Oct. 16, 2019. By Shane O’Brien
NBC has pulled its new show Sunnyside from its Thursday night line up after just four weeks on air, although the show will continue to be streamed online for the remainder of the season, according to multiple reports.
The show was the first casualty of the TV season following a series of low ratings and disappointing reviews. Sunnyside has drawn the lowest ratings of any new show on the Big Four TV networks (NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox).
The remaining six episodes of the debut season will be shown on NBC.com, the NBC app and other streaming platforms. NBC has also announced that an additional 11th episode of the season will be aired online.
The show will be replaced by the final season of Will & Grace at 9:30 p.m. on Thursdays. Will & Grace was initially slated for a midseason premiere.
Will & Grace will debut on Thursday, Oct. 24 with Sunnyside set to have its last TV airing tomorrow on Oct. 17. Sunnyside will not return for a second season.
Sunnyside premiered to an audience of 1.77 million and that figure had dropped to 1.18 million by the most recent third episode, making it the least watched and lowest rated freshman show on the Big Four networks, according to TV Line.
The show has performed far better on streaming and delayed viewing platforms, especially among audiences between 18 and 49, which possibly prompted NBC to move Sunnyside online.
Created by Kal Penn and Matt Murray, Sunnyside centers around a disgraced former New York City Council Member (played by Penn) who is hired by a group of immigrants to help them obtain American citizenship.
Penn, meanwhile, took to Twitter and continued to promote the show. He described the episodes as heartwarming and patriotic and labelled the show the most diverse on TV.
Sunnyside was corny they should do a show for woodside and call it hoodside stories …
Change !!!!!
I couldn’t get through the first trailer when it came out. Whoever green lit that pile of garbage should be fired.
Hollywood clowns figure people will buy anything. (Actually people will) Sunnyside show is a sample of it…so is AOC. There is always Australia or New Zealand.
I watched five minutes and turned it off. As for the neighborhood it could have been anywhere, it certainly wasn’t here
I really wanted to like it – but couldn’t even get through the first episode.
its NBC…NothingButCrap. what did you expect from public tv? get ready for more reality shows. very very few non-reality shows last past their first season on NBC. not worth investing your time, as they have disappointed time and time again.
Damn Missed it! Never could get an episode in – busy working a ton, raising a family in Queens unlike many of our local politicians. The character should have been based on our real councilman Jimmy Van Bramer – would have been a better fit as the cynic, slime ball politico, he could have played himself as the so-called progressive type just to get the votes from a changing demographics while reaping the benefits from the RE developers in his district, pissing off his constituents, with bike lanes and opposing affordable “Phipps” housing in his backyard. In Blissville he neglected this community “Remember the Homeless Hotel Shelters” which are pretty much permanent these days — and his primary occupation is to drum up enough of a buzz for his run for his next political public office — Queens Borough President.
I guess JVB can’t get his SAGE card anymore like his wanted to 🙂
That show was so awful , i couldn’t watch it— good riddance!
They could have done an episode about mom & pop shops closing along Queens Blvd like PJ Horgans…..they didn’t even show a taco truck in any episode or reference craft beer….didn’t even do a tie in with the Mets when they went to a ballgame on the show…Kal Penn coulda done a cheeky shout out to his past roles by visiting White Castle on QB…they didn’t even have the cast smoke a joint and piss under the 7 train on QB late on a Saturday….very inauthentic
The subway ads were enough for me: The demographics of those shown in the photos were wildly inaccurate.
Truly awful promo. I watched one episode with the crooked immigration lawyer. It had some very funny lines but the “rich Asians” were unwatchable and made no sense. Also there were no push back “Archie Bunker” types to introduce conflict into the plot.
Still, I’m not sure I would have canceled it so quickly. I would have been curious to see if it went anywhere, at least for a another month or so.
And it’s not like the world needs more “Will and Grace” anytime soon.
If they wanted to be real New York about it, they should have named it ‘Flushing.’ Missing the geographic mark aside, despite its ambitious mission of attempting to put a comedic spin on the real horrors and tragedies of the American immigration system, the writing and humor was abysmal. This, more than any other reason, is why it failed.
The show is truly terrible. Awful hack writing based on old tropes about various ethnic groups. As soon as they presented an Eastern European immigrant, I knew they were going to make him the butt of all of the dumb jokes and make him appear 30 years behind the times (he uses the word “disco” as a verb). The taxi driving immigrant is of course a doctor in his home country. The Latina immigrant holds down numerous jobs. The Asian immigrants are left unidentified in order to play on the “we don’t know what kind of Asian you are” trope. This is supposed to be a group of “helpless” immigrants who all speak perfect English, most of them without a hint of an accent. Also, about 25% of the scenes take place in a bar, and yet…no Irish? Who do they think own most of the pubs around here??
I was bored too. I did not recognize anyone I know in Sunnyside. None of our actual characters is funny not JVB nor any of the local shopkeepers for example but it could have been easy to add a twist to their personnalities to make it funny, and still believable. This was just outlandish.
Did some imbecile actually say that the show failed because it didn’t have an Irish person?! Give me a break please.
I saw first episode and found it to be completely uninteresting. No great loss.
Having watched the trailers for this
Show which YouTube forced down my throat, I couldn’t be any happier.
The show is Lame, Like the new Sunnyside. To bad we can’t do that to AOC and her super Lame supporters.
Sorry, Jimbo!
This is a good joke. Real Sunnysiders know what he’s talking about.
Show had some fun and witty qualities but didn’t make it because it was basically trying to bank off of Queens diversity and the boom of NYC boroughs neighborhoods – like the show “girls” did – it did not hit the entertainment bull’s eye of the mainstream. Plus, in the long time locals did like it because it wasn’t Authentic -It didn’t even have an Irish person on the show – none of the bars were from the neighborhood etc. basically it just was exploitation that was easily sellable to a network. Good riddance
This show was an insult to the intelligence of all Sunnyside residents.
Typical that JVB wanted to be on this show.
Good riddance.
With Amazon out and now a failed show to boost your neighborhood now maybe..just maybe you can focus on what the neighborhood actually needs instead of trying so hard to make it appealing for gentrification.
This show sucked, it wasn’t filmed in Sunnyside, and storyline was just lame. Not surprised, why don’t they film a show IN Sunnyside going to actual businesses? Would definitely be better received….
This show was doomed from the first episode. NO ONE WANTED THIS SHOW. If you are a true sunnyside resident you know deep down this show lacked true sunnyside stories. I am excited that this show failed, it was not funny at all not the least bit. Me watching my cat chase her tail was more entertaining. Here is an idea for your failing series include an episode on the goddam bike lanes in sunnyside that no one wanted only the dumb hipster environmentalist, like little JVB, thank god this politician will not win the queens borough president race.
I liked it. Funny and good writing.
If you had cancelled after four episodes, come collect your winnings.
It was cancelled because they didn’t include Changeguy in the series.
They really should have produced my suggested episode story line: “The Thumb Tac Caper”.
I watched the terribly unfunny trailer for the series. That was enough for me.
Oh, gee: I can’t imagine why it was canceled. I guess not enough doofuses around to watch it. People know when they are being looked down on. Jimmy Van Bramer can make his debut as a confused city councilman looking for real work.
I couldn’t even make it through the first 15 minutes of the first show.