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Sprint Store on Greenpoint Avenue held up at gunpoint


Nov. 21, 2016 By Christian Murray

The Sprint Store on Greenpoint Avenue was robbed yesterday by two men who threatened the employees at gunpoint, according to police.

The men walked into the 46-31 Greenpoint Avenue store at about 12:35 pm, displayed a firearm and threatened to hurt the employees if they didn’t open the drawer of the cash register.

The employees complied and the thieves got away with $3,500 in cash and a cellphone, police said.

No one was injured.

Police said the two suspects were both black, with one man being 5′ 8″ and about 250 pounds, while the other being about 6 feet with dreadlocks.

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Smellyside-Southside is a slum

Still here, – i would never move back. Its not the worst place ever, its just not worth the money thats being asked. I figure let me make money off my property, let some foolish hipster pay my morgage and give my annuity fund several hundred a month. I live in a nice area now and the overpaying foolish hipster pays my bills. Its actually funny, i pay less to live in a safe clean environment thats not far from here (10 min car ride)for less. Southside is a slum, but i profit off it. Smellyside! Thats why i still have intrest here, plus some people i know, but move back? Never, it sucks.


-Smelly If you’re invested in an annuity you’re sucker and being robbed. You seem to have judgemnt issues.


go to any open house and you will hear all the real estate agents being up front on how to convert the basement/attic/garage into another apartment to help pay the mortgage.

sure its illegal, but if building inspectors pose as buyers they would have a heads up on these illegal renovations


Mac-i did move, i left, at least i get my moneys worth now. Whats your excuse ,you like living in a slum or are you one of the lefteovers from back in the day and daddy left you the house. Or maybe you just lie looking for parking.


-Smellyside My parents are still with us and still in the very same house off 39th Ave at 45th Street, the house they raised us in. Thanks for asking. I bought my own place back in the 80’s. You sound pretty jealous. Bundy sounds right about you, you moved here without doing enough research. If paying a few hundred bucks a month to park your car is too much for you to handle then you don’t belong here at least with a car and did the right thing moving. Let go of the anger you sound very bitter.

still here

for someone who does not live in the neighbourhood any more its good that you are still interested in whats going on. but if you are thinking of moving back in it is a little more expensive from when you moved

Lucky 7

This day 30 years ago, Mike Tyson became the youngest ever World Heavyweight Champion at age 20 🙂

Jimmy Mack

We shouldn’t say black dudes… No color at all. Just say 2 humans.. This way no one gets insulted.. Hehehe

Irish Lassie

-Luis Please learn the difference between “your” and “you’re” and which to use properly in a sentence. From your vocabulary we can see you’re poorly educated. Please take note of my use of “your” and “you’re”.

Irish Lassie

Lucky7 and like minded people are a great example of the short comings of democracy and gives creedence to the argument against democracy. Now you see why so many problems never get fixed. This jerk doesn’t vote on issues he votes on a desire to bully and some strange and warp sense of retribution. He’s an easy mark for manipulation.


You know what’s funny, store that sells cellphones with 4029302megapixel cameras don’t have a security camera in place to share pictures of the “two black dudes” who robbed them at gunpoint.


Rikki- $100 in a register? Have you checked the price of phones lately. All they need to do is sell 5-6 phones and thats close to $3500. Not including bills getting paid, accessories ect


Sprint robs their customers too ,im glad no one got hurt but sprint sucks. $15 for each gig over your limit. It would Be nice if they told you that when you open an account. Also they had a huge sign in the window last year, DIRECTV CUSTOMERS ONLY, BIG SAVINGS! I called directv since im a customer, and was informed sprint has nothing to do with directv(at&t does). They ran a promotion,unauthorized by directv, to sell more tablets. They should be arrested with these guys when the cops catch up with them

paying cash like its 1999

$3,500 in cash register at 12:35pm?? really? do people really walk into cell phone stores and still pay cash – its 2016!!!
cmon, this is BS


Do you really live in this area? Do you not see how many people pay phone, gas and electric bills in neighborhood retailers? I can think of 4 stores near the Sprint store where people pay bills and wire transfer money not including check cashing businesses. There are a large number of people living in Sunnyside that do not have credit cards or checking accounts. Open your eyes. As to why they don’t have what most would consider normal banking instruments, think about it. It is not that complicated.


This neighborhood is dangerous, worse at night. People get robbed,mugged all the time and you dont hear about it because it happens so often. This place is bad. Southside is a slum is right, its a ghetto. Meanwhile landlords are getting $2200 a month for a dirty 1 bedroom apartment. Why? To live here? Id rather live a little further away in a nicer area for hundreds less per month, with homeowners who actually upkeep and clean the front of they’re houses. Walk down 47st from laurel hill to queens blvd on a hot day, all you smell is dog (or human)urine,step in dog shh!t because these lowlifes cant pick up after their little ratty dogs. Its disgusting.


How much of a Puick are you if you find Sunnyside dangerous? You should probably move if it’s too much for you to handle..


hah i see what you did there. welcome to NYC. i reckon that you havent been here long. it’s smelled this bad since day 1. dog poop has been on sidewalks since day 1. if you came to this city expecting quality of life, you are sadly mistaken. just because prices are sky high and the mayors have put a pink bow over everything doesnt mean that its not a poophole.

Susan B

Lucky7 You’re just another example of undereducated voting block who voted Trump into office. You’re suppose to vote on policy not for your right to label and call people names you gullible fool. That’s how voters are tricked into voting against their very own best interest you fool. LOL You’re an idiot.

Rule of law

Some people vote for change or for a better future for the younger generation coming up. This jerk lucky votes for the right to label people and to have himself built up by having others knocked down. A real small minded undereducated easily manipulated chest pounding loud mouth.


@Lucky7 No matter what laws are created a punk like you would never have the guts to confront a thug, never mind using a slur or a “label” to ones face. You’re an internet tough who hides behind anonymity.

Lucky 7

You do realize, being against me doesnt matter. Its the crap happening in your neighborhood. As Ive said before, Im a 6 figure successful gay man, who just sees the reality. I dont really care about your insults, but, its your neighborhood. Wake up. Toodles!


Lucky7- Nothing wrong with the neighborhood. It’s has much lower crime than Chelsea, West Village,HK and all the other gayborhoods. Nobody asked anything about your personal info. You sound like a narcisst. Do you honestly believe you’re the only on with a six figure salary?

Silent majority

Hey don’t blame the police they were too busy blocking streets and roads for all of Queens finest. They are afraid they may lose all the free stuff this great city hands out to them.


Guess this is the Queens Values Jimmy Van Bramer is talking about when he protested against President Trump! Crime, Crime and more Crime nice values!!!!!!!


Jason – you’re post is one of idiocy. The rants of a low wage low IQ buffoon. Let us guess you’re a trump university graduate and Fox News viewer.


Heather- Do you really expect a self absorbed narcosis like Diane to address a post? She doesn’t need to everyone already knows the world revolves around her and everybody automatically knows who she is speaking to and about. She’s so annoying.


Not according to any official accounting. This is a very safe area to live and to operate a business.

Adios Hillary

“Jason – you’re post is one of idiocy.”

Perhaps you shouldn’t be calling someone else a buffoon when you don’t know the difference between “your” and “you’re.”

Fan of Dough Boy Park

It’s called “REALITY” but some are too weak to call it as it is. Crime is skyrocketing, but some are more worried about the ” feelings” of the criminals. “His daddy didn’t hug him enough so it’s OK for him to try to rob you of your livelihood” it’s OK that they assault and rob because you work hard and earned it, but they want $250 sneakers. Keep walking around talking about ” unity” while being ignorant of reality.,


no decent person will ever defend a crime or criminal, protesting the Bozo it is people’s right no only JVB.


Wow I saw these two a,few days ago at Greenpoint and 45 go into little store next to laudry mat ,and had a v er y bad vibe .


well this is in response to all the new luxury condozes and hipster stores expect more…they go where the money is…..anyway they are SUPER DUMB to keep more then $100 in the register……..are there still that many people who still pay in cash?


Rikki That building isn’t even built yet you fool. Crime is worse in poorer areas. Where do you get your facts?

Tofurkey Sux

“Police said the two suspects were both black,…”

Cut them some slack, they’re an oppressed minority.


Well we can certainly discuss the socio-economic system that encourages crime if you wish– crime simply does not occur for the sake of it occurring.


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