appease ALL of their constituents, not just the ones with human offspring…
New story already!
Hippsters! Obama! Damn them all!
Rick duro,
You could of taken the shuttle bus to queens boro plaza and take the n,r,w into the city and not the bus into the city.
It’s amazing how much time can be wasted on such a minor issue. Go Rangers, beat LA! What about a hockey article.
once funds are allocated to a project it’s too late to change anything. things can be reconfigured before they are allocated.
Zero the Hero,
I am included on all these kinds of things re: the dog run, and, my word, no taxpayer $ is going toward any of it. Any internal improvements like umbrellas, plantings in the greenspace, poop bags, pools, hoses, cleaning products, etc etc are all either donated, or we pay for them ourselves:)
The contractor tried blaming the dogs for the erosion of the surface. We were able to show him that there has been no such erosion in the small dog run space, only the big one. The reason for this was that not enough of the cool pavement surface was applied in the big run (it began to erode 2 weeks after opening and I immediately let the NY Parks Dept know).
Also, as the run wasnt completely level in all spots, water pooled, leading to it peeling as well. This was the contractor’s fault. He lost the argument and is honoring the deal.
I absolutely understand the skepticism though, after all, we are talking about govt:)
@ Capital funds king – We probably do understand; we’re just frustrated and throwing in a little sarcasm to ease the tension.
Funding can be moved or cancelled and reallocated. JVB has agreed to be a part of participatory budgeting which allows district residents to vote on how discretionary funds, like those for dog runs and Sunnyside Gardens Park, are spent. It’s not too late for him to exercise some discretion and change his mind. Check out pbnyc.org and the city council’s website where you can find his allocations.
I was and am much better than you Willie Mays.
Don’t you have anything interesting to write about such as the opening of a new nail salon or dry cleaner?
Rick – The simple fact that you in your own words said “If you only knew the wrangling that went on behind the scenes to get that contractor back to fix the mess, honoring his contract…” is why I am under the impression that they might try something sneaky. Seems to me that you wouldn’t need to wrangle anything with an honest contractor.
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the dog park and have been there on several occasion with my dog and we’ve had a great time. At this point I am just always a bit skeptical when a contractor has to make repairs to a job that was just recently completed, ESPECIALLY for free…
All those mentioning the concept of moving funding (already allocated) from one project to another have no idea how capital project funds work, it aint that simple.
Were they planning on allocating any tax dollars to the Sunnyside Gardens Park again? Perhaps they could re-allocate those funds to help fund the Woodside Library to open Saturdays.
Is Jimmy Van Bramer on the case? How are taxpayer dollars spent on such a project that requires this kind of repair merely 4 years later? Is anyone accountable?
The Woodside branch has been closed on Saturdays for years. Here is a chance for our City Councilman to step in. He has a QBPL background. Why not reallocate the Doughboy Park dog run funds to the Woodside Branch to open on Saturdays?
I’ve enjoyed the branch in Astoria- it’s huge. It might be tricky to get there without a metro card. There’s also a small library under the Citibank building by Courthouse Sq. I order books online and they let me now when they are in.
I picture Reuben and Larry on neighborhood patrol: one is looking for “sketchy” people and the other one for new material. Just what we need!
The city often does a poor job touching bases with different departments, so I’m not suprised by this library/park debacle.
For instance, last weekend we had NO 7 train service, so they gave us buses to the city AND they were doing major construction on the 59th St bridge, so we had to sit in traffic for a loooong time….
We need to get the city to ensure that one hand knows what the other is doing….
Zero the Hero,
I think I explained it already, so there is no need to: “hope that the dog run re-paving job really isn’t costing a dime either as reported here but I’m not going to believe that until the work is done and there isn’t a bill for “unforeseen” costs…..”
Do your due diligence, like I do, and do some fact checking and you’ll see it’s all legit. If you only knew the wrangling that went on behind the scenes to get that contractor back to fix the mess, honoring his contract…
Thus, it wont cost any of us a dime.
All city work projects are guaranteed for X time, depending on the project. If something goes wrong the contractor fixes it on their dime. Not sure what the time period is for guaranteed work on a roof, but it should be longer than a year…
Rick Duro
Roxy, the Greenpoint Library is part of Brooklyn Public Library and you need a card from BPL not NYPL to use the Greenpoint Library.
Who needs a Library and Park when you have all these new bars opening around town? Lets drop the drinking age to 5. Problem solved!
Is it really that hard for people to get their kids to all the other parks around here?
While the Library issue is a bit more tricky, I’m pretty sure the Woodside branch has decent hours. The mobile Library is a good idea as well. My question is who is the lucky contractor that will be making a mint off of previously substandard work that I’m sure already cost tax payers a fortune? I’ll laugh if it’s the same one who did a crappy job in the first place. All these unneeded construction projects are nothing more that a way for corrupt companies and politicians to steal our tax dollars.
I hope that the dog run re-paving job really isn’t costing a dime either as reported here but I’m not going to believe that until the work is done and there isn’t a bill for “unforeseen” costs…..
With young people on vacation from school, this is a no-brainer. Couldn’t the QPL have waited until September or October?…The public library in Greenpoint is part of the Brooklyn system. Queens residents can’t borrow from there unless they have cards for the New York Public Library system, which includes Brooklyn.
The little bastards will be out of school with nothing to do but destroy and deface. great.
Sounds to me like the roof “problem” is just an excuse to save money on keeping the library running over the summer – A/C isn’t cheap.
What a disgrace.
I concur with Natty and woodside guy. No park and no library for the summer!! How could “the powers that be” allow this. It’s absurd and very inconsiderate to the neighborhood and then there will be a lot more construction noise added to the noise coming from the bulldozers in the park and the crane operations from that school being built on 42nd Street. All this construction within just 2-3 blocks of each other – poor poor planning.
Hey look SouthSideJohnny, someone else is noticing all the new shifty bums coming into sunnyside.
remember when you said I needed new material? you Goober, open your eyes when you walk around Sunnyside. Police need to patrol this area WAY more than just stopping for some Sunnyside Pizza.
That’s too bad, but the Woodside branch is close by, and I’ve got lots on my Nook. I love the library system in Queens. So much to read, and I don’t have to spend a dime.
Maybe they could open the Woodside branch on weekends while Sunnyside is closed, to compensate. Or just find funds to open that branch on weekends, maybe.
Can you guys do a story or investigate on if there’s a half way house or a section 8 / homeless hold up in Sunnyside because there’s been a lot of sketchy people in this neighborhood lately
There’s always the B24 – east to Williamsburg, west to Greenpoint.
They got parks and libraries. In fact theres a B24 stop just in front of the library.
Are you kidding me?! And no park?!
no park
no library
gonna be a long summer
on the southside
Pretty funny Pete. Moron.
i remember they were about to close the library a few years ago due to lack of funds, they the magically found the money and remained open. They got a new roof and now need a NEW new one. OY VEY, So damn dishonest, this is why people can’t stand politicians. They are really a bunch of lying crooks.
This is the game they play, just so the suit wearing scum can ride in on a white freakin horse at the last minute and claim they saved the day.
A new roof installed five years ago has to be replaced?
Somebody got ripped off.
Now where will I download porn ?