Dec. 18, 2015 By Michael Florio
A Sunnyside pub is holding a fundraiser on Saturday so it can send a U.S. Marine veteran and his family on a free vacation to Aruba.
Jack’s Fire Dept, a bar located at 39-46 Skillman Ave, is looking to raise money for Matias Ferreira, a veteran who lost both of his legs to an improvised explosive device (I.E.D.) while serving in Afghanistan in 2011.
The event, sponsored by Budweiser, will begin at 4 pm and attendees will be able to enjoy free hamburgers and hotdogs, as well as free Budweiser and Bud Light on tap. For entertainment, there will be bagpipers, followed by a DJ.
There will be a 50/50 raffle at the event, with the funds from the raffle going toward the Ferreira family vacation.
“We just ask attendees to buy a raffle ticket or even donate a dollar when they order a beer,” Brian McGowan, who co-owns the bar with his brothers, said.
Ferreira will attend the event along with his wife, child and in-laws, according to McGowan.
Ferreira will be making a stop at the Veterans of Foreign War (VFW) Post 2813, located on 43rd Street (btwn 47th and 48th Avenues), before going to Jack’s.
He will be driven from VFW Post 2813 to the bar in a Humvee, with a police escort, according to McGowan.
McGowan expects members of the Marines, as well as local NYPD and FDNY to attend.
In total he expects up to 300 people to come to the event.
On top of the money raised Saturday, Jack’s Fire Dept. has been donating 50 cents from every drink and meal it has sold since Thanksgiving to help cover the costs of the vacation.
In total, McGowan hopes to raise between $7,000 and $8,000 for the family.
“That is my hope,” he said. “Who knows we could raise more than that.”
McGowan is looking forward to the event, as he has wanted to give back to a wounded veteran for quite some time. He was looking for a veteran in the area to help and was eventually put in contact with Ferreira, who lives in Long Island.
While this is the first event of its kind that McGowan will host, he wants to make sure it is not the last.
“I want to make this a regular event, but we still have to work out all the details,” he said. “Whether it becomes an annual event we host or we team up with an organization, we want to give back to others.”
Time: 4 pm
Date: Saturday, Dec. 19
Location: 39-46 Skillman Avenue
The 3 crybabies that cried to john taffer “we need help, we’re firemans wha, wha, wha . Go on tv and make azzho’s of yourselves. You got a free ride off taffer crying you owe 400k and used your status as firefighters. Took advantage of taffer. They own the building and weren’t in much trouble, their bar sucked because of them. If they treated people right they could run the business and make a profit. Theres guys paying 10k a month in rent and surviving because they know how to run a business and treat customers with respect. Give them credit though they got over big time
You are a super Schmucker. Your New Years resolution should be to not be so nasty and obnoxious. These guys have a nice place and are doing something good for a Patriot. You on the other hand are a bigtime loser and maybe the Real Donald Trump will deport you back over the Border where you belong when he becomes president hopefully.
Super witty does have a nice mouth
Super witty smitty looks like she can swallow a large pepperoni
Yeah looks like you take the kielbasa a lot too the way you talk to people
I actually went and to tell you the truth the place was packed with the usual regulars who were drunk and obnoxious. Even though there cops there they looked the other way since they were all buddies. I have tried this place 3 times and it’s always the same obnoxious punks who ruin it.
FYI: the Obamas are currently on yet another taxpayer funded 16 day vacation in Hawaii. No need to fund raise for that, they take it straight out of all of your paychecks whether you like it or not.
Wow, you must have some really deep issues. Taxpayers have been paying for our Presidents to go on vacation since long before you were born. Presidents frequently go on vacation in the state where they were born; Hawaii is a domestic destination. We’re a lot better off with President Obama than we would have been with that Mormon guy. Why don’t you send Mittens a Christmas card? Maybe you’ll feel better.
President Bush always paid his own way to and from Texas. He reimbursed the taxpayers for his vacation transportation. I can’t say the same thing for the Democrats. Hillary tried to take all of the art work off of the walls of the white house when Bill left office. That’s right she was broke.
-genarro How are those low wage “right to work for less” treating you? Only one administration with convicted thieves were Nixon and Agnew. Agnew actually went to jail. That lie about the Clinton’s trying to steal the art work is just ridiculous. Do you really think the petty Republicans wouldn’t have jumped at the chance to prosecute such an offense? Thanks for the dose of propaganda you imbecile.
@Gennaro Massaro It takes a true idiot to hijack a forum about a benefit for a wounded veteran and turn it to Republican propaganda piece. Republican the party of stupid as said by a Republican. With people like Massaro, Bobby Jindal wasn’t kidding.
Joe is at it again! What a hater he is. Go watch MSLSD and look at Rachel Maddow. That must make you happy.
Stupid Rocky is back..How’s that masters degree?
Looks like stupid Mac is back too. Fox News comment in 5…4…3…2…
Are you always a wretch with snarky comments ? Change your name to super dopey snotty
The fact that you need to point out that Romney was a Mormon shows how much of a bigot you are.
The fact that you would likely go apoplectic if someone referred to Obama as “that black guy” shows how much of a hypocrite you are.
Perhaps you can track down all the vacation receipts from the bush regime. I would bet he took more days off than ANY pres.
blah blah blah. haters going hate hate hate
Where would you prefer they go on vacation, New Jersey?
New Jersey is age eat place for a vacation! How dare you!
Why Aruba? That’s an expensive destination.
What’s it to you? If you don’t want to give then don’t.
It’s a simple question and I’m entitled to ask it since a story about it si being reported in the community. I’m also inclined to to always suppoeted soldiers who come home from a war wounded, since I truly appreciate their sacrifice.
Of all the destinations in the Caribbean, Aruba is one of the pricer ones and I I wonder why that was the destination that was chosen. It seems that when you ask a simple questions in this forum, there’s an immediate reaction of hostility from quite a few people. What’s wrong with this community that someone can’t ask a simple and legitmate question?
What have you got against Mormons?
Please ditch this commenting system. I’m getting tired of selecting pictures of street signs and cupcakes just to leave a comment.
chef of the future can you core a apple?
I asked Chester and he said “whoa can it core a apple”.
bagpipers BEFORE the DJ? No you bring in the bagpipes when you wanna clear the place out quick
I mean cob. you Dick head.
What a beautiful thing to do.
Great idea thanks
Such a great cause. Hope you all have a great turnout!