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Rite Aid Stores Merge on Greenpoint Ave.

Rite Aid is finally merging its two stores on Greenpoint Ave.

In June 2007, Rite Aid Corp. acquired Eckerd Corp., at a time when Eckerd had a store next door to Rite Aid.

While Rite Aid may have replaced the Eckerd name, the two stores have operated independently. However, that’s about to change. During the next few weeks, sources said, the interior wall that separates the two drug stores will be demolished and the aisles in the two stores widened. The two pharmacies will be combined into one.

Job losses are not expected to be significant, since the combined store will be come a 24hr operation. Currently both stores close in the evening.

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Concerned customer

While sitting in my car drinking coffee I observe to employees females putting garbage outside an hour later I observed the two females come back to the garbage and remove merchandise from the garbage description female one about five four ponytail second female about 5 to long hair light skin I believe you will call that stealing

Queens Drug Stores Form Like Voltron: Ever since Rite Aid acquired Eckerd…

[…] Ever since Rite Aid acquired Eckerd Corp. and rebranded its stores, the Queens ‘hood of Sunnys…. But soon that won’t be the case! The interior wall that separates the two stores will finally be demolished and they’ll be combined into one 24-hour drug-dealing Goliath, the Sunnyside Post writes. With one of the Astor Place Starbucks stores already shuttered, where will photographers now turn for their retail over-saturation humor? [Sunnyside Post] […]


Nice to hear they will be 24 hours. Hopefully the can improve – right now both stores are pretty weak.


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