Hugo’s Tae Kwon Do at 50-14 Skillman Ave. (Google)
Oct. 9, 2019 By Christian Murray
An instructor at a Woodside martial arts studio has been charged for allegedly raping a 12-year-old student.
Hector Quinchi, 36, of Woodside, allegedly fondled and raped the preteen student who took lessons from him at Hugo’s Tae Kwon Do Studio at 50-14 Skillman Ave.
Quinchi allegedly had sexual intercourse with the girl on multiple occasions between Aug. 15 through Saturday, Oct. 5, according to the Queens District Attorney’s office. The incidents took place at the school.
“The parents of this youngster trusted the defendant to teach the girl how to defend herself,” said Acting District Attorney John M. Ryan. “Sadly, the preteen needed protection from the karate instructor.”
Quinchi has been charged with first-degree rape and endangering the welfare of a child. If convicted, he faces up to 25 years in prison.
Quinchi is still awaiting arraignment in Queens Criminal Court
Does anyone know what happened to Quinchi as of now?
I take it the self defense lessons didn’t help her at all.
> I guess a luxury apartment and a $300 haircut is also fake news
So you’re mad AOC spent money on a haircut, but you voted for the billionaire tv host that lives in a golden tower with his name on it? Doesn’t seem consistent lmao
Do you know what it’s about? Lol
Ribbon-cutting ceremony for his $50m library that was five years behind and millions over budget.
Does this pervert live in woodside ?
@Arvin & Jack, What the Heck does AOC’s Haircut & Apartments have to do with the Subject matter??
A Young Girl being Repeatedly Raped by her Self Defense Instructor!??
Why so, Ignorant & Jealous?
The horror of thinking I might have been walking right by as this was happening, totally oblivious. He deserves a pummeling of merciless blows rained upon him for all eternity.
Arvin, are you for real? There are hundreds of beauty salons nail salons and spas in Jackson Heights and surrounding areas and they are opening up new ones everyday..they’re never empty either.
Castration would be a fair punishment for someone like him, so whenever he looks down, he will remember what he did. The kid will have to live her whole life with it, so should he.
Do you know they have signs up saying “CLOSED FOR HOLIDAY” what holiday is it ? I’d like to know.
Holiday is a British term for vacation.
But in any event, that isn’t fooling anyone.
My thoughts and prayers go to the girl and the family affected by this.
I often wondered about this after school program (they offer to pick up the kids from school and do he duty). You have to wonder.
The only person to blame for this is Hector Quinchi, not the child, not the parents of the child, not the owner of the dojo, not society at large; according to NY1, per the criminal complaint, Quinchi confessed to it.
Sadly, sexual abuse of children is nothing new, whether it’s at school, church, sporting activities, a myriad of places, and parents can’t be with their children 24/7. Of course, parents have to be diligent and responsible, and some parents are reckless and leave their child wherever and with whoever, but no matter how careful you are there are pedophiles out there in trusted positions who know how to manipulate children. I talk to my child about sexual abuse, and we read the literature together from school about child lures and pedophilia; we know that children have short-term memory issues, so as a parent you need to talk to your child periodically about sexual abuse.
Taekwondo focuses on teaching not only martial arts but also on respect and discipline. Students are taught to respect and follow their instructor, so it’s easy for an instructor to manipulate a child.
My child goes to this dojo, and it’s an open space, one big room with large windows facing the street, with a small bathroom in back, and usually there is a woman sitting at reception, so it appears safe. I know that parents drop their kids off for the one hour classes, and this dojo has been in the neighborhood for some years.
Quinchi was well-liked and came across as affable, but your typical pedophile does not look like the boogeyman. He will have his day in court, and the criminal justice system will deal with him. I understand the anger of the community when something like this happens; I was shocked and outraged when I heard about it this morning, and I don’t know how restrained I would be if something like this happened to my child.
And I do not appreciate the sign on the dojo from last night: “Closed for the holiday.” Owner: Stop trying to hide what happened here, and don’t pretend you closed the dojo yesterday because of Yom Kippur; this is an insult. Also, I suggest going forward that you have a responsible person, preferably a female, sitting at reception at all times while classes are in session.
Going forward??? This place should be shut down.
If we shut down all the places that sexual abuse has occurred, there would be a lot of empty buildings and institutions in this city, country, and world. Educate your children on the dangers out there and be a responsible parent, but unless you are prepared to home school your child and hover over him or her every second of the day, you are not going to insulate your child 100% from the pedophiles who are in all kinds of positions of trust and authority and who interact with your child all the time.
If this dojo is shut down, and you take your child to another one, the same thing can happen there. Yes, hold the dojo owner responsible for the safety of your child by checking what safeguards are in place in regard to interactions between the instructors and the child; pay attention to your child’s behavior; and talk to your child about sex and sexual abuse, but don’t fool yourself that this could not happen to your child.
Stop blaming parents, and stop politicizing this tragedy. People always want to blame somebody other than the actual perpetrator, and usually it’s the victim, but in this case it’s blame the parents or the dojo, because it’s a convenient way to avoid the reality that rapes like this happen all the time and in all kinds of places.
Lock this pedophile up for the maximum amount of time allowed by law, and if people don’t think that’s long enough, then put pressure on our legislators to change the law to increase the penalty.
Many thoughts: 1- I agree with AOC, we need to close jails, particularly the horrible ones, we see that for most people they serve no purpose, most people get out of them worse that they were when they entered and on top of that jails cost fortunes, most criminals would be fine at home with an ankle bracelet, more electronic surveillance and a proper educational process to go through.
2- Of course AOC and I are certainly in agreement that when the crime is horrible, e.g. kid rape, jail is the only solution. If you get the small criminals out there will be plenty of space for the nastiest ones, even if you close Rikers, which seems to be a monstrous place.
3- As for this particular story, there is enough detail to think that this guy did indeed have intercourse with the girl, but of course the judicial system will have the final say. There is probably not much hope for the guy so I just hope the girl can be helped enough to recover from this ordeal. And I agree that two months to find out, as long as it may seem, is not that bad compared to the horror stories we hear about all the time. I am not blaming the parents or anyone else, I am sure they are doing their best, unless anything else surfaces the focus is on this guy.
Small crimes lead to big crimes; if you ever had you wallet stolen, you would not consider it a “small crime”. Criminals who are caught for “small crimes” usually have long history of crimes. Stop the bleeding heart nonsense. You and AOC seem to want to coddle criminals. Shoplifting is also not a “small crime”.
You’re right about small crimes leading to bigger crimes. Trump was convicted of hiring illegal alien, Polish laborers then convicted of violating the civil rights of people by illegally denying people housing then Trump was convicted of stock manipulation from a casino stock deal then he was convicted of fraud with his Trump university scam. Now he will be convicted of multiple obstruction charges, abuse of power and treason. Right you are from smaller to bigger.
Why on earth are you bringing the idiotic barmaid into this?
guess that’s gonna be a empty store front soon enough.. all i can say is be
certain about who you leave your children with and never to leave them alone with someone you don’t totally know & completely trust. this guy deserves what he gets. a real stain on the sunnyside community. give him a lifetime stay at rikers.
I completely agree. However the snowflakes insists that Rikers should be closed so looks like this guys will be back in teaching business
Maybe we should focus on the criminal. If you scroll up there’s an article describing his possible sentence.
Post- The only time this guy would spend at rikers would be during his trial. His sentence would be served out in a state prison. Do you always shoot your uninformed mouth off on topics you know so little about?
We don’t know if he is a rapist or not. His day in court has yet to be determined. He will have his due process in the coming months. Let’s not rush to judgement. He is innocent until proven guilty.
He turned himself in. There for he did it.
He DID NOT turn himself in. Authorities were alerted based on suspicious activities.
He conceded guilt upon arrest. Good enough for you?
Dude, two newsagents reported this. That something.
I was locked up and believe me when I tell you people like him get the worst of it in jail. Every where he will go he will get it. He will get beat up, jumped, cut all that so he better be a master of taekwandoo.
12 years old?! That’s how old the girls Roy Moore was preying on (before he won Trump’s endorsement).
I love how you manage to bring TRUMP into it; and note: the story about Moore disappeared after the election; how convenient for you libs who use the press to do your dirty work.
They should check his twitter account tweets and cell phone texts
Weiner was last decade right? Fresh reference…
Hoping that this is a big miss understanding or that something is going on here other than what is said in article. Hard to grasp it happened in the gym. Geez I hope it’s not true, the girl her family will suffer. Only the lawyers will benefit going after the owner who they will blame for not knowing about this sick puppy or knowing what was going on.
How can he admitting to it be a misunderstanding???
Hey Deblazio brain…Not in this article it was said that he admitted. So keeprolling your eyes, maybe you’ll find a brain back there.
But ny1 reported it first and they said he did.
It’s TAEKWONDO idiot. Not Karate. 2 completely different forms of martial arts.
And this story is disgusting. Let him get a taste of that crap in prison.
Sadly this rapist will be out in years. I truly believe the punishment for this crime should be life without the chance of parole. Wonder how many other kids he got to. SMFH!
Confused? The parents – where were they? They not stay for the class? How he have time to do this? He is a pig. But parents should be there. I feel bad for the girl. Soo young.
Not when they offer babysitting and after school services!
I hope they do to him, triple, on what he did to that girl. You CANT trust your children with anyone these days. My prayers are with this little girl, and her family, and my prayers for this evil man, is to get what he deserves.
We don’t know if he is a rapist or not. His day in court has yet to be determined. He will have his due process in the coming months. Let’s not rush to judgement. He is innocent until proven guilty.
Forcing anyone into sex is rape. Whether this 12 year old was down with this or not, her age makes it rape.
“…had sexual intercourse with the girl on MULTIPLE occasions between Aug 15 – Oct 5”
WTF. A reminder to parents: always keep up with your kids!!! A simple “How was school today” or “what did you learn today in class?”
I can’t comprehend how this young girl kept this travesty incident a secret to herself for that long. COMMUNICATION in a family is KEY people!
You sadly don’t understand the shame rape victims feel afterwords. Especially when they are young and this could be their first sexual experience, they may not be comfortable telling anyone what happened for a long time. The fact that they caught it so soon instead of it lingering for years is a miracle and should be celebrated.
Maybe this was caused by a horrible criminal instead of parents that don’t ask Billy how his day was
It’s not about asking bully how his day was. It’s about noticing your kid is ‘off’. There’s no way her behavior and mannerisms didn’t shift when this was going on.
So disgusted by all this. Years ago he was my instructor and I got weird creep vibes from him. Always trust your gut girls
Lock him up and throw away the room.
And with her infinite wisdom and experience AOC says we don’t need jails
Way to hijack a serious news story with your own bias against a political official. Congresswoman Cortez has never suggested that we don’t need prisons. Of course we do, Ut private prisons? Not so much. The prison industrial complex? Nope. Should people imprisoned for minor drug offences still be in jail, probably not.
But this guy, who remains innocent until proven guilty in a court of laws and by his peers, should indeed be placed in prison for as long as the law allows and then register as a sex offender should he ever be allowed out.
it’s not a hijack, it’s a completely relevant point to the story. here we have a simple contrast – a criminal we all agree should be sent to jail, contrasted with our congressperson who is advocating for closure of all jails. how do you reconcile these two things?
Jack- Rape is not one of the crimes AOC and Caban are talking about “decriminalizing” and reducing jail populations. Read up in the topic.
But he has a point.
Very soon she will lose the ‘congresswoman’ label and “What’ll you have?” will be the only thing anyone will hear this idiot say.
Not if we don’t go to that bar.
@Arvin, sometimes with people like this, I wish, we could take situations under our own hands.
I believe she said we don’t need MORE jails. Big difference. Way to use a very specific & horrific alleged abuse of a child to selfishly further your own agenda.
She both wants to: 1. Stop the building of new jails and 2. Close Riker’s jail.
The purpose of 1 is to facilitate 2. Therefore, she is absolutely advocating against jails. My assumption is that she can put two and two together and you should make a similar effort.
> AOC says we don’t need jails
Wait, that changed to…
> she is advocating against jails
So…she never said that? You said because she wants to close one jail she “says we don’t need jails?!” Really nuanced understanding there…
Jack- Again you have me defending somebody I don’t agree with but your lack of knowledge is too shocking to be allowed to go ignored. AOC wants to decriminalize weed, prostitution, eliminate or extremely reduce the cash bail system. She feels these implementations will reduce the number of jail cells needed. That’s all nothing about letting rapists go free. Are you really this gullible? This is your take on a meaningful political discussion?
That’s extremely naive. There is decades of data on what happens when jails are overcrowded. The justice/prison system does not work the way you expect and a lack of facilities will end up with people you want in jail out on the streets.
For example, California has this problem and county jails are overcrowded. Instead of paying to house more criminals, they just release the “low offenders” like AOC and you define. What has resulted over the past five years of this policy is that an enormous amount of “petty” crime is occurring throughout. People know they can break and enter, steal, sell drugs, pimp, etc, and be out of jail 20 minutes after taking their fingerprints. Guess what – they go right out and do the same thing that same day.
Further, jail overcrowding is used by defense and appeal lawyers to justify all kinds of release, home detention, etc.
In short, the idea of closing jails may have some sort of emotional appeal but in actual real life it’s short-sighted and foolish and the unintended consequence are much worse than imagined.
There is no need to close Riker’s Island. The problems described there have to do with corruption of employees, prison guards, administration, the city, and the police department. My solution is to fire all of those people and completely reorganize how it is managed. The building itself does not need to be rebuilt. If the buildings are substandard, than we can build a new jail at the same location up to today’s standards.
These are simple solutions that address a real problem. What AOC is advocating for sounds like it means well but it’s really about keeping people out of jail who belong in jail. If someone has committed a crime and we don’t think it should be a crime, as a society we can CHANGE THE LAW and make it not a crime. Closing jails does not accomplish that, it just makes a mess of the system needed to house actual criminals, of which there are a great number.
The belief that bad people who hurt others and society will go away if we close the jail and free petty pot dealers is a fantasy. We know the people who advocate it probably mean well in their hearts but that’s not an effective way to run a prison system.
@Arvin- I don’t agree with AOC but I know she never said we don’t need jails. Grow up, don’t be so gullible.
@Arvin – How Immature are you?? Have some Compassion for the Young Girl, the Victim, of this Horrific Crime!
And STOP, Spreading “Fake News” about AOC!!
AOC is fake news and a commie
@Rodrigo..I guess a luxury apartment and a $300 haircut is also fake news
Arvin-It’s a $260 “haircut”. That involves wash, cut and color and tip for shampoo girl and cutter. That’s the going rate. You obviously don’t have a woman in your life. Stop allowing Fox News to manipulate you instead of informing you. Then again your ignorance is on you, Fox News has publicly admitted and in numerous occasions admitted to judges during lawsuits, that they are owned by News Corp, an Entertainment Corporation, therefore they are entertainment and therefore not obligated to inform their viewers with accurate accounting of the news.
Well she got the haircut/ whatever in Washington DC and, lemme tell you, I know why their homeless balk at our homeless. They ask insane prices for the most inexpensive things. 12 dollars for a 4 dollar sandwich from NY from the same company!
where is JVB on this whole sad situation – not a peep from him at all.
Arvin-Fox News is disingenuous and manipulating you, once again. $260 is in average range for a wash cut and coloring job.?That includesvtips for shampoo girl, stylist and coloring specialist. It’s expensive to be a woman. You’re obviously a single male.
While I really don’t care how much she spends on a haircut, the idea that “being a woman” requires a $260 hairstyling is ridiculous.
I’m far more interested in the apartment she owns in Bronx that she lied about living in to get residency in her congressional district, and the kickbacks on her office in Jackson Heights, and how she makes$170k a year salary and outright owns an apartment in the Bronx with no mortgage yet has trouble paying off $20k in student loans.
How many of her constituents in the “hood” that she represents can afford to drop $260 on beauty services?..Looks like her new found wealth has brought new luxuries
@Arvin- You wonder how many can constituents in AOC can afford $260..Just in Sunnyside and Woodside there 50 to 60 and more continue to open. They are all busy and many turn away walk ins in Friday and Saturday. You’re really out of touch in this issue.
Jack- I own my home, mortgage free and it’s worth way more then a one bedroom apartment in the Bronx. Are you jealous that AOC and the Dems are better at the game of capitalism than you?
@Arvin- You wonder how many can constituents in AOC can afford $260 “beauty services”..Just in Sunnyside and Woodside there 50 to 60 spas and salons and more continue to open. They are all busy and many turn away walk ins in Friday and Saturday. You’re really out of touch in this issue.
$260?????? Some of us pay half of that in Manhattan and get better service #herhairisawful. she should demand a refund.
Hashtag- You’re not getting any color in you hair for less than $150 especially in Manhattan. Go ask a woman.
Trump said he’s the one with infinite wisdom.