Barnett Ave., just off 44th Street (Photo: QueensPost)
April 7, 2012 Staff Report
A double garage on Barnett Avenue has gone on the market for a cool $130,000.
“I know it sounds like an outrageous price for a garage,” said Rita Lowry of Welcome Home Real Estate, whose firm is listing the property. “But that is the market right now and those are the offers coming in. Parking is hard to find quickly around here.”
Lowry said that a single garage sold for $68,000 a few years back–to many people’s surprise. “They don’t come on the market very often and that is why I believe they are so desirable and sellers are able to get such high offers.”
Going rates for a rental of a single car garage in the area, according to several agents, runs from $175 to $250 per month.
“Seems our democracy is evolving towards a bottom up construct instead of citizens waiting for government to deliver.”
Sunny Skies,
You have it partly right; and, partly wrong: our democracy, as defined in our U.S. Constitution, was initially a “bottom up construct.” True, as Martin Luther King, Jr. said, it was/is merely a “promissory note” until the equal opportunity and equal protection under the law it established were/are available to all; but, what is truly revolutionary about this document is its perfectibility; it can be, and has been, amended. However, astute students of history understand that the Constitution itself was almost never at fault; but, Americans’ inability to live up to its standards often led to disaster. In addition, for the first time in the history of the world, our Constitution states, in absolute terms, that the Rights of Man come from God, NOT government; and, that NO government, or group of men, has the right to deprive any individual of those Rights. Period. That’s evolution.
You clearly believe, as evidenced by the last sentence in your post, that “citizens waiting for government to deliver” is the status quo; and, here in Queens NY, you’re correct, in that you perfectly describe the Entitlement Society bred by the local Dem/Working Families Party politicos. Interestingly, the same day you made your post, Gov. Chris Christie used almost identical language in describing the expectation of Entitlement our society has DEVOLVED into:
“people sitting on a couch waiting for their next government check.”
what are the taxes
YES >>>>MOVE I seem to have a pretty easy time on the other side of sunnyside near the LIE….
I never understood why somebody didnt buy that land and build a 200 car garage..how could you lose if you are almost filled to capacity year round????
.any ideas for creative parking spacess… how about a meeitng for a think tank of parking ideas…
@John K. Wilson – Thanks for reviving the dearth of green park space issue once again – tough to believe this beautiful nabe has nowhere for regular folks to sit and catch their breath or read a book after a tough day that is free of charge and away from flying soccer balls. Your suggestions are certainly creative. Seems our democracy is evolving towards a bottom up contruct instead of citizens waiting for government to deliver.
They will never get 130,000 for the garages when you can get a studio apartment in sunnyside for the same amount. The most you can rent a garage out for in Sunnyside is $200 a month. I think you can rent a parking spot at the Phoenix on QB for $205. A studio can fetch you $1000. You don’t have to do a lot of math to figure this one out. as for the going rate, If it was closer to the train, I could see it going for 68K, but 130K says ——-find a different broker.
A garage across the street sold for over $100,000
If you want more parking spaces, move to the suburbs! There’s plenty of parking there!
Could be a good investment. Buy it, throw some old mattresses on the floor then rent it out to 20 illegal immigrants.
I hear you, Just Looking – I did hear something about Pulse becoming a strip joing. I think there is a community board meeting on Thursday and people should attend and ask questions.
@NRO A spot across the street from Pulse, which used to be some kind of light industry, was about to be a strip joint–let’s drop the euphemism, no gentlemen go to clubs like that–but the neighborhood put up enough resistance to dissuade them.
Maybe the slugs who operate Gallagher’s further down the hill toward the river want to expand their sex slave operations into the Gardens. If they are allowed to I hope every politician who has ever had his or her face in the local papers is tarred, feathered, drawn, quartered, and hung by the heels from the highest lamppost in the neighborhood.
We’ve been sold to developers for 30 pieces of silver already, they may just sell us again to the Eastern European mobsters loaded down with golden eggs the former Soviet Union nations have been laying in the last 15 years. The NYT just explained that they are the ones behind the most recent spike in NYC real estate prices, which went so high our little burg started looking good to those with lesser fortunes.
I heard that the Pulse area and the area around it might be turned into a “gentlemen’s club”. Did anybody else hear this? That would be a disaster. That street is creepy enough.
On a more serious note: anyone consider how much worse the parking will become when this rezoning leads to 12 story and higher towers along QB? Don’t believe for a minute they will have enough parking for their tenants.
Just Looking, you didn’t realize that Mike Novak is the smartest man in all of Sunnyside? Please just listen to his wisdom and thank you for coming on here and telling us how it is.
Come on Mike, you really think that politicians and the city don’t get involved in private property? Just because its privately owned doesn’t mean JVB could look into whether there is a willing seller? I could list many examples of times that JVB specifically and NYC in general gets involved in private property (the triangle in woodside and willets point to name one small local example and one large citywide example.)
But I’m sure you will come on here and explain again how smart you are. thanks in advance!
You could buy 2 condos in Florida for that.
It could be, but I don’t want more traffic coming into Sunnyside Gardens. I don’t want more people parking on my little neighborhood streets. Put the bookstore on the other side of the tracks, where all the shopping is now. There is plenty of parking over there! Retail traffic goes all day and all night. This is a bedroom community, not a retail hub.
Maybe it could be a book store!!???
I posted the following in the comments section of a story on Catholic School closings…at a time when JVB was announcing the building of new public schools. But, take schools out of the equation—take the “public spaces” out of the equation—and apply the “Park/underground parking garage” idea to any private space. I’m exploring the financial viability of this idea now with some property owners; if the city won’t explore this, perhaps the free market can:
“We have a dearth of park space (the kind with grass and trees) and parking in Sunnyside and Woodside.
Why not build subterranean parking garages where the new schools are to be built—3, 4, or 5 levels down—and put green park space on top? A level or two could be sold in advance (as individual parking spaces), to help finance the construction; and the rest could be rented by the hour, day, week, or month—to provide ongoing cash flow. Then, rent, or buy, the much needed (and already built) school space from the several Catholic schools that have closed recently. School over-crowding would be relieved immediately—not at some point in the future.
I believe this would meet the most needs, make the most number of people happy, and cost the least. It would still provide temporary construction jobs, permanent garage and park maintenance jobs, AND, it would generate taxes for the city—taxes on parking, as well as payroll taxes.”
Unfortunaely gentlman our real etstate in our area is allready very high so we need to become very creative to enjoy having a space without the expense of having one… we need money that alot of just do not have.. it is the job of our civic leaders to be creative or to get creative ideas from concerned citizens to help solve these issures…Mayvbe if we killed alternate side of parking and to move our cars less that would save gas and moving out cars and looking for parking… I say we clean our streets twice a week every 3rf or forth day and the rest we can have our cars sit or have an easeir time looking for parking… how is that for being creative…
And, JVB can do a lot with private property and its owners. Did you ever here of leverage? Influence? You seem to lack subtlety of thought.
@Mike Novak–Do you truly believe everyone in this town is less astute than you are? Do you truly believe your posts make you sound judicious and wise? The history of your posts seem to indicate that. Well, think again.
If the garage needs to charge $300 a month, those with the money will pay it, leaving room on the street for those who can not.
And, gloating is one of the least attractive emotions anyone can display.
BTW…I paid 28.5K for my garage. HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!
Where did you buy your garage because I’m looking for one in New York to buy.
Please do not ask JVB to do what he cannot.
Instead of “just looking” and kvetching to others about it, why don’t YOU get on a computer and see who owns the space, then YOU can call, write or email them with YOUR concerns.
A garage would be a good idea, but the rents could be $300+ month…and you would kvetch about how expensive it is! LOL!!!
We need to stop building buildings and start using empty lots for parking our cars… or have a lottery with our cars and share spaces over a years period of time….any ideas for creative parking spacess… how about a meeitng for a think tank of parking ideas…
I told you we need to turn the gym back into a parking lot. JVB are you listening?
Finally a place I can afford for my family of four.