Link, Legend of Zelda, a Dalmatian, a monstrous ghoul and the Mad Hatter
Nov. 1, 2011 By Christian Murray
Sunnyside Gardens continued to draw many children this Halloween– from local kids to those from afar.
“Every year, we buy more and more candy, and yet it still runs out, ” said Judith Akullian who started greeting trick or treaters at her Sunnyside Gardens home at around 4:30. By 7pm, she estimated that she had seen over 350 children.

Aluminum foil, pans artfully used in the tin family
Many children begin Halloween night by getting candy from merchants on Queens Boulevard, Greenpoint, Skillman and 43rd Ave. before they head north to ring the doorbells of those houses in the Gardens, many of which are decorated elaborately.
Adults accompanying children seeking candy even seem to dress up more this year. A group of four, three dressed imaginatively as tin people, had one child with them. The adult tin man said: “We couldn’t get the small tin person to go along with the program.”

A fireman, a bride, a policewoman, a #7 train and an automated spider
My view from the state Montana shows me a peaceful and festive Sunnyside New York City. All the children looked as if they enjoyed parading in their costumes and trick or treating … I realize the Tin Family were off to see the Wizard… the Wonderful Wizard of Oz… however… it appears the little one was not quite sure of his journey down the yellow brick road… Success… The young girl received her heart. If she can find it there… she can find it anywhere… it was up to you New York… New York.
We took our 2 year old trick or treating in the gardens and saw mostly families with young kids. Yeah, there were a few teenagers around but they were greatly outnumbered. It was great to see how into it the adults were as there were lines to get into some houses. It was very festive and everyone I saw was very polite.
Loved your pictures!
Barkdog. I agree with you…the pleasure of this holiday used to be kids, little kids in costume with their parents and respectivily sayng trick or treat and saying thank you. Now they just shove a bag in front of you with no manners and no thank you. Boy have manners and parents and times have changed. Plus order kids just looking for loot…How Horible has our society become….give me the 60’s anytime.
Maybe some of these kids live on the south side of the blvd . Krissi do you recognize any of them. Kirissi did you take pictures yourself why not send them in. Maybe the post can use them still or maybe the hearld to be fair could use them.
Cute photos of little kids, but mostly I saw large numbers of unpleasant teens with zero costumes and large shopping bags for loot.
My fancy pants have holes in them.
Fancy Pants Northside rules!
The southside was packed too! Wish you had taken pics there, not just of the fancy pants northside 🙂
Nice to see our town come alive for Halloween it is fantastic for everyone. the merchants sell their candy the adults buy the candy. The kids have a safe Halloween what a great day for our town.
Very nice for sunnyside post to cover this great day for our proud town.
No deaths, murders, no drugs, roberies…great day for Sunnyside.