Jason Naylor (@jasonnaylor) standing in front of his mural near 46th St. and Queens Boulevard. The mural will be completed tonight.
Sept. 13, 2017 By Nathaly Pesantez
Sunnyside just got a pop of color with the addition of a new mural in the neighborhood.
“All You Need Is Love” reads the large lettering splashed with bright tie-dye-like colors on the wall between EZ Pawn Corp. and Bliss 46 Bistro near 46th Street and Queens Boulevard.
Jason Naylor, the artist behind the mural, was commissioned by the owners of EZ Pawn Corp. about a month ago for the project. The owners thought the wall around their business looked bland and unsightly as it stood, and opted for a mural after seeing a mural Naylor painted in Manhattan.
Naylor, a native of Salt Lake City now based in Bushwick, has been working as an artist in New York for the past 15 years. He painted his first outdoor mural one year ago.
“Positivity is something that’s an underlying theme in my work,” Naylor said. “I really love positive quotes, and the bright colors fit with it.”
Naylor began working on the Sunnyside mural yesterday morning, and hopes that his project sends a happy message to residents in a visually compelling way. The Sunnyside mural is his fourth outdoor mural, and is expected to be completed tonight.
“I hope it provokes people to think about love,” he said.
Great visual image, well done. Would love to see more of your work.
Outstanding… great job we need more merchants that do things like this
So true We need to resemble a 1970s crime ridden slum. Why don’t we get a few streetwalkers , a pimp, a few dope dealers. Maybe a 50 gallon drum with a fire going. Good idea. Retro
I think its Marvelous I wish more business would do this.
This is a positive message for our community
and I think it sends the right message
I think its nice whats wrong with the message any way?
Just beautiful
love the colors
I wish more people would be inspired by this and show the love…
We need more positive messages
Thanks JVB if you had anything todo with it…
Love Love Love it … the message is clear
haters go home
what a beautiful addition to the community.
more business should take an active roll like EZ Pawn and do things like this for our town.
This is just what the community needs a beautiful message and color in the neighborhood.
Maybe more people will be inspired to share the true meaning of the message and make this place better for everyone.
I love painting. Before my uncle got me my electrician’s job – a job that has been passed down from one generation to another in my family – I wanted to be a painter. I mean a house painter. But things didn’t work out.
Definition of a toy
Thanks for posting, When i saw it I thought it was about some gay bar opening up in the neighborhood.
You wish
Try LIVIN’ off it
He comes from wealthy family.
so what? so do i loser
This mural pretty much sums up the new New York ….painted by a fake out of town clown that just moved into the neighborhood already trying to put his print on things. This is pure utter trash . Why not hire real local graffiti artists to paint a mural? You can keep this watered down hell hole that is Bloomberg and Billy boy’s NY.
I am hoping they don’t go out of business too quick because I’m waiting for Al from Sunnyside to pawn his daddy’s gold rope chain (circa 1977) so that I can buy it when he defaults. Im planning on wearing it to next years VMA’s. He’s going to need to pawn it soon because his mommy is running out on her Virginia Slims cigarettes. She’s down to three packs a day.
This is offensive.I want this wall removed.
call JVB I am sure he can help you out on this – lol – but remember this is “culture” his exact words –
a pawn shop with a spraypainted mural on thw outside, it doesnt get any worse for property values. Sure the community board can block a craft beer place a year ago along greenpoint ave, but this S*** is just fine with the so called board.
are we still mayberry near midtown?
Leave it to a tacky pawn job to think a tacky loud and obnoxious painting is an actual attempt at vandal prevention or beautification in a garden community. How about some shrubs or a vine?
How hideous. Pawn shop is bad enough, now an ugly mural that will inspire more graffiti. Did the building owner approve of this?
Vote jvb out! Now!
Cute – I love this. Hope we get more things like this in the coming future.
I also still hope that SSP deletes the comment section on here.
Was I not clear? I think it’s cute! 🙂
News flash: in her new book, Hillary also blames Lily for her loss in the election. Says the portions were to small at one of the Hillary fund raisers at the restaurant. She also said Fat Al was impeding on her space while she was giving a talk there.
It’s “too” small not to. Are you going to bring it “to” small? Typical Fox News level of education. Too little.
News flash. Hillary now also claims Ms. Crabtree caused her to lose the election because Crabtree forgot to put the “I’m with her” bumper sticker on her Snowflakemobile (non-American car)
I have a better idea for the mural, instead of “all you need is love” how about “all you need is prison Neal Milano”
A wonderful addition to our neighborhood. We need more murals.
maybe one of JVB with his famous smile – lol
The quote is ridiculous. Crappy song too. All you need is food, water and shelter. If all you have is love, you’re gonna be hungry
Hahahaha!!! This is funny!! I see people’s comments on how it’s oxymoronic to have this quote along a pawn shop where people are just trying to get money. Perhaps a quote like “money money money makes the world go ’round”
Jason should stick to his job at Earl Scheib painting cars. Barbara could do a better job than that. Lily would be pissed if she saw that. She would of hired Oran Juice Jones to get his posse to paint over this awful ghetto graffiti. FYI- Hillary also blames the pawn shop for her loss in her recent book.
You so crazy!
I saw them moving boxes out of the store last week, I thought they were closing. Which is what I would LOVE to see. No decent person wants to see a pawn store in their neighborhood.
i know some of the temporary “residents” in the local La Quints gives this place some business, which is a shame.
Nothing against the artist.
Do you not like to love? Or the music of tv’s Monkies?
actually this is a very good PAWN shop — it is registered with all of the police pcts. alot of them are not — so before you make a statement about this Pawn Shop be nice and the people are nice also –
I love teh PRICES on the guitars and jewels.
GOOD PAWN SHOPS LIKE EZ PAWN help the neighborhood and bring up commerce you should be ashamed of yourself. The business owner is promoting a good message for our community and should be supported.
Besides people have been using pawn stores since the beginning of civilization. Before traditional banks where do you think people borrowed money from?
And today what bank lends 10-1000 dollars to a person with out credit?
Pawnshops do. besides all of the people that are employees there and the taxes that are payed to the community think before you judge.
I used them once, was treated professionally and would do business there again.
I like that they give back to the community too
Thats because they where filming an episode of the avengers at the store.
As for the mural its beautiful
Love Love Love it….
I hope that it become contagious
Al from sunnyside has pawned much of his mommys jewelry there to feed his White Castles habit. That’s not what I’d call love. Oran Juice Jones buys up much of the “bling” jewelry from this fine merchant. He wore a spectacular piece purchased here during his Grammy acceptance speech circa 1981. Barbara just pawned one of Neal’s many Rolex Submariners there the other day to help find his defense.
You’re not funny. Stop what you’re doing. El loco is still everyone’s favorite.
More like fake ass ghetto. Plastic hipsters love to act like they’re ghetto. Sunnysiders couldn’t cut it in the ghetto. Also highly doubt any bangers would be tagging all you need is love. If you doubt me, I grew up in east new york projects. Now I live here
Jamal go back to your mommy in Greenwich Ct.
Jamal- Why don’t you just go back to the low performing low IQ losers you came from instead of insulting the place you’re currently using as a refuge.
Ain’t Berkeley in California why don’t yall go there
Damn 14 likes. Sunnyside is behind jamal
Yes Jamal if that is your real name which i doubt. You should be proud that you can survive with your people in the ghetto. Murderers, rapists, drug dealers and child molesters. I couldn’t survive but I’ll never have to because unlike your people in the ghetto I’m a productive member of society.
Yo you people are racist. I’m just saying sunnysiders are acting like they gangsta but yall soft. I grew up in a bad place. Got sick of ducking bullets. Moved here because there is no danger. So go eat sh!t
I am a working man loco, and I didn’t want to get cut down because of some fool so I moved here. As far as names ,that my name, how come yo don’t put your real name.
some Sunnysiders like myself came from the ghetto. I sure as hell aint going back. I’m only movin on up. Hipsters and losers can complain all they want about the areas gentrification, but it’s my blood sweat and tears that earned my co-op apt. busted myass to get out of that ghetto hell and I aint going back to thugs and their projects. ever.
I was born in the ghetto, I never choose it. I did the same ,got me a job and got out. I’m jus say in that people here thinks there’s lots of crime, it’s easy here. Glad we both here. Safe , and I never going back there
I don’t think that Jamal is real. I think he is some white guy using a stereotypical black name to promote racism.
Your not real, al is away . Fake al fromsunnyside
Not at all
do you know in Europe Murals are all over the place
Very neat. One of my favorite things is ever Love.
I am glad to have this colorful reminder when I go to the pawn store 🙂
Nice message bad vision weird place to put it