Photo: QueensPost
Feb. 7, 2014 By Christian Murray
A new sneaker store that sells all the big name brands opened Wednesday.
The store, called Robert and located on Greenpoint Avenue (btw. 46th and 47th Streets), sells a variety of sneakers from manufacturers such as Nike, Jordan, Puma and Timberland.
The store is being run by Kum Lee, whose father Robert founded the company more than 20 years ago. There are two other Robert stores, one in Jackson Heights and the other in Corona.
Lee said his family decided to open a store in Sunnyside since many of the family’s customers were coming from Sunnyside. “We wanted a store that was close to them,” Lee said.
Lee said he is in the early stages of figuring out what type of shoes Sunnysiders wants. “Do people want shoes for basketball or running?” he asked. “We are trying to figure that out.”
The store sells sneakers for adults and children. It plans to introduce a dress shoe section next week just for adults.
I hate this store. Really I hate this store, please don’t buy any thing. No return even exchange also that are doing so mean to us
Oh yea roberts over prizes alot more of new jordan sneaker releases! About almost $80 more! You see all they want is the money!!
first of all let me start by saying dont shop at a place where its policy says “no refunds” because when you’re trying to buy someone a gift and the person doesnt like them or anything else in the store you’re basically screwed for your money. So dont trust places that say “no refund” ever!
Second of all when they do have the sneaker you want its the last size and the last pair! Yes that includes the shoe on display! Do you know how many people have tried on that shoe?! GROSS! FUNGUS ALERT! Also when they do have sizes besides the last pair the pair they bring you out is either creased or dirty! So whats the point of new shoes?!!
Also the owners themselves are not very nice they dont want to make their customers happy all they want is to sell shoes! They have a nasty attitude and dont help at all & on top of that they make their employees follow you around breathing down your neck to make sure you buy something!
I recommend the sneaker store on greenpoint between 46 st & 45st they are so nice and always willing to help! Also most of all YOU ARE GUARANTEED NEW SNEAKERS!
Avoid any Roberts sneaker stores no matter the location they are alll idiots.
Is there a phone number?
Heels R Us
Trainers (for the Brits)
These Feet Don’t Lie
Do you people EVER stop complaining???
It’s as if this neighborhood is filled with piss and vinegar….this sucks-that sucks…hipsters – blah blah blah….lighten up Sunnyside!!!!
How about “Robert’s Footware” since they plan to introduce other types of shoes. Good luck to them.
I just wish they would’ve chosen a different name.. even “Robert’s Sneakers” would’ve been a better fit
@Sneaker head
Greenpoint Ave is nowhere near the huge shopping destination that Steinway is.
I can’t speak to Tangra or La Kueva, but the other propery that faces onto QB is owned by Lillian Gavin, owner of Dazies. She seems content to leave the spaces adjacent to her restaurant vacant, and only does marginally better filling the storefronts around the corner that are also part of her building.
It’s certainly her right as the property owner to go without tenants but I wish she’s at least take better care of the vacant properties. The spaces are in sorry shape and don’t communicate a lot of confidence in the neighborhood.
As a sneaker head and kick connoisseur. Let the competition kill each other. The store between 45 and 46 overcharges on new releases by $40. So hopefully Roberts doesn’t pull those type of shitty moves. If you look at Steinway. Between Broadway and 31ave there are 5 sneaker stores that are naking a killing
Wow. This is still breaking news three days later.
ask our counsel person Jimmy who is letting all of these high-rise buildings go up he should know
If this sneaker store sold some sturdy winter footwear like hiking or snow boots, he’d be making a mint right now. People need that a lot more than glow in the dark, florescent sneakers.
if you did not notice the north side of queens blvd is where are all the lower income residents live
Maybe Xios 2 will open there
Does anyone know what’s happening on the North side of Queens Boulevard, between 39th Place and 40th Street? It seems that the only two businesses that are still open are Dazies and Tangra. The pharmacy and the medical office are closed, and the restaurant La Kueva seems closed, too. And then there’s the property to the left of Dazies that’s been boarded up for many years. What’s the deal with that space?
I was hoping we could get something more like a Payless in that space. Not just sneakers, but more adult shoes.
I hope it does well we used to have shoe stores but no more
what kind of uneducated idiot would even think a book store would do good anywhere in nyc. if people have such a strong opinion on what kind of businesses need to open up in sunnyside should take their own money (if they have any after they pay their share of their sublet apartment) and open something they feel would “work”
Liquor licenses are not transferable, which is why the new owner had to apply for one. Meanwhile, they’ve lost at least a week of beer and wine sales. Presumably, they must be certain that they’ll receive one, or they wouldn’t have taken over the store.
It seems to be a practice in the last few years for hard working, successful Korean immigrants to purchase a business for their American born off spring. They do this to appease their children who seem to be blessed with mastering the latest phone gadgets but totally lacking in the skill of business and work ethic. It’s more chic for them to be selling sneakers than groceries. Unfortunately, and I sincerely hope I am wrong, I give this place 18 months tops.
@Roxy That’s what they told me when I tried to buy some beer there on Super Bowl Sunday. The new management didn’t have a license for alcohol yet. Not sure about the circumstances but it’s odd since the store is only a couple of months old. Reminds me of Lenny’s Pizza. It opened with a lot of fanfare, did great business then was sold shortly thereafter.
I’d be interested in finding out the story behind this.
Rumors are flying about a management change at the C-Town supermarket that opened last October in the former Foodtown space on Greenpoint Avenue. The group that bought the operating lease and paid for the renovation work ran up about $1.5 million in debts and sold to a new group which will continue with the C-Town franchise. The new owners had to apply for a new liquor license, so no beer or wine is being sold.
is the owner named robert? just guessing
I don’t think a normal person would walk thru a sea of rainbow colored kicks to buy dress shoes. We have like the most insane business owners in the this freakin town.
Maybe the place across the street will carry dress shoes now also. Wouldn’t be suprised.
You can almost set a clock by Sunnyside’s cycle of predictable business failures.
Ok, had a look in the store this morning. All I saw was sneakers, no shoes as far as I could tell. And they were sneakers of the really fancy, colorful variety.
Very good point Ignorance is Bliss Street! People around this neighborhood should visit the public library more often, a lot of interesting things happening there, lots of books to download or simply read.
With the library system, the Strand, and amazon, who needs a bookstore? I went to the B&N (Union Sq) the week befire Christmas- I saw lots of calendars and stuff, then went over to the Strand and found a serious and true place that loves books.
Bookstore? They are going out of business left and right. People buy books on line nowadays. We also have en excellent library here. Besides, a good chunk of the population of Queens doesn’t even read English. There’s no way and brick and mortar shop can inventory enough books in the dozens of languages spoken here. You need a bookstore? Open your own, show us how it’s done.
If they sell regular shoes and boots and sandals they will probably do ok. But just sneakers alone??? Why just sell sneakers??? We need a regular shoe shop in Sunnyside not just a sneaker store. There are a lot of people on greenpoint avenue who need regular shoes. Good luck to the store and hope they can hang in there.
Seriously?! Does Sunnyside really need a shoe store like this? We really need a bookstore around here.
Enormous, mid 80s style awning
A name that is meaningful to the owner but that has no customer appeal value check
A location that makes no sense across the street from a similar store
It is missing some very shiny LED neon lights but otherwise it checks all the boxes for an unappealing store that belongs in Sunnyside.
Lucky us!
I wonder how much that yogurt shop is paying in rent? I peeked in today and it looks as if they still have a way to go. Month after month goes by.
Re: above comments
I thought the same thing. It wouldn’t be the first time a new business opened up around here without doing a bit of market research first. The other place is better located as well. Doesn’t matter to me anyway, I get my sneakers at Modell’s.
Is Sports World, on Greenpoint between 45th and 46th on the other side of the road still open? Are they run by different people? The front of the stores seems similar.
Isn’t there a store that sells the same exact brands and items across the street on Greenpoint? Seems like they’ll be fighting it out for business…..
I hate this store, I don’t like it