June 30, 2015 By Jackie Strawbridge

Photo: Jimmy Van Bramer (Twitter)
Sunnyside and Woodside’s schools, libraries, roads and playgrounds are about to get an injection of funding following the passage of the council’s $78.5 billion budget on Friday.
Some of this money will go toward traffic safety near a Woodside school that the Department of Transportation identified years ago as a priority for improvements.
IS 125 in Woodside received $1 million for street safety improvements around the school. What these upgrades will entail exactly has yet to be worked out with the Department of Transportation, according to the office of Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, who secured the funding.
Twenty-six schools within Van Bramer’s district, which also includes Long Island City and parts of Astoria, will see modernization and tech upgrades thanks to $1.29 million in funding. These upgrades will range from new laptops, to SMART Boards, to software, among others.
The City budget also includes money for improved green space throughout the Sunnyside/Woodside area.
Hart Playground, just next to the intersection of Broadway and 37th Avenue in Woodside, received $320,000 – on top of $500,000 secured in previous years – for a renovation and modernization project.
According to Van Bramer’s office, the extra funding will allow for a full renovation of the playground, which has not been upgraded in decades. The revamp might include new benches, ground surfacing, and improved play equipment.
Also in Woodside, Broadway from 49th Street to 69th Street will be lined with new trees, at a cost of $200,000.
In both Sunnyside and Woodside, libraries will get accessibility improvements.
ADA accessibility upgrades – namely ramp installations – are planned thanks to $100,000 for the Queens Library branches in both neighborhoods.
City-wide, libraries received a $39 million boost to allow for six-day service at every branch.
The Woodside branch will soon be open on Saturdays.
Joe is right. Sadly Long lsland City is among the least served communities in the 5 Boros in terms of public parkland and recreation facilities. We need access to the Dutch Kills Canal, and Blissville residents need a community field and playground. Where is the planning for our communities?
Improved green space? How about green space at all? We have 2 all concrete parks. The only green space is private.
Jimmy van b is in the inner circle so our neighborhood will get more goodies,in di blasios world of equality some neighborhoods are more equal than others
Have a heart. It could be you, your children or your children’s children out there someday. I know my ancestors had to beg for work and sometimes drowned their sorrows. Lend a hand.
$820.000 to upgrade Hart park, I think that’s a great idea!!
I mean all those day laborers need new benches to sleep on after they get tired from drinking there all day. Put some more trees there as well so they have a place to p*ss other than in their pants.
Hart Playground is heavily used by the children of the community. The equipment and facilities are old. The neighborhood deserves a renovated playground.