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One person was stabbed and four others were slashed during the Friday night brawl at Casa Romana, police said.
The owners and operators of Casa Romana–located at 39-20 Queens Blvd–have both been charged. Enid Nieves, 49, was arrested for “criminal nuisance 2” , which resulted in one stabbing and four slashings. However, no one died during Friday night’s chaos.
Wilfred Nieves, 25, was also arrested on the same charges, police said.
At this point, the Sunnyside Post is still trying to ascertain whether arrests have been made as a result of the stabbing and slashings themselves. The police press office did not have this information at hand.
Many nearby business owners — who operate between 39th and 40th on Queens Blvd — were victims of Friday night’s fight as well. Some had their windows smashed when the big brawl spilled out onto the street.
“Our [front]window was shattered in this latest incident Friday night and one of our customers…received minor injuries from the glass and was very shaken up,” said Corinne Padavano, who co-owns Sunnyside Tattoo.
I beleive the place should b shut down for good this melee could’ve resulted on the death of a minor The owner shouldve been responsible enough and made sure that they had the proper security and equipment to control these situations and most off all there should’nt have been ANY liquor displayed at the place or in any teenage party The owner failed to alot so now there gonna have to pay their consequences.
“No alcohol was being served and when they were finishing the party a fight happenned inside that resulted outside………… Thats it ……minimal injuries and no one was seriously injured and they were not charged with selling alcohol to minors because there was no alcohol involved…….”
Then why were the two owners arrested?
And that’s nice that you don’t consider being stabbed “seriously injured.” I mean, I guess it’s not a gunshot.
They sell alcohol to minors! Close them up and throw away the key!!! Then these kids fight, cause damage to neighboring properties, drink and drive, kill others….This isn’t the 1st time — CLOSE EM DOWN!
I agree with the statement about marijuana not making people violent. People who act out violently are usually doing so because of some pre-existing environmental stressors. Violent people have serious underlying psychological issues that are not simply magically caused by ingesting pot. Drug use of any kind is not a legitimate scape-goat for bad parenting. If you gave birth to a child and they are acting violently then you need to take a hard look at yourself and how you treat your children.
If you want to have a tit for tat about specific drugs and their effects we can. Pot is not the problem here. Intellectually honest people will readily admit that cocaine & alcohol are much more likely to stimulate violent behavior in people who are already prone to it than marijuana. Still the real source of these people’s problems go way deeper than drug use. And simply making arrests and criminalizing what is perceived to be the source of the problem is not a well thought out and sustainable strategy. This would be as effective in the long run as putting a band-aid on cancer.
It should also be noted that both brawls that have occurred at this Club have been made up of young people that do not live in this neighborhood. In my experience, Sunnyside kids are generally respectful, polite, well-adjusted and smart.
Sunnyside is a great neighborhood. This problem can be addressed and fixed. Let’s please not penalize ourselves or the kids by jumping to conclusions and resorting to any knee-jerk “solutions” that could ruin what is a rich, diverse, thriving and tolerant community.
“Sunnyside says:
at 7:19 pm
This is becoming an on going thing. They throw these parties where u have kids not from the neighborhood acting like fools, damaging property, all drunk and high from casa romana. Residents not feeling safe. They go down to the basements to smoke pot. Nobody feels safe”
What does smoking pot have to do with turning violent? Do your research, Marijuana does not make people violent, other drugs do. I hate to see this kind of behavior in our neighborhoods BUT Pot has absolutely nothing to do with the violent youths.
Actually since I was there when the incident happened its not the owners fault at all!!!!!!…….
They held a going back to school party with parents in the establishment………
No alcohol was being served and when they were finishing the party a fight happenned inside that resulted outside………… Thats it ……minimal injuries and no one was seriously injured and they were not charged with selling alcohol to minors because there was no alcohol involved…….
The owners which I know personally are upset at the situation and are looking to sell the restaurant after the incident occured……
Much of the incident happenned outside after the restaurant closed its doors……….
for your information a 15 year old male did die that night, victim was an innocent teen which got into a brawl with gang members
I just walked by Casa Romana a little while ago. There is a cop car with two cops parked outside, and a “For Sale” sign on the restaurant’s awning.
What they really need to do is shut down both Casa Romana and The grind! I don’t know it they are owned by the same people, but the Grind often has loud kids hanging out on the weekends disturbing the neighbors!
And, thanks to the Sunnyside Post for being on top of the news!
Any info on how a bar brawl turned into a marauding mob?
This is becoming an on going thing. They throw these parties where u have kids not from the neighborhood acting like fools, damaging property, all drunk and high from casa romana. Residents not feeling safe. They go down to the basements to smoke pot. Nobody feels safe.
I saw police dispersing a group of what appeared to be drunk minors underneath the 40th St stop the previous Friday, probably in a similar situation. They were in the parking area under the train (directly across from Cafe Romano), smacking the hoods of cars. I was stopping at the taco truck around 10pm and no one who was outside the Courtyard seemed to know what was going on.