67-01 Roosevelt Ave, (Google)
March 26, 2018 By Christian Murray
Plans were filed with the Dept. of Buildings last week for the construction of a six-story, 10-unit building on Roosevelt Avenue by 67th Street.
The building, which would go up at 67-01 Roosevelt Ave., would consist of ground floor retail and second floor medical offices. The application calls for 10 apartments, which would be on floors three through six with recreational space on the roof.
The owner of the site is listed as Gennaro Vendome of Astoria-based United Realty Eight. He purchased the empty lot, which once had a house on it, for $380,000 in November 2015.
Vendome could not be reached for comment.
There’s already a spa brothel in the basement of the place. Asian women hang out outside the building propositioning passing men.
That church will take the block over. They got voted down on building up, so now they will just buy the whole block going from Roosevelt and 69 to Roosevelt and 67st
The church instead of going up, it is going west hahahahahaha so much funny
Fix those signal problem on the 7 train, have a reliable source of public transportation & then build
Put a slide. You could slide right off the building, right on to the platform of the 7 train .
i bet sooner then later a homeless shelter
That sounds reasonable. Let’s hope he doesn’t advertise “Luxury Condos” because nothing that is within arms reachon the 7 train could be luxurious.
It could be luxury…. if the condos have a balcony they could just hop right over and onto the 7 train platform. Why worry about climbing all those steps to the 7 train.