Photo: QueensPost
June 14, 2014 By Christian Murray
A new art gallery/custom-made furniture store will be opening at 48-14 Skillman Avenue tomorrow with a grand opening event.
The store, called Apolloina Art Emporium, will be selling an eclectic mix of paintings, prints, photos, record collections, antique cameras and distressed furnishings.
The gallery will be hosting a grand opening party Sunday, June 15 (4:30pm-8pm), where residents will be able to meet the owner and artists and be offered food from Murphy’s Lobster Grill. The event will also act as the unofficial after party for the The Queen of Angels Art Fair, which takes place Sunday afternoon.
Garry O’Callaghan, the owner of the store, said local artists are welcome to display and sell their work at the gallery. He said he would take a commission on every piece that sells at his store.
Meanwhile, O’Callaghan, a carpenter, will be displaying his own furniture inside the store. Much of his furniture comes with a distressed-wood look.
The name of the gallery is in honor of O’Callaghan’s dog, named Apollo, who passed away a few years ago.
The gallery’s operating hours will be Tuesday-Friday (3pm to 6pm) and Saturdays and Sundays 9 am-8pm.
For more information, contact Ann Margaret O’Connor at amo@zoescopestudio.com
Thanks Appalonia for giving us fellow artists the opportunity to show our work. This certainly will add some class to the neighborhood .
Thank you, for making Sunnyside a notch cooler.
Bummer about the start time mix up. I hope the people who arrived at 4:30 came back later. It was worth it. The shop is lovely.
Got it, thanks. There was a misunderstanding with the starting time of the opening. It didn’t open until 5:30 (the write-up said 4:30) so anyone arriving before then did not get to enjoy the refreshments.
@Dorothy Moorehead
I was responding to commenter “DoMo” who stated “No after party with free food! What a fraud.” two comments before mine. He or she is obviously playing games with the screen name.
I was there. How was I misinformed?
You were misinformed. There was wine, sangria, cheese, crackers and other snacks aplenty at the opening. There were also musicians and an artist doing people’s portraits. The art work was fantastic and the furniture for sale is lovely and reasonably priced. I wish the owners well. The store is good for the neighborhood.
This is a great addition to the neighborhood. The furniture and art are excellent–Garry has an eye for quality pieces. The space is bright and welcoming and will be available for small group readings. I expect that many talented Sunnyside artists will show their work there.
No after party with free food! What a fraud.
A shop named after a dog – perfect for Sunnyside. The man knows his clientele.
Smart move having the opening at the tail end of a popular art show. The owner seems to be on the ball as far as marketing and publicity are concerned.
Pat I’m there with my dog in spirit! 🙂 hope this is the start of something good on skillman.
Can’t wait for the $5 lunch. I’m bringing the chhhhhhhhhange guy!
What no comments about Dogs and their owners! I will be there it ‘s nice to see the neighborhood becoming more upscale out with the RIFF RAFF I say.
Local artists working like fiends to get work ready to show today. go for a stroll through the old parish hall, ground floor at 44th street and skillman ave, right on the corner.
free “oh yes” pin at as you go in gets you 20% off for six weeks at copper kettle on tuesdays, and free raffle chance for Sugar Room Father’s Day Cake.
Some VERY GOOD AND ORIGINAL art this year and new faces.
Walkabout lunch for $5 with food from Bliss 46 Bistro (buttered steak), Manny’s veggie couscous, Dazies sausage pasta, DeMole cerviche, Sugar Room mini cupcakes, Bar 43 shepherd’s pie, and lobster Mac and cheese from Murphy’s Lobster Grill…serving starting at noon-thirty or before.
ann margaret o’connor is coming to tell us about apollonia at 3:30, we hope!
raffles: lunch with jimmy (van bramer!), bar mirrors, chambagne and wine from lowery’s, eau de parfum from family pharmacy, lunch at venturo, $40 gift certificate from turkyem market (have you tried their fresh little chickens?), and more!!
Thank you for reading this ad. I would love to meet some of you funny readers. pat
Art gallery’s are really good and do make the neighborhood better, but sunnyside is not there yet I doubt anyone would want to go and spend money, they might say how nice it is and they will come visit but will they support this business with their dollars we will have to wait and see
I thinks it’s great that empty space is being used and not running the area down, what did you want roger a betting shop! Good luck in this venture peoples choice to come in!
Just hope the food is free and they offer large portions. I’m never going in that art gallery anyway. I’m da Hipsta Thugg.
I feel the same way, but what can we do? We can’t just sit there and let them do whatever they want without hearing from residents.
Art is useless and who needs furniture! Amirite Roger?
Wow. Great! Wouldn’t it be great if Skillman was home to many art galleries? Yowsa!
The article didn’t mention if the food from Murphy’s will be free. Just asking I need to set my meal schedule for tomorrow. Hey, I’m the Hipsta Thugg!
Great, more hipsters.
Great news! All good fortune in this venture!