May 19, 2016 By Michael Florio
Sports Authority is closing all of its 450-plus stores across the United States including its Northern Boulevard location, according to court filings.
The Colorado-based company, which was once the largest sporting goods store chain in the country with stores in 41 states and Puerto Rico, is liquidating all of its locations, according to court filings.
The company had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in March with the intention to restructure and remain viable.
At the time, the company said its 51-30 Northern Blvd would remain open despite 140 other stores facing closure. It’s other Queens location at 73-25 Woodhaven Blvd. in Glendale was also expected to continue to operate.
However, Sports Authority has abandoned its hopes of restructuring.
The stores are expected to be offering going-out-of-business sales next week.
“We are open now,” a manager of the Northern Blvd location said over the phone.
He could not comment on the future of the store.
Sports Authority’s corporate office would not provide comment.
Perhaps it should be a mall where all the 99¢ Stores and Nail Salons (aka, money laundering fronts) in Sunnyside take new residence. Each would have a kiosk of sorts with similar square footage. They can directly compete with each other in a centralized location and it will free up lots of store fronts around the hood for more worthwhile and interesting businesses. They can even have a halal food court!
Stop the Madness must have just gotten in from the bars and was hammered when they posted the above post. Hahaha
Liberal fool fox news. Dumb as they come. Pay her no mind change your right on this topic.fox news needs an education. Idiot
-STM “you’re”. Incomplete sentences. Very poorly educated!!
And Sean you should stfu also with your stupid post about a mosque and Korean church you idiot. Talk about non factual, you stupidity actually makes Marie sound sensible. Jerk
-Change The written law is the law plain and simple and not subject to degrees of factuality and levels of sensibility. Do yourself a favor “loser” and get an education.
#blame fox news, why don’t you shut the F up loser. Your an idiot who no one should take serious. In your case mommy should have taken her birth control pills so the world wouldn’t have to put up with your dumb azzzzz
Gotta agree with lock email up. Let all the criminals out. Your out of your twisted mind marie
@Change is good Out of the three of you Marie is the only one who sited fact and indisputable fact at that. People like you and “Lock e mail up”posting to this comment to this stream appear to be getting dumber and dumber by each post.
-change is not good You have the gall to call Marie twisted and tell her she is out of mind she posted factual reference to the very foundation of American. Dude you have been “officially” dumbed down. Are you embarrassed to be so ignorant?
We could use a Christmas Tree Store in the City limits, This would be a Perfect place for one. Just saying.
Bah, 30 years ago all these big box stores came in and put little mom and pops out of business. Now Amazon comes along and squashes the big boxes like ants. Only thing that stays the same is its the poor schlep working the store to make ends meet that gets screwed. Oh well, hope they do something interesting with the space.
Sean- good idea,as good as is mine. Criminals have rights according to the liberals, the jail could buy halal food from the cart and help support it since the jail will fill faster than the building on 52 @ QB sold out,(it opened fully occupied,every unit sold) and if there’s room, sell all kind of religious foods so the inmates can be treated like humans. Kosher food for Jewish inmates, get a weed dispensary for Jamaican inmates , and keep the white Catholic inmates on the same crap their eating now.
-lock email up Where did you go to school? Criminals have rights according to US Constitution. Were you absent from school when they taught about the drafting of the US Constitution? The Bill of Rights contain the core rights guarenteed to persons accused of a crime. Amendments 5,6,7 and 8 are all concerned with these rights..,Turn off Rush Linbaugh and get an education fool.
I see the location as ideal for a new opera house. There is no opera near Sunnyside, which is obviously a big issue as the area is gentrifying. It should be named The Opera Authority. The restaurant should have a nice caviar menu and a good selection of premium vodkas. The jail is a good idea too, and it could be built under the opera. Music is very soothing.
I’ve been in that space and the acoustics are terrible!
Why are people obsessed with traitor joes? It’s generic processed food?
They should build a mosque or Korean church on that property. If there’s any room left, throw in a nail salon & some halal food carts.
Or a school or affordable housing or a school with affordable housing or an affordable school with housing or an affordable Korean nail salon with housing or an affordable nail salon with a Korean mosque. Blah, blah, blah. The same boring letters.
Put a jail. Lotta criminals on South side of sunnyside and woodside projects. It would help their relatives immensely . They could be in walking distance to their loved ones, They wouldn’t have to travel to rikers. For outsiders, You have buses, trains too, lirr could develope a stop there. Get idea
I agree with Hungryhealthysunnysider. We need a Trader Joe’s in our area. This location boasts ample parking–unlike the congested Woodhaven location–and is convenient to Sunnyside, Woodside, Astoria, Long Island City, and Jackson Heights.
Can we please get a trader joes here!! It would be incredible to not have the shlep all the way to the city or woodhaven to get to a trader joes! People please write to them on their website to make this happen! There are no good supermarkets in this area
With Stop & Shop, Food Bazaar, and Western Beef all within a mile from here, how can you say there aren’t any good supermarkets around? As far as trader Joe’s go, they’re not really a supermarket and I don’t think this location where Sports Authority is located is the kind of location they’ll find attractive. It’s a nice idea but none of the big box stores on Northern Blvd has really done well.
How about a Trader Joes?!
Put a new school or affordable housing here, there is a lot more room on the north side of the tracks.
Affordable houses? What the Woodside houses are not close enough for you or do you prefer Ravenswood?
JVB will be there dressed as a clown helping all the kids try on there clothes .
Amazon’s fault
Just bought a pair of sneakers from Amazon last week- $50. Same pair was twice that at Sports Authority. If Sports Authority has lost customers, it’s their fault.
haha, i know, right? bought a pair of nike air max at jimmyjazz online for one third the price of sports authority’s “sale” price. good riddens!
Look at these idiots like scoler and a Bundy cheering on the undermining of their community. These are some ignorant people who have been conditioned to think cheap is the way to go at any cost.
I shop at local stores that are independently owned and are in my neighborhood. Sport’s Authority doesn’t qualify under any of those conditions.
I shop at local, independently-owned shops in my neighborhood all the time. Sports Authority in no way qualifies.
-Scoler Yeah, Amazon employs so many of the people in your neighborhood. They don’t even pay taxes to help maintain the very system that allows their very own company to thrive. As a matter of fact they do everything in their power to circumvent that very system.
damn online shopping!!
passed near bloomingdales 59th st today – crate and barrel, williams and sonoma, pottery barn… all closed up.
Good, you can by their yuppie trash at 1994 Melrose Place Seinfeld, Seattle 90210. Yo, Be sure to tell your click by putting them on beeper blast, browesier!!
What the hell does all that gibberish mean? What’s your point? That you’re a frustrated,bitter loser?
El Loco: that’s your title on this website,wey. Don’t want to agitate the local troll by taking away his only form of celebrity. You and husband can shop for whatever kitch shite you want, it’s legal now.
more apartment buildings will be going there and jimmy van brammer is the first on line to approve of this —
-Irish Lassy- Irish Lassy is first on line to whine and cry as usual.
You do realize its zoned commercial right? Also, wouldn’t we want residential housing? Generally that’s considered a good thing.
And he should. It is right next to Northern Blvd M/R Station, an underutilized station served by trains which still have extra capacity. That and 36th St Station on the same line should be priority areas for rezoning and upzoning.
Instead, we’ll get another useless big box store with another wasteful parking lot at the Sports Authority site, and all of Sunnyside that isn’t designated historic will eventually be zoned 10 stories.
good. i prefer luxury condos, not rentals. you dont want to attract the wrong crowd.