Photo: QueensPost
June 26, 2014 By Christian Murray
A new sports bar with a focus on soccer is expected to open next month.
The bar, to be called Vivire, will be located at 41-21 Greenpoint Avenue on the same block as Thalia Theater and C-Town. The space was previously a medical office.
A contractor has gut renovated the space, by ripping out the old interior walls and the ceiling. The original interior brickwork is now exposed and a timber bar has been installed. The front is about to be replaced with glass—with the front door moved to the side.
The operators, who aim to have the bar open before the World Cup Final, said that they want to cater to a mainstream audience.
Ugh. We don’t need another sports bar. What about tapas , or a wine bar? Seems like Sunnyside will never evolve.
Schwilly, I’m like totally excited. And for those of you who’ve had your “fill of soccer after the World Cup” poo poo poop! we don’t want you there anyway. Side note, would be even better if this bar has a foosball table. SCHWILLY
p.s. can I bring my cat, Willy?
I’m excited for this place to open. Walked by the other day and they’ve done a nice job with the interior. I am hoping it attracts a youthful crowd. Good luck to them.
Just what the neighborhood needs. More drunks watching soccer and then stumbling through the neighborhood. Wish we could go back to 1933.
I agree with Anonymous up there. Maybe everyone just be a little less cynical and try to go out and have a good time.
wow! everyone is just so positive in sunnyside! god forbid something new tries to come along.
Promises to become yet another haven for Greenpoint Avenue prosties of all sizes, colors, and genders.
Can Squirts the chaaaange bum get his own table just for him?
Glad to see another bar trying to open and clean up the stretch of old timers and by goners. It’s about time this well traveled ave. gets better places. I think the owner of WilliamsBurger down on 37th smelled a potential about a year ago. That was gutsy they are down on the end zone but every time I go pick-up the place is packed. So I hope this new bar smelled the need for a different. Iberia the hood is looking for.
Just in time for… yawn…. mid-baseball season….
I predict by the start of playoffs this place will install a couple of shiny poles in order to pay the rent.
Last one across the street opened with hot model chicks in tight black wife beaters and heels serving drinks – that lasted a week until the realized they can’t afford the models. Six months later, doors shut and they left their childlike cartoon paintings of a soccer ball and hockey sticks on the windows for years.
Great timing!
Glad to hear that they are putting in some windows! Otherwise it’d totally give off the “topless joint” vibe!
i’ll definitely check this out. hopefully it is open before the world cup final.
By the time it opens up most of us will have had our fill of soccer after the World Cup.