Photo: QueensPost
Nov. 28, 2011 By Christian Murray
Shalom Book Store, the Catholic store located on Skillman Avenue, is opening another shop—just one block from its existing operation.
Shalom, based at 49-08 Skillman Ave., will be opening its new store at the former Sea Kiss Boutique location at 48-13 Skillman Ave.
The new store will focus on selling statues and figurines of Mary, Jesus and various biblical figures. The owners of Shalom are still in the process of moving these items to the new store. The new store is expected to open soon.
The existing store will focus on the sale of videos and books.
Shalom, which is a Hebrew word for peace, also sells many of its Catholic products online. That site is http://www.shalombooksny.com
Congradulation to Shalom for dong our little town proud. Imagine opeing a second store down the block and acrross the street ffrom your other store. I am thrllled that some of our skillman stores are dong business.
As a former Catholic I say bring on the guilt!
I’m delighted to see a local business doing so well it is expanding. Skillman and the entire neighborhood benefit. Congratulations.