U.S. Senator Charles Schumer joined Community Board 2 for its monthly meeting on a Zoom call Thursday evening (Screen Shot: Queens Post)
Jan. 7, 2021 By Christian Murray
Just hours after he called for President Donald Trump’s ousting, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer appeared before members of community board 2 via Zoom.
The 75 people on the Zoom call Thursday night were surprised, given that it was less than a day since the Capitol building was in turmoil.
Schumer, who is the midst of organizing Trump’s impeachment, spent 20 minutes on the call—where he spent the first five minutes thanking board members for the service. Members’ jaws dropped as he was praising them–given the nation’s crisis.
“Thanks to all you community board members,” Schumer said nonchalantly. “You guys and gals do a great job—I know what it’s like. When things go bad you hear about; when things are great you hear nothing.”
He then went on to talk about how he likes western Queens and how he rides his bicycle through the area when he comes in from Brooklyn. “I ride a bike all over and no one sees me. I’m not a spandex guy going over 40 miles per hour.”
Schumer, despite the chaos in Washington, apologized to the board for only being on the call for 20 minutes. “I’m sorry. I usually spend 45 minutes on a Community Board call. When we set this call up, we did not know what the events of yesterday would be.”
The board members—most of whom were surprised he had a moment to spare—expressed great thanks that he was in attendance. Many posted laudatory messages in the Zoom chat room.
Schumer then suddenly adopted a more serious tone.
“What happened yesterday was despicable. It was an insurrection,” he said. “This was not a protest. These people were thugs, goons, they were violent. I never would have imagined something like this would happen,” Schumer said.
“I was only about 30 feet from some of these thugs,” he said, speaking of the moment when he was ushered out of the Senate chamber.
“Let’s make no mistake about it. These people are domestic terrorists—and they bear full responsibility and I will make sure that they are fully prosecuted. I have called the Acting Attorney General. I have very little faith that this acting attorney general will do much – but I am going to make sure that our new Attorney General goes after them…and spares no leniency.”
But Schumer said the main person who bears responsibility for the riot is Trump.
“Donald Trump incited this riot,” he told board members. “It wouldn’t have happened without him. If there was no Donald Trump this would not have happened. He egged the people on, he created the lies, the lies about the election and actually encouraged the violence.
Schumer said that he asked both the Acting Attorney General and the head of the Department of Defense to get Trump to make a statement during the mayhem to tell the rioters to leave the capitol. “He wouldn’t do it,” Schumer said.
“When he finally did [make a statement] it hurt more than it helped.”
Schumer said that has called on Vice President Mike Pence to use the 25th Amendment to get Trump removed.
“He refused to do it. So, I called on Speaker Pelosi and a few hours later she agreed to begin impeachment proceedings.”
Schumer said that Trump does not deserve one more day in office.
“This is how democracies stop being democracies,” Schumer said. “When there are actions like this and no one says anything or does anything and nobody pays a price–it gets worse and worse.”
Schumer said that if Trump is impeached, they could prohibit him from running for office again.
“This man should never be allowed to run for office again—given what he did,” Schumer said.
He then discussed how many members were left in fear even after the riot.
“One of my colleagues was told that she shouldn’t go on an airplane and go home—she is not from New York—because there might be violence against her because Trump supporters might be on the plane.
“This is what we have come to in America and Donald Trump has done it unfortunately.”
Here comes another four years of division and animosity. Politics has become so toxic that common ground is almost non existent. This dysfunction was not created just by trump but from all the politicians who engaged in identity politics, special interests, and self serving policies. The media is culpable as well as they fan the flames and editorialize instead of reporting factual and completely. I’ve tried many different local news programs and feel they lean closer to entertainment then press. The whole thing is a mess and it will get worse. Families and friends divided over politics, accusations thrown at others that don’t agree (he’s a commie, she’s a nazi, they’re racist), and overall just a retrograde in our quality of life. We’re all to blame.
Well said ! I think everyone needs to wake up because every
politician and the media are using us as pawns in their sick game and we are supposed to sit back and obey
Bench warmer – It’s Republicans and right wing media not all media.
Stop following the repetitive narrative
The more and more we hear it of course we will believe it , Democrats and Republicans aren’t there for us and don’t care for the People , both parties have sold the soul of this country for their benefit and egos
Most media outlets lean to the left.
@Wueens forever – Please list all the media outlets in America. The only ones I see on this site are NY Post, Fox News, Info Wars, Mother Jones, Newsmax, Matt Drudge, One America News, Epoch Times, Sinclair and Briet Bart.
Does anyone know when we’ll be getting the $600 ????
The hashtagger is deploying false flag tactics.
Writes the commentator who disseminates false information and disinformation on a level that would make J. Goebbels green with envy.
Priceless – Is the commenter who is a Fox Entertainment Republican Propagandist who recites is masters programs verbatim.
Whoa, did Schumer just say the thing he loves about our neighborhood is the safe bike access?
Local politicians, take note: Western Queens should be a car-free oasis for cyclists and pedestrians. More Protected Bike Lanes and Open Streets! And more connections to other neighborhoods!
Western Queens will never ever be car free. Too many people use their cars to commute to the suburbs for work, including myself. Besides, who wants to get on the subway right now.Who wants to get on any form of public transportation with all the crime being committed.The bike lanes are totally under utilized.
Friend, I think that’s a real Iowa attitude.
Iowa has a subway? Vienna does.
Soooo…what we want to know is when are we getting those 2000 checks? ??
From watching NY1 I know he left his house around dawn on Wednesday, stayed up until 4am to ratify the electoral college votes, then flew home and worked through this CB2 meeting. He will now be the Speaker of the Senate. Nothing against AOC or the guy in the Bronx that unseated Engel. But I am glad that the voters will not have another chance to unseat an incredibly powerful national politician who can help the city and choose to replace them with a Freshman who has no power.
Schumer is the poster child for term limits.
Does that have anything to do with this particular Queens community board meeting? Or, just another copy/paste rant?
Trump is the poster child for what happens when the uninformed gullible racist has the right to vote.
Trump is a seditious traitor. And so are all of his enablers.
Thank you, Senator Schumer, for all you’re doing for us in NY and for our country. Proud of you.
He’s part of the problem. A manipulator, an opportunist, and lifelong politician that stays in power by dividing and deflecting. Who could be proud of him or any of our horrible political leaders (I use that word lightly) in NY.
Nope – You’re describing Donal J Trump
Sorry Comrade. He will be the Senate majority leader in two weeks, and has more leadership and political skills in his big toe than any other member in the Senate.
Proud of what exactly??? I can’t think of anything he did that makes me “proud” or benefited me
He’s the biggest opportunist in the game !
he could never get his priorities straight. a true democrat.
Actually, he knows exactly what his priorities are;
A totalitarian marxist state.
Oh please
He has said nothing while rioters looted stores in nyc
What a hypocrite
No? oh so a little different than Macy’s getting some shoes stolen huh?
In your world a robbery in Macy’s gives somebody the right to storm our Nations Capitol, murder a police officer and destroy government property.
The Capitol belongs to we the people. The people who work there are no more important than the sales person in Macy’s.The problem is, the people we elect to serve us think they are more important than all of us.
There is plenty of video of Chuck Schumer and other Democrats speaking out against looters and rioters. Just google it. Just because Fox Entertainment refuses to air the footage so they could manipulate the gullible, doesn’t mean your statement is true.
Because who cares about Macy’s.
Nun-The article and conversation are about an assault on the nation’s Capitol in which people were killed. It’s disrespectful to deflect attention and focus from this tragedy.
Hashtagger- Tell that to the family of the victims of Trumps Flu. Also tell that to the police officer murdered at the Capitol because of Trumps inflammatory rhetoric. All you do is try and defend the indefensible.
I agree, that’s why I wonder why it’s brought up. So who cares about Macy’s and why is that an equal comparison in some people’s eyes.